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If I find the same issue at my halls, I will be putting the dirty plates and stuff infront of their doors so they can walk on it.


If they want to live in a sty it can stay in their room, I'm not paying 4grand just so they can live like pigs. I've been used to a clean house, why people insist on being so fucking lazy is beyond me, they will clean it up regardless.

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If I find the same issue at my halls, I will be putting the dirty plates and stuff infront of their doors so they can walk on it.


If they want to live in a sty it can stay in their room, I'm not paying 4grand just so they can live like pigs. I've been used to a clean house, why people insist on being so fucking lazy is beyond me, they will clean it up regardless.


this and everyones sry reminds me of my flatemate..

she never brought up any food of her own (she never ate..) and when she did she stole our food! (me and my friends).. when we complained she told us to grow up and it was only food..


and then whenever she did eat she would leave the plate on the table for days n days n days..


(once she had noodles on the thursday - the bowl was still there on the monday!)

and she never cleaned anything - she was sick in the toilets n never bothered to clean it up - she clogged up our drains with her ginger hair (its how we knew it was hers).. she always promised to hoover n she never did


and she told me off for leaving the flat early to go to class cause i didnt wait on her

shes 19 years old for goodness sake.. tried to tell her to grow up


so glad im not living with her next year

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I'd get pissed off, I can understand leaving food around for a day, when you cannot be bothered, but 5 days is just being bone idle! Why on earth you'd want to live like that..-.-


i dont honestly know..

but the thing is shes in most of my classes so im gonna see her for the next 2 years (that is if she passed them)


me and my friend only cleared up to her because that day we came back on the monday the place stank (she didnt take the bins out either - was her turn)oh god just thinking about it makes me feel all queasy - had to sit with the windows open to try n get the smell out (while using copious amounts of air freshener)


i know im not the tidiest of people.. but my mess is a clean mess..lol..

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nothing interesting happened today, although one of my mates cancelled going to see star wars with me as he was making a costume... what a crappy reason.


The only other reason that today is of note is that on 15/08/01 a bored 16 year old first stumbled upon cube-europe. 7 years later that bored child has evolved into... me!

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well nightwolf, all i can say is prepair to be hated. in first year, people are just messy. you have all the best intentions but eventualy, lethargy kicks in. i was never the worst for mess in the flat, but i was never best, dishes were usualy piled up by the sink all day, then done that night. we quickly resorted to cleaning your own mess, as in instant your done, so is the washing. except one girl, she never did any, once she broke all my glasses, including my fosters glass that i knicked from a pub. it was the best pint glass ever, pints just tasted better from it. she didnt clean up the glass, or tell any one. it was only discovered when one guy pulled a shard from his foot.



as for my day, as bad as i predicted. hours of house work, 20 mins of half life before more house work, an hour online, helping me mam in saisburys (she kept asking what my couisns would like, not taking "i dunno" as an answer. then i watered the hangingbaskets, a task i usualy take alot of time over to make sure my potted pals all get a decent drink, today i just made sure they wouldnt die. tonight promises cooking for guests, late night and sleeping on a floor around snorers. i sleep lightly. seriosuly, if any one wants to trade lives right now id go for it.

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well nightwolf, all i can say is prepair to be hated. in first year, people are just messy. you have all the best intentions but eventualy, lethargy kicks in. i was never the worst for mess in the flat, but i was never best, dishes were usualy piled up by the sink all day, then done that night. we quickly resorted to cleaning your own mess, as in instant your done, so is the washing. except one girl, she never did any, once she broke all my glasses, including my fosters glass that i knicked from a pub. it was the best pint glass ever, pints just tasted better from it. she didnt clean up the glass, or tell any one. it was only discovered when one guy pulled a shard from his foot.



Oh I don't mind mess, I'm messy sometimes, people are lazy, I'm lazy, I'm just not standing for people that have been mentioned, it's not just me who would have to put up with it and it's not fair to continue to let them do it! If the flat is a mess and there's a check-up you can get in trouble for it, doesn't seem fair does it? :heh:

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well nightwolf, all i can say is prepair to be hated. in first year, people are just messy. you have all the best intentions but eventualy, lethargy kicks in. i was never the worst for mess in the flat, but i was never best, dishes were usualy piled up by the sink all day, then done that night. we quickly resorted to cleaning your own mess, as in instant your done, so is the washing. except one girl, she never did any, once she broke all my glasses, including my fosters glass that i knicked from a pub. it was the best pint glass ever, pints just tasted better from it. she didnt clean up the glass, or tell any one. it was only discovered when one guy pulled a shard from his foot.


All these tales and mentions of messy housemates makes me want to put my bit in, and so I shall.

Well last year (my first year), I didn't even live in halls, yet I still managed to land a messy guy, who is a totally nice guy outside of the mess, but... the kind of messy he is just makes you want to discard him totally.

I'll just note a few points down:

I started the 'wash your own stuff' rule because I was stuck doing washing up all the time. The other two followed he didn't.

He puts his trainers on the sofa (I can't tell you how much that grates my nerves).

I feel bad for saying this but showers didn't come regularly, neither did change of clothing... and there was the smell to accompany all that.

He used forks to scratch his hair... after he just finished eating with it.

And just to add to those points (which are a few of many), more often than not, he use to cut raw chicken on a chopping board, leave that chopping board (the longest was six days that I noted, only because I washed it up in the end) and the same knife he used... would end up in the living room.

Health risk with him, yes. Yet, I'm living with him again next year...


Besides all that, I had a pretty cool day, discovered just how big the Camden market area is today!

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Oh I don't mind mess, I'm messy sometimes, people are lazy, I'm lazy, I'm just not standing for people that have been mentioned, it's not just me who would have to put up with it and it's not fair to continue to let them do it! If the flat is a mess and there's a check-up you can get in trouble for it, doesn't seem fair does it? :heh:


haha - i forgot about check ups..


we had one the day after the noodlemess and the stink of the bins


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What the bare? McMad's in a halfway cheerful mood? My understanding of the world has been shaken to it's foundations.


Guy clearly got some tail today. Or at least some tongue. Damn you! *shakes fist*


You better believe it dude.


Over the past few months I've learned to cheer up.


Say goodbye to old moody fucker. The new happy McMadness is here to stay bitches.


I love all of you. Yeah take that fuckers. :smile:

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Drinks with people who used to work at Woolworths. I invited seven, two turned up (making three in total obviously) but they were my favourites anyway. Was all good. Except the awkward eventual unravelling of this year; "my mom left my dad, my brother's back in jail and we had to move out our house because our neighbour tried to kill us...but im good!"


Good night all in all. Bit short but still, nice. Now I just have to decide what to do with the rest of the night and tomorrow.

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Guest Stefkov

I've just spent the last 3 hours on photoshop. My hand aches from using my tablet for so long.

It's been ages since I used the program I'm loving it all over again. Plus on this new machine everything is like *zyuawwwwwmmmm*

speedy gonzales like.

It seems it's half 2. Shee~t.


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Third time is the charm :P


Im trying to maintain awake again, will i manage to do it this time? I have a bucket full of water so i can put my hand in it t maintain awake, or in the worst case of them all, put my head in it...


This time i'l manage to stay awake till Mid-Night, grrr :nono:

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