Ellmeister Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 did you not register with a GP when you arrived? My suggestion would be to visit your union and ask Student Support about local GPs. Failing that, ring NHS Direct and ask a nurse. Ah I did register! Now to look for the information about where to go! Thanks for the reminder.
EEVILMURRAY Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 Lewis Hamilton took the championship, by one point, in the last corner of the last lap. It was so close I am aware of this, I saw the last moments as I was at work and someone requested it. Seeing him try to [what I thought he was trying to do] wipe tears from his eyes with those big gloves was a big source of nothing to me. Also need to get a number for a girl I was chatting to on Friday so I can ask her out for a drink, to add a bit more nervous tension to my day. Fun fun. Dude, cheeel. Take it slow.
jayseven Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 I'm now seriously considering going to the doctors. Whenever I swallow food or gulp down water I get a pain in my back which really isn't fun. I looked it up and the weirdest thing I found was something called 'acid reflux' which I don't really think I have but the twangs of pain are persistent enough to bother me that I feel a doctor may be a solution. No idea how to get to one here at uni tho >_< Doesn't really sound like acid reflux. What's the type of pain? Where in your back? Acid reflux usually occurs after eating, especially rich food like cheese. The pain associated with it is a sort of burning pain in the gullet, and is more in your chest than your back. Is the pain more on one side of the back than the other? But yeah! Doctors ftw. I didn't register when I first went to uni and still got seen. Good luck dude
Molly Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 I'm now seriously considering going to the doctors. Whenever I swallow food or gulp down water I get a pain in my back which really isn't fun. I looked it up and the weirdest thing I found was something called 'acid reflux' which I don't really think I have but the twangs of pain are persistent enough to bother me that I feel a doctor may be a solution. No idea how to get to one here at uni tho >_< Sorry to hear you've got back pain! I'm off to the docs today too, had pain in my chest all weekend and under/around my shoulder, and have sometimes been struggling to breathe. Everyone assures me I'm not having a heart attack and have probably pulled a muscle, but I'm really scared! My 4.25appointment can't come soon enough.
ReZourceman Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 Sorry to hear you've got back pain! I'm off to the docs today too, had pain in my chest all weekend and under/around my shoulder, and have sometimes been struggling to breathe. Everyone assures me I'm not having a heart attack and have probably pulled a muscle, but I'm really scared! My 4.25appointment can't come soon enough. Don't be scared! I'm sure it'll be fine. You did look in pain earlier though. It will be fine though. Seriously, sure its nothing serious. At least work is fun! (and not too busy*) *For you. (Although you seemed to be taking more than Jamie who = same lines) *shrugs* But yeah defo defo defo don't worry!
Molly Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 you seemed to be taking more than Jamie *giggles* Yeah cheers buddy, hopefully will be okies.
Strider Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 Today was yawnful. This morning i had biology in which we did nothing more than what he had already taught us (Selection/classification). Half day at sixth form so came home and did some math revision, untill about 5 mins ago when there was a knock on the door from one of the WWF guys. The convo went something like: *WWF man hands over leaflet on Tigers* Him: You care about Wildlife and nature don't you? Me: Ummm Yeh Him: You have a very big garden, i bet you get alot of animals on here. Me: Yeh, bats and quite afew other things. Him: Hopefully not any tigers *Points at leaflet* Well as you know climate change is affecting alot of different species and.... Me: Yeh... Him: You're not really interested are you... Me: Errrrrmm Him: Ok bye *Grabs lealfet* Hmm okay then. I found it quite strange.
EEVILMURRAY Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 My step dad just sacked my brother. Life is pleasing!
ReZourceman Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 How could he sack him? Is step-son even a proper occupation.
Dan_Dare Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 a family business would still put him on the pay roll. He could get the sack. umm, yeah! Still waiting to hear back about my Interview. Not expecting anything just yet as I called to ask and they're still after a few references and so on. Gaah. Also, the quality of candidates was apparently very high, which is a bit nerve wrecking. Anyway, making plans for tonight. A local promoter I know is playing Stop Making Sense, the legendary Talking Heads live film, down at a bar in town aaand giving away choc ices and popcorn. Genius. Hopefully get a few peeps down there!
Ganepark32 Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 Today was alright. A hell of a lot of waiting about though with not a lot to do. Had my Biology exam and I think it went well enough. If I can get a B from it, I'll be happy.
Ellmeister Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 Ha thanks people for the thoughtfulness. I don't think it is acid reflux I just looked up my symptoms on the interwebz and thats the weirdest thing I found. Basically its not my back its my stomach but it just feels like my right side of my back. Everytime I swallow food or gulp drink >_< Booked an appointment for tomorrow so I'm happy
ReZourceman Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 To be fair....."Acid Reflux" sounds like a film or a game. It sounds good though. It'd be a good film or game, for sure. I said something pretty gay today. Dunno if anyone watches Most Haunted (before anyone starts, I am extremely skeptical of it, but I do find it entertaining) anyway....theres this guy Dr Cieran O'Keefe (sp) on it, and hes like really cool...anyway I was talking to Jamie (of Jamie and Mike chronicles fame) and I said "Oh theres this awesome guy, hes awesome, and he has a really nice voice." I paused and we both picked up on my gayality. Thats all gravy though. I stand by my statement. He can read me a bed time story anyday. YouTube him if you don't believe my tellings of his nice voice. Still at work. Its alright after 5 if its not busy, so thats good. Walking home in the dark is a bit lame though, isn't it. It matters not though.
Molly Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 In your endo! Loves it -------- So according to the doc I'm not dying...yay! Apparently there's a muscle that goes from back to shoulder to chest area and I've pulled it. Not sure how. I feel better anywho.
MoogleViper Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 Why do women have to be so damn annoying?
ReZourceman Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 Why do women have to be so damn annoying? Whats happened dude?
Guest Jordan Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 Why do women have to be so damn annoying? They're emotional beasts and they have a brilliant knack at being annoying
Ashley Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 Finally got the (proper) internet. It only took two months. Frakkin' BT. However with the new provider we have a 15GB limit per month and im already on 2gb :/ Will see how it goes. However from midnight til 8am its unlimited usage. Yay for insomnia! Another bland day though. Did some quote finding for a presentation. Popped to Iceland to pick up Quorn mince and chicken-style pieces. Cooked. Ate. Watched a lot of Gossip Girl. Not particularly exciting.
MoogleViper Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 Whats happened dude? Can't be bothered to go into it. It will only make me more annoyed.
Dyson Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 Can't be bothered to go into it. It will only make me more annoyed. *high fives in agreement* Same boat, same boat
Molly Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 Why do women have to be so damn annoying? Hope its not my hypochondriacism But really, sorry to hear that.
Goron_3 Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 According to facebook The Bard is in a relationship to a girl with a funny surname.....looks rather fit though :P though he did change his status at 1:20am so who knows if it was just a drunken thing and that now she hates him for making people think they're together. Hmmm.
Ashley Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 To be fair, to be 'in a relationship' on facebook the other person has to approve it. So she is as much to blame.
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