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School was uninteresting, heh. Were supposed to have our evaluation today (since last week the teachers were too busy), but I think the teacher forgot. So I left four hours early. =P


I now have about 3 hours left to pack my suitcase, my backpack and clean my room. Though I'm not sure what I should do: take a nap first or pack my suitcase first... Hmmm.


I think eating some more bread with yummy chocolate spread may help me with this decision!

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Yay! I got invited to (old) work drinks tomorrow.


Means more pub! :D


Then I've got to go to Passing Clouds on Saturday. All this would be so much easier if I just lived in North London...


Being hungover at work sucks. No home comforts to make it all better.


I enjoyed our little convo yesterday. ;)

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I enjoyed our little convo yesterday. ;)
Lol, oh god! I don't know what possessed me to go on the computer when I got home, pretty much blind drunk. I don't think I said anything outrageous though, hopefully.


Just bought some mini eggs, I reckon they will make everything better.

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Just got back from court to see my brother being sentenced. As soon as he mentioned the fact he hadn't a job, it proper pr0'd him up to the magistrates. For his first drink driving offence he got a year ban and £320 fine.


This time for the second drink driving offence and driving without insurance, he got a 3 year ban, 140 hours of community service and £60 fine [which wasn't a fine, more so court fees]. So not bad considering. Then went around town and purchased a few pr0 items.


Christ the people at the court were so chavvy/rif-raffy it was unreal. They hadn't made any effort at all.

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Went to uni. Then bought a new getup for tonight.


My Battlestar also arrived. Haven't opened it yet.


Off to the pub in a bit. Will be looking fucking dapper (as usual, really).


Why have posts for the past 12 hours or so completely disappeared?

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I've noticed that it seems to be a chunk of the time/space continuum missing, too.


Home from school early, as I'm just off to the Oral Surgeon to have a consultation about my tongue-tie.


Thern chinese (yay!) then going to see a late night film and then back to mine to play jokes with my friends. Unfortunately, Chair finishes shitty work at 9, and there seems to be no decent films on after 9.15!

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Just added up all my marks and divided by how many modules I have, already got over 40% :D


Just have to concentrate on passing the modules now.


It's a good feeling to do that. I went into my final semester of exams already having a 2:2 and needing to average about 30 to get a 2:1. Not sure they would have given me a 2:1 if I'd actually got 30 in all my last exams though. :heh:

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Why have posts for the past 12 hours or so completely disappeared?


Massive amounts of downtime. Probably had a server crash. Main site seems to be down still last time I checked. But the forum + site had been down since before 9am this morning.

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Thern chinese (yay!) then going to see a late night film and then back to mine to play jokes with my friends. Unfortunately, Chair finishes shitty work at 9, and there seems to be no decent films on after 9.15!


Why don't you just come to the Domin, and see a film that ends at 9 (/10, so I can go home and get changed)?


"I just want a black shemale" - Of Montreal.

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Why don't you just come to the Domin, and see a film that ends at 9 (/10, so I can go home and get changed)?


"I just want a black shemale" - Of Montreal.


If he has enough money to flash his cash at your hugely priced cinema experience, then he has enough money to buy Invincible, so basically I can't allow it.




Unless you can get him in on the cheap....

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If he has enough money to flash his cash at your hugely priced cinema experience, then he has enough money to buy Invincible, so basically I can't allow it.




Unless you can get him in on the cheap....


Well yeah, I'm extremely good at getting free tickets.




"We can do it softcore, but you should know I do it both ways."

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Well yeah, I'm extremely good at getting free tickets.




"We can do it softcore, but you should know I do it both ways."


Because I hate your cinema, and I'd prefer you just come and see the film too.


LEt's be honest, if it's your company vs. a good film, I know which I prefer.


I'm checking out various VUE's now.

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Good day yesterday. Wednesday night I and some friends had an amazingly geeky night that involved a Star Wars marathon and left 4 dead. I then had to wake up at 9 with very little sleep for a driving lesson, that went surprisingly well.


Then a nap and headed off to London, ate Pizza Hut then headed over to ICA for a gig (Asobi Seksu) which was amazing except I was right by the speaker and I appear to be deafened in my left ear :mad:. Then hung out around Trafalgar square for a while, trained it home, spliffed around for a while then called it a night. Was good. I need to start spending less money though :(

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Ok, well I'm not letting anyone from the NHS Dental Institute I just visited near my tongue...


Ushered casually into a hard to navigate room b ya rude receptionist, greeted by this random guy (Arabian? Egyptian?), who I assumed must be Dr.Maldon. He could barely speak english and obviously didn't understand half of what was going on. He then proceeded to spend 10 minutes on Google looking up things from my condition (Comforting...) to ear infections (?!).


I already knew I wasn't letting this guy near my tongue, but anyway, the actual Dr. Maldon appeared, this guy was just some...guy who worked there. The actual doctor himself wasn't much more reassuring.


Basically going private. :p

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Today was a day of reassurance.

I've done some research and I shall be changing course next year. Now I need to go ahead and speak to some people, find out more information and such.

The course I'm going to sounds ace. Plus I get to start on the second year and not have to do another first year. Accommodation was also booked yesterday so all is running smoothly for now.

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I got accepted into an American work placement for the summer today! I also chose my preferred work placements (although not garantueed) and really hope I get in at Cedar Point (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cedar_point).


I actually applied there twice (both as top options). Working for them directly and working for a company that has a place in their theme park.


It's also in Ohio and two (hopefully three, but definately two) of my friends are around the East coast working for Camps over the summer (which is lame); so we're off travelling after

we're all done!

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Fuck that. Fuck everything. Fuck all.


Tonight was a load of toss. I'm drunk so at least something got accomplished.


Can't wait to get tomorrow out of the way. It'll be fun but only in a really shitty superficial way.


I need more meaning in my life.

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Fuck that. Fuck everything. Fuck all.


Tonight was a load of toss. I'm drunk so at least something got accomplished.


Can't wait to get tomorrow out of the way. It'll be fun but only in a really shitty superficial way.


I need more meaning in my life.


Why did it suck so much?




Got to be up at 6:30am tomorrow, and catch a train to Cambridge where I'm staying for the weekend. God, I love Cambridge. Staying with my mums friend, like my mum and I always do. Though, her 20 something year old sons going to be there and for some reason, I get really nervous around him. I literally have no idea why.


Still. Cambridge Yay.

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