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Had a great night last night, was a good laugh dressing up. Cambridge was fun too, even though I was only down for a night. I dropped my Lg Secret when getting out of a car, and it dropped about 3 feet onto a concrete floor. Amazingly, there isn't even a mark on it - I love Lg now.


Whats with the hamster hate. They're one of the least intrusive animals. Plus they stuff their cheeks with stuff, always fun to see.


Anywho. Mother's birthday so high-tailed it to where she works (as its neutral ground for everyone) and we (being me, her, brother and grandparents) went for a meal where I used to work. They asked me to work. I said no. Silly people.


Then wondered round town and bought some stuff. Meandered back home and just cooking some food. Not a particularly interesting day, and I get the feeling its going to be like this all week (except Friday). And I kinda wish I had some company other than a fish and a hamster.


And just moved the TV into my room. Looks like im not leaving bed all week. Nailed the wardrobe (one of those fabric ones) into the wall as it kept leaning. Strange thing. Tried putting everything on one side and that didn't work. Was worried one day it'll all just fall to pieces. Oh and I got one of those hanging seperator things. I have a compartment for oversized beanies, one for ski-caps and one for miscellaneous hats. Is three hat compartments too much?

I'm back.


Did anybody miss me?


Yes, like the desert missed the rain. Where'd you go?






Blurgh I've been in bed all day, feel so rubbish. I wish I knew what's wrong.

Yes, like the desert missed the rain. Where'd you go?






Blurgh I've been in bed all day, feel so rubbish. I wish I knew what's wrong.


Loving the song reference continuation. In bed all day? Lame, you wish you knew whats wrong? Are you poorly/ill?


My day was shit. I broke up with my girlfriend. :(


Ah dude, suckage. Sorry to hear that.


It's just that she's at uni living away from home (like 200 miles away), and is finding a lot of stuff difficult atm. Being in a relationship was making stuff more difficult, so she decided it was for the best. I understand, and we're still going to be friends, but it still hurts. :(


Thanks for the support though guys.

My day was shit. I broke up with my girlfriend. :(


Sorry to hear that coolfunkman. I don't know you but have a hug anyway...*hug*



Loving the song reference continuation. In bed all day? Lame, you wish you knew whats wrong? Are you poorly/ill?



Poorly yeah, but an unknown kind of poorly. Been watching green wing whilst in bed though, so that's a plus.

Poorly yeah, but an unknown kind of poorly. Been watching green wing whilst in bed though, so that's a plus.


Ah coolio. If you remember Damien Darkblood, Demon Detective, from Invincible, he was in Astounding Wolf-Man which was awesome.


And a letter on the letters page made me annoyed, so I wrote in, in response to it. Hopefully it'll get printed. :heh:


~I shall report to Comic thread soon for reviews...for others interested~


Hope you feel better soon.

Yes, like the desert missed the rain. Where'd you go?






Blurgh I've been in bed all day, feel so rubbish. I wish I knew what's wrong.


I missed you as well Molly. Hope you get better soon.


I went to the broads.

I missed you as well Molly. Hope you get better soon.


I went to the broads.



Thanks :smile: sucks being ill on a weekend and missing fun times, I'd much rather be ill during the week and get paid for it. The broads ay... East Anglia. I went to Suffolk once. And thats it, that's the whole story. ;)


Get up at 8 then. 9 hours of sunshine.


My hamster seems very nervous (understable I suppose). But adjusting, had a right riot on the wheel earlier. (yes I have so little to do with myself at the moment that im watching my hamster and gossip girl :p)


Also I realised today is eight years since I became a vegetarian. Huzzah!

Get up at 8 then. 9 hours of sunshine.


My hamster seems very nervous (understable I suppose). But adjusting, had a right riot on the wheel earlier. (yes I have so little to do with myself at the moment that im watching my hamster and gossip girl :p)


Also I realised today is eight years since I became a vegetarian. Huzzah!


Have you decided a name yet? I suddenly got an image in my head involving both Zac Efron and co, Hamsters and Bondage. I'm telling you now, it's not the best image. :heh:

Have you decided a name yet? I suddenly got an image in my head involving both Zac Efron and co, Hamsters and Bondage. I'm telling you now, it's not the best image. :heh:


You're sick and wrong. Like video games and rock music :p


I jokingly said she could be called 'meaning' (because my lecturer said I don't have any) and its kinda mentally sticking...or 'M' for short (and Bond connotations)

You're sick and wrong. Like video games and rock music :p


I jokingly said she could be called 'meaning' (because my lecturer said I don't have any) and its kinda mentally sticking...or 'M' for short (and Bond connotations)


I love the "M" idea - I'm imagining you getting another hamster and doing some roleplay with Bond and M. It could be rather immense.


Also, I'm loving how a conversation that started out with HSM has turned into talk of threesomes. Whats wrong with us?

I love the "M" idea - I'm imagining you getting another hamster and doing some roleplay with Bond and M. It could be rather immense.


Also, I'm loving how a conversation that started out with HSM has turned into talk of threesomes. Whats wrong with us?


Have to find some way of making HSM at least a tiny bit entertaining :p


got a fucking christeneing tommorow.


2 hours in a church, first is the sunday fucking service. then baby gets water pored on its head to be made into a cult member, then back to aunties house for a bit to eat with 50 people, mostly people from the church.


a day spent with devout christians. best get all the swears out in the car.

got a fucking christeneing tommorow.


2 hours in a church, first is the sunday fucking service. then baby gets water pored on its head to be made into a cult member, then back to aunties house for a bit to eat with 50 people, mostly people from the church.


a day spent with devout christians. best get all the swears out in the car.


I was meant to become a godfather today (as it is 0.30 now) but had to be postponed due to esbestos. Was looking forward to it.


Not all that bad, nor do I doubt it'll last for two hours (unless they add it onto usual sunday service).


And Christians do swear :p


So, I went to an internet meet up, but not you guys - people at my university who use the student room. Was quite fun really, now I want to go to a NE meet even more. *wants another London one, or people should just come and visit me in Cambridge* :heh:


i got like... punched in the face a few times tonight by a bunch of punk kids. I was just walking past no idea who they are or what they wanted. what the fuck. we may not have guns or crazy presidents but we have council estates and chavs and winos and shitty brats. i hate this country...

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