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Mafia Game #2 Sign-ups


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Considering the first game was a success, I've decided to run a sequel game of Mafia.


If you want to see how the game works, you can have a read over the thread for the first game.


Remember: Mafia games require commitment, you will have to check up on the game thread every day. If you don't have the time, don't bother signing up, as you will ruin the game for everyone else.



Please post in this thread if you are interested. Anything from 25-40 players would be ideal.



People who have expressed interest already:



Brian Mcoy













Paj Meen Ah










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Erm, I dunno what happens in these games... but I'll try it out.


Sounds like some kinda murder mystery thing from what I just skimmed of the last thread.


Yeah. The mafia know who there team-mates are, and they have to kill everyone else. The "townies" do not know who anyone else is, and have to uncover who is mafia and lynch them.


You have to be careful who you trust if you are a goodie, and if you are mafia, you have to try your hardest to appear good.


Its awesome fun, trust me, I am a mafiaholic.

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No no not a replacement players option. That messes things up a treat.


How about their votes simply don't count? The vote that gets lumped on to the end as the majority vote seemed harsh before. I'd suggest that the player remains in the game but their vote isn't necessary to reach a majority, as in, if necessary the amount needed to reach a majority is reduced by one.


So the player remains in the game, and can come back if they havn't been evicted.


I can't think of a better way to explain it, do you understand the jist?


Edit: Also, we could say that if someone hasn't signed on in 3 days, they're inactive?

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No no not a replacement players option. That messes things up a treat.


How about their votes simply don't count? The vote that gets lumped on to the end as the majority vote seemed harsh before. I'd suggest that the player remains in the game but their vote isn't necessary to reach a majority, as in, if necessary the amount needed to reach a majority is reduced by one.


So the player remains in the game, and can come back if they havn't been evicted.


I can't think of a better way to explain it, do you understand the jist?


Yeah I get the jist. I will be more harsh this game me'thinks. Anyone who doesn't post in the game, or use their power at night will miracously die instead of the person that was meant to die.


I was so pissed off at G1mb01a last game, for not participating. He's probably what lost you the game, if he had been there to lynch Mundi/Strider on the day there was no lynch.



Replacement players actually works quite well, as long as you tell them everything the player before them knew. Its just alot of work for the GM sorting it all out.



Anyway, your idea can certainly be implimented.

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