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Finally getting somewhere with my essay! i reckon it'll be done on friday, if i get about 700 or so words done today, easy street,


Tomorrow will be fun, meeting up with friends during the day in sta, and then going to the pub with friends, shall be the first time i see jess (ex) outside of sunday, which is fine, we've been talking and seems to be the same as it ever was. So it should all in all, be fun

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£15 :o Thats a bargain!!!! The best gig I ever went to cost £10 :awesome: The cheap tickets made it all the more worth it.

Exactly. Standing tickets too. Last time I paid double that, only because I had to pay at the ''door'' so to speak.


Shame you can't venture over, they are awesome regardless! :heart:

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True I wasn't as impressed with the new stuff, but I'm still thinking it's worth £15 to go. :)


But to get to sheff from where he is, it's like...40 pounds or something stupid =/ I would have offered to go ell, but i didn't enjoy their latest, i'm not up for going to see if they play the majority of their old songs ;P

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A quick check, £60 from uni, £90 from my home town. WTF.


Thats ridiculous! Oh well :) Should probably do my essay.


Apologies your majesty, i should have known the rail prices before speaking my mouth off :P



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Ouch. Was searching for the board game Scattergories, and it was out of stock everywhere so I emailed Hasbro and just got this response. (Strange greeting)




Thank you for your email.


Unfortunately, this product was exclusive to Woolworths. We have not had 2009 range confirmed yet, please contact us near the end of January so we can assist you further.


May we thank you for contacting Hasbro and if we can be of any further assistance, either now or in the future, please do not hesitate to contact us again.


Kind Regards,

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If you don't mind trying to ship from the US. Idk if amazon will. There are ways around it though, I remember a Colombian who posted a site where they give you a "US" address then they ship it too where ever.


Aye but the US version of games tend to be quite localized ie "Things youd find at a baseball match" shit like that. Cheers anyway.

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Urgh I need some motivation. I have written some more of my script (but its woefully running over. 17 pages with ten scenes left to write and it should only be around 22 pages :/) But now im feeling like im just churning out the scenes with no passion in them.


Spent most of the day just staring out my window watching the snow fall (although not sticking). Felt like going to town to procrasinate but its so cold.


Although amusing part of the day. Some random person has started PMing me on last.fm and just asked for location and age and then I realised my avatar is a picture of Kristen Bell. That may be causing some confusion ^_^


But im getting sent a review copy of this which shall be nice. Free is always fun.


But yeah. I should really do somethin' (to quote Britney) with my day. Other than playing facebook scrabble (which I started playing and then they started using french words so I left. My lack of bilinguilism puts me at a disadvantage...and I was just procrastinating).

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I just found someone elses cat chillin in my house. She was just havin a sit down on the chair in the den.


Lovely cat actually. Not mine though!


Theres a cat that comes into my house....hes very soft, but a bit malty. I call him Cat.



Sounds like a D List 80's action movie.


Was just looking on YouTube and it is in fact a 1980's movie!


Trailer looks suitably cheesy.


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I saw one of my doctor's today. Jean-Claude-Van DAMN! she was tasty. I checked the hand as well. No ring. I think I was well in.


Now I have to pay £20 for a full body medical. Sadly it's not going to be this tasty doc. Who'd have thought American kids would be so expensive.

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lol when I had to get my full body medical for my exchange the doctor just signed it all off as safe.


Found out my mom is getting a new house with a room for me to stay. So I finally have somewhere to go during holidays and such.


And marching on with my uni work. Got myself a checklist of things to do over the next few days. Will give myself a break in a bit to eat and then going to try Sega Superstar Tennis.

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Really? :D


That is awesome as my main and one ambition in life and has been since I was 5 is to get a book published. :yay: (or at least written) I have so many ideas whirling around in my unorganised head I just need a few more years so I am able to form a good sentence on a page then I'll get some serious writing done.


I don't think there is anything better than seeing someone randomly reading my book. I think that would be great. ^___^

Yeah, I also dream of writing a book one day. Though I'm afraid my attention span is not great enough. :p For now I'll stick to fanfics ... which I don't have time for ATM, either.

Thanks guys, amazing to know that people I know on the internet show more concern for me and my feelings than a friend of 5+ years, who I'd consider one of my best too, though things seem to have suddenly changed without a word. I missed a call from her, but she rang the other friend, and now she seems to be making efforts, so hopefully it'll last and not be weird. Shame the cold's getting worse though, and like...one of the best guys I know is turning 22 on friday, and I might not be able to go unless I get better! It's a race against time...and illness. Anyone got any quick flu/cold fixes?




I think the main ingredient used in making Vista was evil and annoyance, you'll probably never manage to find it. Your slim hope is a very specific search, but even search is made of shit in vista. Gah! I hate vista! Raarrrrrrrrgh!


Though Coolness, you and your onion quest has cheered me up lots :) Seriously, you're awesome!

I could picture the film in my head the second I read that. "A regular trip to the doctor turns his life upside down. Now, he must race against time and illness to get to his friend's birthday to save a family of twelve from the flu. Sylvester Stallone ... is ... Med Kid."


Coolness should write the novelization.


Word on the Vista thing.


Oh, and cats are made of pure win! :yay: We've just read a story in school about a cat that was mistreated. How come I ALWAYS end up reading stories where cats are mistreated? They make me sad and angry. :(

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Oh, it's fun and games in this house tonight I'll tell you what. My brother didn't get given anything for xmas and so he asked for some guitar and my mother said he could go and get it today before his guitar lesson. But that hasn't happened, there's been a huge argument where my brother has stormed off and then something was smashed in the kitchen (don't think it was a window, at least I hope he hasn't done that again) and now the police are sitting downstairs for the sole purpose of locating and returning my brother, or so my father claims. :shakehead That coupled with the fact my nephew is crying his eyes out and I was going to be lumped with him until my father decided to take him. Dysfunctional families, eh?


Anyways, it's been another relaxed day. Went out and did a little shopping but apart from that, it's been relaxing.

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