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glad your feeling better, i know how much family can suck.


Yeah, I love my parents, but sometimes they just make my head hurt (especially mom). =P



Sitting in class again (Culture Philosophy or something), and to my left and behind me are sick people (one of them is a friend)... and I feel their germs attacking me already, nooooo. Throat hurts a bit. Really hope I won't get sick this week. D:


Also, it's colddddd again. Was -4°C when I left for school this morning. I want warmth. =(

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Yeah, I always get ball'd up when it comes to holidays here. It really, really sucks. I specifically said I want easter weekend off. Which, I actually managed to get. Which is a first.

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Just sat here twiddling my thumbs atm, we're not allowed to email, talk or do anything because our souls are being sucked out. *spoiled brat*


I do have 'boy next to me' to keep me entertained however, been here an hour or so and he's told me 3 conspiracy theories already, comical. Might look for other jobs, although slightly taking the piss, being at work and all.

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I am thoroughly confused.


I've just been looking at maps, re research for my comic, and.....well.....is the North Pole fictional? Theres nothing there, theres just sea. WTF?


Wikipedia reference-linkNorth_Pole


While the South Pole lies on a continental land mass, the North Pole is located in the middle of the Arctic Ocean, waters that are almost permanently covered with constantly shifting sea ice.




Anyway, was just looking at prices for the Eurostar at the end of February... and for the same dates it would be about €93 from Brussels to London and back, but from London to Brussels and back would only be about €63. Whyyyyy? =(

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I am thoroughly confused.


I've just been looking at maps, re research for my comic, and.....well.....is the North Pole fictional? Theres nothing there, theres just sea. WTF?


I've tried finding it on Google Maps and theres nothing! Maybe google earth will help if not its a conspiracy!

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So apparently this magical plan of revenge is to give me my money back in foreign currency so I lose some in the process of conversion. If he does that im either going to refuse it and force him to give it me in stirling or drag him to the post office with me and convert it, if it doesnt equal the amount im going to get him to get more out.


But seriously. He's 23. I wish he'd stop acting like a childish cunt.


In unrelated. In my dream I fell down some stairs and twisted around and it felt like I feel into my actual body as I jolted awake. Weird.

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lol it'd be tempting to tag him with that on Facebook if he hadn't deleted me from it. Its THAT SERIOUS! :rolleyes:


And in terms of plans of revenge on a scale of one to Blair Waldorf its about a Tommy Pickles, and just as mature.


I want my fricking money back that I gave him TWO YEARS AGO. I fail to see how im being unreasonable.

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So apparently this magical plan of revenge is to give me my money back in foreign currency so I lose some in the process of conversion. If he does that im either going to refuse it and force him to give it me in stirling or drag him to the post office with me and convert it, if it doesnt equal the amount im going to get him to get more out.


But seriously. He's 23. I wish he'd stop acting like a childish cunt.


What a load of bullshit! How does his logic explain that?

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So apparently this magical plan of revenge is to give me my money back in foreign currency so I lose some in the process of conversion. If he does that im either going to refuse it and force him to give it me in stirling or drag him to the post office with me and convert it, if it doesnt equal the amount im going to get him to get more out.


But seriously. He's 23. I wish he'd stop acting like a childish cunt.


Ah. Its a nice little plan i guess for him, but it does depend on which foreign currency he returns your money with. It's also a lame childish plan as well, as you said he is 23 and should return it in Sterling.


Make sure if you do accept it in foreign currency that he goes with you to change it to make sure it works out as either equal or more, if he refuses that then refuse the money. Simple.




So far, the day has been crap. Left for work at 7:10am giving plenty of time to get to the bus stop for the 7:20am to Chepstow. Only problem with that was it never showed up and the train to Chepstow is at 7:30am, which gave me no time to get to the station which is 15 mins from my house.


Found out later about 8:15am when college kids arrived from a text that a lorry had overturned on the motorway spilling deasle over 6 lanes and blocking 4-5 lanes itself. Nice eh. Luckly i pop into a local shop and find the next train for Chepstow leaves at 9:30am, so a quick stop back at home for a cup of tea and back to the station.


