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Chairdriver, I laughed so hard at the "got sex " comment. Love it.




I'm off to a big party at a campsite later tonight, it's a girls birthday in our year and she's invited masses of people. Cheap booze and music should equal fun times hopefully. I intend to get drunk and do things with someone *hopefully* attractive. Lol.


Had a mate round earlier this afternoon for a couple of hours too, which was an awesome laugh.




If I come on here drunk, I'm so sorry!

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make an official looking sign about NO MASTURBATING IN THE SHOWERS from the halls about having to call in plumbers to remove wads of spunk in the pipes, then stick it on their shower door.


Classic; seen the joke on the interwebs. Might just do that.

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^ broken finger. It might not be but if the ball was as hard as you say and it's swollen up quite a bit, it'd be my guess it's broken. If it hurts to bend/move or you can't move it at all, it'll be broken. Quite common with football injuries. It's the reason now that most, if not all, goalkeepers wear special gloves that have metal plates along the fingers to prevent them from breaking trying to get the ball.

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Today I was sat in sixth form an a few people were playing football. They kicked the ball and I stretched my hand out to get it but I couldn't reach and the ball (which was as hard as a brick) hit the end of my little finger and now it's swollen up.


^ broken finger. It might not be but if the ball was as hard as you say and it's swollen up quite a bit, it'd be my guess it's broken. If it hurts to bend/move or you can't move it at all, it'll be broken. Quite common with football injuries. It's the reason now that most, if not all, goalkeepers wear special gloves that have metal plates along the fingers to prevent them from breaking trying to get the ball.


As a former goalkeeper who has had 11 broken/fractured fingers and 3 fractured wrists, I can conclusively say; fingersave gloves don't work.

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I feel really god damn awful for no apparent reason. Considering yesterday I was higher than a kite, I'm wondering if maybe I should see a doctor or something.


I'm bouncing up and down like a yo-yo. Yesterday I could have high-fived any random stranger I saw in the street. Now I feel like hiding under a rock forever, and never talking to anyone.


Its really fucking exhausting.. lol.


Talking of which, I was trying not to fall asleep at my desk for the majority of the day. I didn't sleep well at all last night, maybe that is what's wrong with me. :(

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I feel really god damn awful for no apparent reason. Considering yesterday I was higher than a kite, I'm wondering if maybe I should see a doctor or something.


I'm bouncing up and down like a yo-yo. Yesterday I could have high-fived any random stranger I saw in the street. Now I feel like hiding under a rock forever, and never talking to anyone.


Its really fucking exhausting.. lol.


Talking of which, I was trying not to fall asleep at my desk for the majority of the day. I didn't sleep well at all last night, maybe that is what's wrong with me. :(


Go watch DMC ep 9. If that can't cheer you up, nothing will.

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So piss off right now! I bought a copy of Billy Hatcher for the GC earlier today and lo and behold the bloody thing won't work. The disc is absolutely f**ked. Lots of scratches but there's also a big bit of grazing which will have rubbed a whole load of data off. Bloody Gamestation. They moan at you if you trade something in with the tiniest of scratches yet they sell discs in the state that the one I just bought was in. Two faced bastards! Not the first time they've done it as well. And complaining to head office does bugger all and complaining to the manager is like talking to a brick wall. I'll go back tomorrow to see if they'll swap my disc as they had two copies when I bought it but if the disc is in as bad shape as the one they gave me, there'll be hell. They are supposed to check these things! Argh!

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300 words? I'm always expected to deliver a minimum of 1000. words.


it's sharing a 2 page spread with other features in print. If it was online, I'm sure I'd have more space.

I'm used to the tight word counts now-It's how we worked on the uni magazine too so I'm pretty good at it.

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Usually have 5 lessons today in Sixth Form but 2 got cancelled resulting in me doing cover work in the library. The lessons I did have were maths, computing and physics. Maths and computing were fine but physics is so hard.


Bit of a boring day to be honest. Glad it's the weekend so I can relax.

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OOOOH!!! welcome molly!! ^___^!!! :yay:


p.s. dont worry about being a "fraud"!!! the only game i really play is phoenix wright ... and i just finished the 4th one... so my whole life lacks meaning right now *is super depressed!!* heheheh :smile:


THANK YOU for the welcome!!! :) . Yeah im not a gamer really, im not gonna pretend to know what phoenix wright is, lol. I dont understand alot of things on here to be honest, for example 'anime'...but sometimes ignorance is bliss!



That cup thing is amazing, bravo to them. I now feel its gin o'clock...:smile:

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