Dan_Dare Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 cools oh yeah, my day! Last night was quite fun- went clubbing on a whim with some hombres which was a laugh. Wasn't keen on most of the music though. At one point I was overwhelmed with irony as the DJ- a talentless hack with about as much nuance for a proper set as a goldfish- played The Smith's 'Panic' and the crowd sang merrily along to the call of "Hang The DJ" over and over. In his defence, he did play some Prince so I'll stop short of calling for more literal interpretations of lyrics. Today is less good. Turns out that when my internet company in Hull told me they were going to refund the £81 they owe me last week, what they really meant was 'wait a week and call us back to remind us, then we'll claim we don't owe you and start the whole process over before we pay you what we stole' also: looks like my dole is still blocked, despite first class post sending everything they wanted from me on Monday. Why am I being punished by jobseekers for giving my free time to charity to improve my chances of employment? I don't understand these small minded bureaucrats one bit.
ReZourceman Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 also: looks like my dole is still blocked, despite first class post sending everything they wanted from me on Monday. Why am I being punished by jobseekers for giving my free time to charity to improve my chances of employment? I don't understand these small minded bureaucrats one bit. Its fine though, because the people who don't do charity volunteering, or who sit on their arse not actually looking for work are probably getting the money easy as pie and on a regular basis....so all is well in the world.....
Dan_Dare Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 Seriously man, it's not even an exaggeration that. It's making me so fucking angry. if this info is lost or something, they'll owe me almost £400 by the time they sort their shit.
nightwolf Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 Seriously man, it's not even an exaggeration that. It's making me so fucking angry. if this info is lost or something, they'll owe me almost £400 by the time they sort their shit. Humbug, dole is a stupid process and I'm glad I don't have to put up with it, my ex is on it and I'm pretty sure he's had the same problem a few times now. Now he doesn't bother because it's so much of an effort to do free work and then get all the crap from the dole. Sat in a stupid lesson, could be on the train by now, learning stuff we did last week. Games design isn't all it cracked up to be, coding..hmmf, if I wanted to code I'd have done games programming. Doesn't help the woman is foreign, cannot understand her at all. Yipee.
Dan_Dare Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 Next time I'm not going to tell them what I'm doing. It's good work, it's really useful and if no money (bar expenses- I get £3 a session) is involved, they don't need to know. They don't help me with looking for work so fuck em.
Guest Jordan Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 I can remember being the on the dole. Fucking sucked having so little money, I was a lazy shit back then! >.>. Anyway, got my ass up here and sorted myself out. *back to work*
Shorty Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 Yesterday was teh awesomz, had a pretty chilled out day for a birthday, but really enjoyed it and it seemed to last ages. Went into uni, voluntarily to figure out how to do sound editing on soundtrack pro on the macs. Don't ever need that myself on my English course, but my g/f has to do sound editing soon and has never used the program, so we went for some practice. Figured it out pretty easily! Downloaded a QT trailer from the apple site and then chopped up the sound track and added some effects and second tracks and stuff, very nice program... makes me wish I had taken film and media instead of English. Also been playing with my new laptop my g/f got me, an advent 4211. As with any new computer, had to spend a day tweaking it and tidying it up and uninstalling crap/installing good stuff considering vista and another gig of RAM for it... I love the lil thing, never had my own laptop before. Unfortunately I didn't get to relax too much, got Japanese oral exam coming up on weds, and an essay due on monday, goin out for a big meal tonight with a bunch of mates, so time to get workin!
nightwolf Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 I can remember being the on the dole. Fucking sucked having so little money, I was a lazy shit back then! >.>. Anyway, got my ass up here and sorted myself out. *back to work* £45 a week is nice money when living at home!
ReZourceman Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 Wow. Actually havn't ever wanted to stab people more than I did just then. I ventured down town. Woolworths was a nightmare, I tried looking for the LEGO but they had moved it, and it was literally packed so couldn't be bothered to look further. Then got stuck behind literally 10 or so different sets of people in my entire journey, so...annoying. People walking into me. Stopping in front of me looking at stuff....just....so wanted to stab people. A group of five people walking side by side very slowly, a group of four people walking towards me in M&S and just completely non responsive. This girl didnt move. I uttered "Ffffffuccckkkk" under my breath and she moved. Honestly....genuinely never been more annoyed by Joe Public. I do refuse to go down town at lunch now until like....late January, unless absolutely necessary. Kill people....kill. Oh yeah and the comic stall wasn't there so I have to wait till tomorrow for the thing that I couldn't wait till tomorrow for. Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. Perfect Pizza might call later to relieve my stress....
