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I'll be there for youuuuuu do ba de da doo de dooooo... Life sucks. Embrace the moments! Think about new things, do something you've never done before. Go out to the park with no underwear on and imagine flashing the children. Giggle and flee!


*goes out with no underwear on*

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Just discovered that it's results day tomorrow and my mum intends on waking me up at 8am to get them.


Lucky for me I have a fold away chair just the right size to go between my door and my chest of drawers which when positioned correctly stops the door from opening. That and a phone on silent should mean a lie in, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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I don't get the whole nervous thing. Not exactly anything you can do, whats the point worrying about it. Once you find out you did badly, thats when you feel like shit. Right now my prime concern is who I can be bothered to call tomorrow to see how they did, and more to the point who can be bothered to call me.

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Gah results day reminds me of how wank sheffield accomdation is


''you'll recieve a notice once the university has your results'' neeb that was three weeks ago now..-.-


I'm annoyed that I have to compete with a level students for a place to live when uni was all sorted weeks ago. Damnit.

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Work was mehhhhhh. Even though I had a yummy piece of pie/cake/whatever during lunch. But right now I'm tired and hoping for dinner soon. *stomach grumbles*


Last night, I managed to do one of the stupidest things ever. When I returned from the toilet to my room, I somehow managed to slam my left foot into the back of my right foot. A horrible ripping sound followed and my left big toe hurt like crazy. Once in my room I noticed I pretty much ripped my toe nail in the middle. There's a small cut there (half a centimetre long), kind of bending towards the right side of my toe, and the part that didn't get ripped (right top corner of the nail) apparently got bended, as there was a white line running there. The line is now gone but the surface is all wobbly and bobbly...

Needless to say, that hurt. D:


*is way too clumsy*

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Sounds painful :/


Although speaking of clumsy. Yesterday I went to get some water for the wait staff and went to open the door to the kitchen (with three glasses in my hand) when someone came through it (and it opened out toward me) and bang, plastic, ice and water everywhere! I then dropped the bits of plastic twice when cleaning ^-^


Anyway. Speaking of work, off there now. Although im with useless miserable girl who seems to be on a 'lets clean some random thing rather than work' spree as of late -_-. Spent all day watching Frasier, reading and generally faffing around. Only four weeks of work left. Can't wait.


Oh and nightwolf I'm sure they just aren't allowed to say anything until after the results. Im sure they will have seen you've passed and sorted it out, they just can't say. And don't worry about it, everyone is in the same clueless boat :)

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My day was kinda awful... But opened my eyes a lot.


I'd been having this weird thing in my hand where sometimes like a hole forms on the top of my hand. I was at the rhemy and spoke to her about it.. Apparently it is an early sign of wrist subluxation, where one of the bones in your hand moves down and it becomes deformed :(


I'll stick this in teh spoilars, as an example of full blown wrist subluxation






I have to be s00per careful so my wrists don't end up like this! But at least I know now so I can take measures against it.

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Gah results day reminds me of how wank sheffield accomdation is


''you'll recieve a notice once the university has your results'' neeb that was three weeks ago now..-.-


I'm annoyed that I have to compete with a level students for a place to live when uni was all sorted weeks ago. Damnit.

Pah, quit fretting. *passes teh doobie* -- the accomodation will no doubt've already given you a place seeing as they know you're guarenteed to be there - just as ash says, they can't tell just yet. besides! Only like a day or so for you to find out? Non?


Work was mehhhhhh. Even though I had a yummy piece of pie/cake/whatever during lunch. But right now I'm tired and hoping for dinner soon. *stomach grumbles*


Last night, I managed to do one of the stupidest things ever. When I returned from the toilet to my room, I somehow managed to slam my left foot into the back of my right foot. A horrible ripping sound followed and my left big toe hurt like crazy. Once in my room I noticed I pretty much ripped my toe nail in the middle. There's a small cut there (half a centimetre long), kind of bending towards the right side of my toe, and the part that didn't get ripped (right top corner of the nail) apparently got bended, as there was a white line running there. The line is now gone but the surface is all wobbly and bobbly...

Needless to say, that hurt. D:


*is way too clumsy*

I've done that waaay too many times. Not the silly foot-on-foot thing, but with the nail ripping/coming off. my toenail to this day still grows ridged rather than flat. Plaster that bitch up, and keep your hands offa my Clumsy award!


Now let's talk about ME! Went t'lagoon, finished Picture of Dorian Grey *woo* ... only, like, two more books to go. Not GONNA HAPPEN!! Clouds came out, felt cold, so i've come home to put underwear on and grab another jumper. Now the real debate is gin or cider?

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Pah, quit fretting. *passes teh doobie* -- the accomodation will no doubt've already given you a place seeing as they know you're guarenteed to be there - just as ash says, they can't tell just yet. besides! Only like a day or so for you to find out? Non?



I hope so! I can't help worrying damnit :heh:


Poor raining and eenuh :(

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