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When I went to Florida I wore those shoes that had small wheels underneath which are held in with metal frames.

Maaaan. Never again do I want to wear anything metal. Every metal detector I had to frisked with the handheld detector cos I set the big one off. I went through about 4 of them cost we stopped off at Washington.


They make you take your shoes of now if the flight involves being in US airspace.


wireless? omg it can set of bombs in the luggage compartment!


(Daily Mail witch hunt waiting to happen. I called it.)


Umm, they claim it can interfere with the plane's communication systems. Though technically it actually cannot.

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Good job I was joking then.


Fun times: Something I've done has given me a savage allergic reaction and I'm currently feeling like I'm on fire with my skin doing a good impression of early stage T Virus symptoms. Win!


got a 'scrip from the docs so I'll go down Boots way soon and get myself some anti histamines.

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aww it's beautiful dante, are you keeping it? ^_^


I'm not so happy at the moment, this is what I wrote on another forum on a thread called ''you know what really grinds my gears?''


'The fact that jobs are so f*cking hard to come by for site managers and construction managers in england that my dad once again has to get up at 5am to travel to burnley (where ever the heck that is) just to help build a school, not only that but because they are stupidly doing work whilst the school is open he has to stay 3pm til 12am then travel home.


It wouldn't so bad if it wasn't for me buggering off and leaving my mum on her own! >.< hate england right now -.-'



sigh, it's so ridiculous, he can't even take the nearer job in birmingham because it doesn't start til october and even then he doesn't have any job security whatsoever. :'(

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Why would you buy a kitten and not keep it? Lol.


My Venom costume is now complete, apart from I might add red cloth to the inside lower jaw, and I need to buy a bit of black fabric tomorrow, to cover up my neck. Im quite happy with it. :)




Shame about the photographer.


That's pretty cool, although you should have got one of those uber-Venom masks off the net I've seen around. But yours does have a personal touch.

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That's pretty cool, although you should have got one of those uber-Venom masks off the net I've seen around. But yours does have a personal touch.


Yeah, I only do home made ones. I find bought ones a bit of a cheat tbh and no fun, like the slew of Flash/with muscle pack costumes that usually come.


Plus I wanted mine to look more Bagley-esque (IMO definitive Venom)



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Care to elaborate? :)


Spent some time with people that are leaving for University and for once, everything went smoothly :) Going to be really busy now until university to maximise time with everyone. I watched Bedazzled and 40 year old virgin and ended up with 2 girls in 1 bed (sequel to 2 girls 1 cup maybe?), but unfortunately not action with both of them =]

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I'm liking the Venom Rez, but the teeth I'm not feeling... they seem too blunt.


On my side I'm completely [sp?] redoing my Dr. Doom mask. I've ripped each bit off and the paper so it looks more prominent in the raised areas. I don't think I have enough black spray undercoat and Boltgun Metal paint to do it again...

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Managed to get over 9800 on Creep on SingStar.


My iPod Touch is coming tomorrow.


Got an e-mail telling me they sold out of the headphones but they are getting new stock this time next week. Annoying but at least I know what's happening.


Found out my friend is getting married. I'm really happy for him. They are an awesome couple and individually they are beyond awesome. I've never met two more compatible people.


Spent some time with people that are leaving for University and for once, everything went smoothly :) Going to be really busy now until university to maximise time with everyone. I watched Bedazzled and 40 year old virgin and ended up with 2 girls in 1 bed (sequel to 2 girls 1 cup maybe?), but unfortunately not action with both of them =]


I'm pretty sure there already is a sequel.


Shit, my wife has walke out on me.


Sorry to hear that. Sounds pretty sudden...

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Got the day off college to go to Leeds Uni open day today. The train journey was filled with fun times, as was the day. Ended up buying these pink skin tight (seriously, three sizes too small for us) tshirts that say "I'm Baaaaaad" with a picture of a sheep on from Culture Vulture.


Then I got so embarassed because a friend of mine said "Rate the girl walking past out of ten" as a joke and I was like "Meh, but that guy there is a 10!" and he looked over. It was so embarassing, I must of gone some odd shade of red. But still, I've never seen someone that attractive, ever. Lol


(That was my 7000th post. Jeez, I had no idea I'd posted that much on here, how are you lot not sick of me? :p)

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It's been a quiet day for me. Been playing all sorts from Pulseman and Mickey Mania on the megadrive to Ninja Spirit on the PC Engine. Apart from that, I've been watching a bit of South Park and getting reacquainted with a certain Willie Nelson's music. Just releaxing before the rush of University starts next week.

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