Guest Jordan Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 Also been playing with my new laptop my g/f got me, an advent 4211. As with any new computer, had to spend a day tweaking it and tidying it up and uninstalling crap/installing good stuff considering vista and another gig of RAM for it... I love the lil thing, never had my own laptop before. Unfortunately I didn't get to relax too much, got Japanese oral exam coming up on weds, and an essay due on monday, goin out for a big meal tonight with a bunch of mates, so time to get workin! Yay laptop buddy! A suggestion: don't put Vista on it... it runs like ass. Windows 7 CTP builds run well on it though. So yeah, buy more RAM and a 6 cell battery (MSI Wind 6 cells fit, just make sure you buy a black one!).
EEVILMURRAY Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 My DS battery fails it's warning me of its lowness. I thought I had a little while longer until it cuts out on me playing Ranger 2, good thing I'm normally obsessed of saving every chance I can. But as normal I can't do much at home since I've got work at 6 so I can't get really drunk or anything.
ReZourceman Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 One of those days. (Name changed for obv reasons but essentially just had this customer) Me : "Could I take your name please." Client : "Mrs Smith" Me : (Cos I couldn't tell if it was a male or female, and if they were saying Miss, Mr etc) "Okay, could I take your full name please." Client : "Mrs Smith" *Sigh* I carried on assuming it was Mr for a while until it became clear it wasn't. OMG. Its continuing. Utter idiots. Complete and utter retards. Client receives a letter about change of bank details. Hes like "But I didnt change the plan". He rang up YESTERDAY to change the direct debit, and hes like "I honestly cant remember" and I was like, well yeah basically its this, and he confirmed his details and was like yeah...def you...rang us to do this. Fool. Made me get someone to investigate it. Honestly....Im going to kill.....people. Update @ 16:37. Have had non stop cunts on the phone today. Thank sweet baby bejeesus its Friday. Its 7:30. Its Top of the Pops.
Shorty Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 Yay laptop buddy! A suggestion: don't put Vista on it... it runs like ass. Windows 7 CTP builds run well on it though. So yeah, buy more RAM and a 6 cell battery (MSI Wind 6 cells fit, just make sure you buy a black one!). I saw a video of vista running really well on one with 2GB RAM? :/ anyway I'm thinking of just sticking with XP SP3, it's very fast and although I do love vista, all it really has over this is a few time saving functions and a prettier start bar. Not sure if a new batt is necessary, they're pretty expensive anyway.
Nolan Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 Yay laptop buddy! A suggestion: don't put Vista on it... it runs like ass. Windows 7 CTP builds run well on it though. So yeah, buy more RAM and a 6 cell battery (MSI Wind 6 cells fit, just make sure you buy a black one!). With enough RAM vista is fine, although it likes to take more than it needs.... Anywho, is is Advent a laptop or a netbook? I was under the impression that 6 cells were standard on laptops?
Guest Jordan Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 Its a 3 cell Netbook, theres a 6 cell and a (rather unoffical) 9 cell battery out that gives like 12 hours of battery or something insane.
The fish Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 Ooh yeah, my CAD tutorial was cancelled, so now I've only got design (by hand) left at 4 and then I'm done for the week! A friend of mine form back home is coming down for the weekend, and we're gonna hit the club. It's 90's night! :awesome:
chairdriver Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 I got an interview at Oxford uni!! Lovely maths at Jesus college. Now I'm shitting myself for the 14th, when I have to be there.
Dante Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 good luck on your interview ChairDriver. I took the job. I start in January! :3 Congrats Letty. What is your new job?