Only lost 2 hours pay, got in at 10am on the dot. Of which they want me to work back but my principles are: If i miss/late to work as my fault, i'll work back. If i miss/am late to work as transport or traffic then not a chance.


Oh well, got a nice film to watch tonight with a beer or two. Need to get the boiler fixed as well, currently have no heating or hot water (well, got an immersion tank which someone empties before i get home and before i go as well, so no hot showers for a while. Darn it.


Edit: Forgot to say, had one of the best seats ever in the cinema last night while watching The Wrestler. It was one of them ones with a lot of leg room and a personal table under the seats apparantly.

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My bike's been stolen, I'm fucking pissed. I went to report it to the police, but their computer system was down, so they couldn't do anything. Fucking useless bastards, now I have to go again later. HgfqS¨JHKBGVI

%DNvk,lxmBFIZEAO^gvbhjnf odqc^v nbjk,dlùm


Knuffels voor EchoDesiato.




What rotten luck. Maybe you should steal their police station. Then, go back later to report it. But say:


"Oh Wait! You can't report it, your system is down. Log That!"

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Knuffels voor EchoDesiato.




What rotten luck. Maybe you should steal their police station. Then, go back later to report it. But say:


"Oh Wait! You can't report it, your system is down. Log That!"


I wish I could.


*sigh* They probably won't find my bike anyway, they only really look for bikes that have this special serial number engraved, but I was too lazy to get one.

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I wish I could.


*sigh* They probably won't find my bike anyway, they only really look for bikes that have this special serial number engraved, but I was too lazy to get one.


It's still worthwhile going back to the Police later and giving a description of the bike, details, etc. You never know, you might be surprised.


My brother has had his bike/s stolen about...3 or 4 times. It managed to get recovered a few times, so it can be done. Seriously though, he's like some kind of thief-magnet.

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What a load of bullshit! How does his logic explain that?


Insane douche logic?


And that really sucks Echo, couldn't they take a paper report and bang it onto the computer later?


I've just returned from uni and picked up an assignment which I got a motherfunkin' A+ for :yay: Which, considering the other assignment in that module was an A- means I shall be getting an A average :yay:

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Had a lecture at 11 or something. Did I go? Hell no. :D Really should have but they are available to read online and I have done as such so no reason to go. So went for a rather long wander (2 hours in fact) and stopped in in Asda to see if they had any good deals on their games and went to Sainsbury's to get hold of some sweets I haven't had in years: Haribo Tropifrutti. I'm holding off of eating them until later on this evening but they are so tempting.


After my wander I decided to have lunch and as I'd never been to Subway before, I thought I'd give it ago. Bought a Meatball Marinara and all I can say is why in the hell haven't I been to Subway prior to today? That sub was awesome. The only downside is the price. £2.99 for a 6 inch sub is bordering on daylight robbery seeing as I can get a 12 inch baguette with whatever I want on it at another sandwich deli for £2.00. But still, was totaly worth it as it was amazing. Finished the sub and wanted another but didn't have enough money to go and get another one. :( Will have to start going more often.

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Oh God now I'm even more pissed. My blu-ray of the Departed didn't come with a code (enter 3 codes online, and get a fourth blu-ray for free.), now I can't get a free movie. What more could go wrong today??


Shit dude, you're sinking faster than a fat person in the sea.


With lead.


Quick, someone promote this guy to staff...or something.


I've finally sent off that bastard application avec personal statement. One less thing to worry about. :)

*breathes out*


For some reason, I set my alarm and had someone wake me up this morning. But, I still went back to sleep and didn't get up til 11. What a pointless exercise!


Then, as I was doing some work, I got a phone call off my friend from uni, who just talks and talks and talks and talks and talks about herself. I did the usual "mmm" and "ahh" thing. Then, when it came to my turn to talk, I didn't know what we were talking about, so I had to make up something on the spot. "no, no, just chilling, just chilling..yeah...so how are you?"

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