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Gah, whilst I want to write up a post about how my weekend went for you all, I don't think I have the energy. I'll try, though..


No; I actually can't do it. I'm physically shattered and mentally tired too - been one hell of a...emotional rollercoaster* this weekend. Fuck it. More on it tomorrow, maybe. Bah.


*Yes I did think of JD whilst writing this.

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Ah fuck it. If I don't do it now I won't ever really feel like it. You were wrong on both counts there Mr. Seven.


I'll try and keep it short. Very short**. It was going well. Great. Got the tingly feeling and everything, and so did she. When she looked at me, touched my back, whatever. We talked for hours. Got drunk on a pub crawl with her housemates. Returned to her flat, talked for hours. Conversation turned serious and depressing, realising it wouldn't work, she said she couldn't be in a relationship and stressed that it wasn't my fault, it was hers (the second time I've heard that from a girl I've liked now - it's starting to piss me off, even if they are being genuine).


From that point on it was kinda depressing for a few minutes. Then we decided we both preferred it before it got all serious like. One thing lead to another* and we ended the night with amazing compliments and that same tingly feeling I had earlier.


Next day. Wake up, same sort of emotions continue. We go get food from Tesco. Everything changes instantly for no apparant reason. Cue 2 hours of near silence, with me trying to work out what was wrong. Turned out she really regretted the previous night, and, after watching a film and trying to sleep, she told me she had detached herself from me. When I asked how much she said I wouldn't want to know. Cue me being unable to sleep, wondering what the fuck went wrong, unable to get mental images of her amazing smile and compliments at me out of my head. Go to bathroom, try and deal with the shitty cryfit I had as quietly as possible. Go back to bed. Sleep.


Wake up today. Check train times, write her a letter as she visits doctor. Hide it under DVD case. She returns, I leave with simply a hug from her and be on my way. Cue the fucking RIDICULOUS journey thanks to fucking snow - from Norwich (1h10m wait on station) to Victoria Street, from Victoria Street to Waterloo on the Tube (the only easy part of the entire journey..), then cock around with payphones trying to get through to parents or home or anyone that I can get to. Nothing from anyone and a waste of £7-8. Rush to get Woking train I previously thought was cancelled, get it just in time, arrive on Woking station with NO IDEA on what to do. Wait at Woking station for an hour, train takes me to Farnborough. Get bus from Fboro to Aldershot, arrive home after an 8 hour journey with nobody to contact because of my phone breaking the moment I set foot on a train on Saturday morning.


So yeah, there you go. Take only what you neeed want from it - in my opinion it turned out to be a shit weekend in the end - which is a shame, as the Saturday was near magical. Not to mention expensive.


Decided I'd stop by at home for a few days as it's on the way, anyway. Will probably be here until Wendesday before returning to my flat in Bournemouth.


(felt like my first time all over again. Doesn't even compare to last time, it was so..passionate and...well, I felt comfortable this time. Did I really just tell the internet that? o_o)



**Just re-read that bit. Whoops.

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Dom - I haven't a clue what you're talking about, but I'm guessing youre being emooo. So for you, all I have is this; *waves it in the air* - and you shall never know what it was! Muahaha!


Shush you, you are about as emo as they get sometimes. :awesome:


Dyson, that's crap! The ''it's not you, it's me'' is balls also *huggles*

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I had sex today though. I told myself I wouldn't do it with her again because she's got a boyfriend... but my compass always points north.








Dyson, that's crap! The ''it's not you, it's me'' is balls also *huggles*


As true as that is I fear she might have been telling the truth this time around. Thanks, though! :)

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Dom - I haven't a clue what you're talking about, but I'm guessing youre being emooo. So for you, all I have is this; *waves it in the air* - and you shall never know what it was! Muahaha!



Yes i am, you better have something next time we meet up you know :P


@ dyson, imma gonna freak out

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nightwolf; "it's not you, it's me" CAN be a valid reason - you know it. If you don't know it, then I implore you to start knowing it. Also -- yes, I am the most emo guy that I know. These scars and star tattoos are not just for show! Just talked with nami about the best ways to go - we decided there's no point if there's snow. Yo.


dom; I'll have... a cider? Yes! Cider.


EEEVILEM! White shaft? You must have a bangin' theme tune.

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Say, fine chap, who's the mighty fine fellow with a knack for attracting the ladies?






thats genious.


about all the shit your going through, thats the wounderfull world of love man. be thankfull that some one would even consider you. i usualy just get a "oh im sorry, im just not attracted to you" or completly ignored.


seriously, from what i can gather from your posts and general demenor. your one of the goodens, you'l find someone whos prepaired to go to what ever lengths it takes for you, to be with some one who wasn't would be selling yourself short.


chin up lad.

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thats genious.


about all the shit your going through, thats the wounderfull world of love man. be thankfull that some one would even consider you. i usualy just get a "oh im sorry, im just not attracted to you" or completly ignored.

I thought so; I was pretty happy with it myself :heh:


Usually that's the same kind of thing I get - probably why I put so much faith in to this one and ended up getting hurt. It's alright, live and learn and move on!


seriously, from what i can gather from your posts and general demenor. your one of the goodens, you'l find someone whos prepaired to go to what ever lengths it takes for you, to be with some one who wasn't would be selling yourself short.


chin up lad.


Cheers, that's nice of you to say. Appreciate it. :smile:


Edit: Damn/yay! I totally forgot that I took one of my precious toffee apple ciders to Norwich with me - it remains unopened in my bag. I think that means I still have 5 left if my calculations are correct..? And of course I need to save one for the N-E Meet in a few months, hm..

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An amusing moment of life imitating art.


Finished up watch Gossip Girl and went on Facebook (closest real life equivilant really) to find out Dick has been released. Then rang my mother just to check about it. With any luck I won't have to see him until christmas.


And. The episode of HIMYM was about CVs and thats what im doing at the moment; writing my CV. Good times.

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