Twozzok Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 Was just listening to Vladimir Horowitz recording of Mozarts (I think) 'Piano Sonata No. 23 in F Minor, Op. 57 - "Appassionata": I. Allegro assai' And these pictures were coming into my head so I relayed the story to my friend over msn as it was playing. He probably thinks I'm on acid or something O_o This is my story: Twozzok\ says: /This Song/ Twozzok\ says: it starts nice and calm and autumny Twozzok\ says: then it's like autumny wind Twozzok\ says: then like someone running with a kite in it Twozzok\ says: then a storm comes Twozzok\ says: no Twozzok\ says: not a storm Twozzok\ says: the wind is too strong for the person with a kite Twozzok\ says: and ther'es bits where it calms a bit and he thinks he's safe Twozzok\ says: but nooo Twozzok\ says: wiiiind Twozzok\ says: then he loses it and is sad Twozzok\ says: just as the wind dies down Twozzok\ says: and he walks home calmly Twozzok\ says: then as he gets home the wind gets furious Twozzok\ says: but luckily he's inside Twozzok\ says: but everything is rattling and shaking Twozzok\ says: and he's dodging shit as he tries to make it through his house Twozzok\ says: then it all stops Twozzok\ says: and it;s all calm again but with lightning Twozzok\ says: then the sun starts to come out Twozzok\ says: and it's a nice autumn day again Twozzok\ says: with a breeze Twozzok\ says: now he's running down a spiral staircase Twozzok\ says: in a rush of some kind Twozzok\ says: out thedoor Twozzok\ says: and just keeps running Twozzok\ says: faster Twozzok\ says: and faster Twozzok\ says: now he's in danger Twozzok\ says: so he keeps running Twozzok\ says: but the terrain is getting worse Twozzok\ says: now he's stumbling down hill Twozzok\ says: and he falls over Twozzok\ says: but lands in a soft pile of flowers Twozzok\ says: and the wind brings them up around him Twozzok\ says: and it's like snow but with flowers Twozzok\ says: though i don't know why there's flowers in autumn Twozzok\ says: and the colours get more intense Twozzok\ says: now he's chasing something Twozzok\ says: but in a playful way Twozzok\ says: now it'sgona dark Twozzok\ says: like a storm is coming Twozzok\ says: lots of wind Twozzok\ says: he's running Twozzok\ says: afraid but excited at the same time Twozzok\ says: the terrain is hilly Twozzok\ says: and slows to get some rest Twozzok\ says: and the wind is slowing Twozzok\ says: now it's light and he's running around happy Twozzok\ says: now it's gonna back to a nice autumn day Twozzok\ says: but with dark overtones Twozzok\ says: as if he's sad about his day has been Twozzok\ says: now he gets better Twozzok\ says: as if he lost someone, but has now found them Twozzok\ says: he's joyful Twozzok\ says: excited Twozzok\ says: but now he has to say goodbye to them Twozzok\ says: and they got shot Twozzok\ says: the end Twozzok\ says: awesome song that
Raining_again Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 Anybody been to woolies today, 50% off (well 10-50% off) the Ballymena store was freakin' packed, like vultures picking off the dead carcass. Fun.
Tellyn Posted December 5, 2008 Author Posted December 5, 2008 I'm currently planning the film trailer I shall be directing for media studies over the next few weeks. I'm having writer's block and can't think of what to write for the script, but I'm sorting out some music for it and hoping it will inspire me. So far I have Requiem for a Tower (remix of Requiem for a Dream used in the Two Towers trailer), possibly Molossus from the Dark Knight and Batman Begins, and Koji Kondo's Don't Want You No More. I'm not being very original here, but what the heck.
Twozzok Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 I'm currently planning the film trailer I shall be directing for media studies over the next few weeks. I'm having writer's block and can't think of what to write for the script, but I'm sorting out some music for it and hoping it will inspire me. So far I have Requiem for a Tower (remix of Requiem for a Dream used in the Two Towers trailer), This is extremely pedantic and will probably sound snobbish, but it's actually a remix of Lux Aeterna by Chris Mansell which was used as Requiem for a Dreams theme.
Tellyn Posted December 5, 2008 Author Posted December 5, 2008 This is extremely pedantic and will probably sound snobbish, but it's actually a remix of Lux Aeterna by Chris Mansell which was used as Requiem for a Dreams theme. I do know that, but most people know it as Requiem for a Dream.
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