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I had a nice day :)


My freinds were all supposed to come over this afternoon, but I wasn't sure exactly when. It reached about 3pm and still noone had showed, and I thought, 'Oww, no one loves me T____T' Then suddenly, they all arrived at the same time!! :D


Then I went to Jordan's, and played Geometry Wars 2.


Did you see/beat any of my awesome scorez?!

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Grandparents cooked for them, myself, mother and lil' brother and it was a nice familyish event (i.e. we mocked my little brother a lot) and then afterwards emotions happened and I felt awkward because I didn't have any and then I went to work and was meh all night.


Oh and I finally got around to unlocking the last two SSBB characters I hadn't...and then remembered im selling my US copy (at some point...) to buy the UK one. Ah well.

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Y'know those tv shows that show 'hilarious' ads from around the world?Like the one on bbc1 at the moment with Jimmy Carr? Isn't it weird that the BBC shows them.. i mean they're still advertisements. It's all a conspiracy! They're presenting these ads so 'innocently'. I mean.. I've chosen to watch adverts! Wtf! Who does that?!


This is how tv adverts should be, actually. Instead of 3-minute breaks every 20 minutes, they should have a whole show per day for them. That way, companies would have to make awesome adverts! It makes sense.

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Y'know those tv shows that show 'hilarious' ads from around the world?Like the one on bbc1 at the moment with Jimmy Carr? Isn't it weird that the BBC shows them.. i mean they're still advertisements. It's all a conspiracy! They're presenting these ads so 'innocently'. I mean.. I've chosen to watch adverts! Wtf! Who does that?!


This is how tv adverts should be, actually. Instead of 3-minute breaks every 20 minutes, they should have a whole show per day for them. That way, companies would have to make awesome adverts! It makes sense.


Tarrant on TV is the best one of these programmes. So so so funny all the time. :)


I don't think it's on anymore though?

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Guest bluey

i finally, FINALLY got to check in for my flight tomorrow :grin:

i think i must've been the first to check in for economy class 'cause i got assigned the seat at the very front next to the window on the left side of the plane by default... O__O lots of leg room and getting up without disturbing people for BLUEY!!!

i always check in late and get the reject seats - by the time they come to me with the horrible plane food they only have the crappier option left...not that i eat airplane food anyway >_> makes me ill *will smuggle a sandwich!*


YA- freakin-TTA!! :yay:


..buuuut! now i have to go to work.

...BUUUT! it's my favourite shift of th week with my awesome kid's class and really nice boss and regular students. love it!

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Had an awesome afternoon shopping at th fetish fair, trying on corsets is fun, got to get me a proper custom made one.


I don't know if I've mentioned this, but there's a fantastic materials market here where they can copy virtually any design or tailor one to your own request.


I get all my shirts hand made there and it only costs the equivalent of 20 quid for three shirts that are made specifically for my sexually appealing body shape.


Wait, did I say appealing or apalling?

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I don't know if I've mentioned this, but there's a fantastic materials market here where they can copy virtually any design or tailor one to your own request.


I get all my shirts hand made there and it only costs the equivalent of 20 quid for three shirts that are made specifically for my sexually appealing body shape.


Wait, did I say appealing or apalling?



Yep, the chinese are very good at that sort of thing, I have a couple of outfits I got from china and they are of a decent quality and were a fair bit cheaper than similar stuff you'd get elsewhere.


But you really have to have a corset custom made, preferably with fittings, you can't just send them your waist size and expect to get something back that fits properly.

I tried on this one yesterday.

corset-001.gifand it was surprisingly comfy, only ever worn off the peg ones before and they were always uncomfortable. Anyways, I'm going to get in touch withthis place as they've said they can make me one for £200, and that I can pay by instalments. They've got a heavy workload on at the moment, so if I spread the cost between now and christmas I should have something nice in my stockings for the festive season.

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Crikey, you go girl!


When I played "Rocky Horror" in the stage musical about ten years ago, they had a custom corset made for me - my chest and shoulders were far too bulky. It fit like a glove, but they made me give it back. Shame really. I've never found another one quite as nice.

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Corsets are made of win, although I wouldn't go for the one above, I've been after a nice corset :(.


I wouldn't go for that one either, it's just the only one their they had that would fit me. I was thinking something white edged in frills personally.

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hmm today should be a busy one for me. My whole extended family from mum's side came over for lunch yesterday which was ace- not seen them in ages. Afterwards I went to my mates and got stoned while watching Planet Terror, which is excellent.

Overslept today though. should have been up and about hours ago.


Also, speaking of custom clothing- do you reckon anywhere would do me a left handed shirt? My right hand is a tad fucked so doing up buttons is a bit of a nightmare but I love shirts! I need some with the buttons and holes switched around.

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Also, speaking of custom clothing- do you reckon anywhere would do me a left handed shirt? My right hand is a tad fucked so doing up buttons is a bit of a nightmare but I love shirts! I need some with the buttons and holes switched around.


Buy a womans shirt, buttons go the other way.

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Guest Stefkov

For the next two weeks I'm in charge of a bar. Today was banking day which was confusing as anything.

Holding over £1500 in your hand and not shoving it in your pocket is so horribly hard to do.

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My friend is leaving for Canada this week and it hit us all in the midst of a celebratory party, I was wasted before everyone else after I was dragged into a drinking game against my will. We decided to make a camera style message similar to the Cloverfield idea. Apparently my one is the funniest because I was drunk but it was still emotional.


Time to wallow in my loneliness until I go out clubbing and drink again >_<

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That buttons thing is strange, I only found it out when my sister borrowed one of my shirts (I forgot why) and asked why the buttons were on the wrong side. Tradition I suppose.


it's so that our lovely wives can do our shirts up for us :) TRUFAX!


... Well my day = NOTHING. Got just over a week before my retake and... well shit, I'm probably going to fail it all over again. Meh. Reading is boring. the sun's up so I'm gonna head down the lagoon, convince some folks to turn up at some point and PARTAY! Woop-de-wooppa!

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Guest bluey

WOOOOOOOOooooooOooooOOOOOooo!!!! i'm going for an all-nighter and sleeping on the plane!! WHO'S GUNNA KEEP ME COMPANY?!


i propose an msn partay in the hizouse fo' the next like, 6 hours i have to sit around and stay awake: add me if you haven't!! niftylite at hotmail dot commmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

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Guest Jordan

Bluey! I bet you can't wait till you're on that plane to England :D


I'll be home in a couple of hours, expect me :p

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