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The ones who needed to know... knew all.


Ie: Me, Ashley, Platty and Shorty :p.


Curses! (i hope no one posts the link to the topic detailing the hows and whys of dans upgrade, i see it now, for once i was blind and so forth...)


Now to make this post not useless, as it is how was my day, it was good, but i find myself perplexed, the internet isn't working, google isn't googling, the bbc isn't bbcing and myspace is still a site i don't visit. So why does this place work? it's ocurred in the last...20 minutes?

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Guest Stefkov

All of my clothes stink of smoke so I'm sat in just my boxers.

Spent the day at a friends house having a barbeque. It was a very strange day. Ash all up me nose. Put me money away so now I'm edging ever closer to paying back the money I should never have used. Joy.

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DanDare, buh, you suck.


Take imediatly Barney from your Avatar, im the one who got the idea :(


Excuse me, but I have been an avid Barney fan since 05 bitch :p


Work was busy. Had been busy all day and one keyholder was going to ring in a 3rd but the other said not to because it was going to be quiet -_-. If one of the chef's hadn't stopped behind we'd have been there til past midnight (considering Kitchen closes at 10)

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Last day of college tomorrow! Finally, been waiting to break up for the summer for so long. *Squeels excitedly etc*


Finally! A moment where I can use this smiley and it's actually appropriate.




Wow you finish pretty late. I finished on like the 12th of June and that was later than normal because of exams.

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just found out a guy in the year below me (he is 18) proposed to his girlfriend whos in my year. (shes 20)


aint that a bit young?

i mean i know greg n me will get engaged some day (i mean 3 years next month - woohoo)

but they are so young :(


I finished on the 7th May.


I have been so very very bored.


i am also so so bored

so so bored

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Oh god no, not round here at least. My friends got married when they were 18 (although they are a fantastic couple and I love them...). Other friends were engaged by the age of 14. Some girl at work was saying her sister used to be engaged to some guy (and her sis is apparently my age so still...young). It still confuses me though.

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Oh god no, not round here at least. My friends got married when they were 18 (although they are a fantastic couple and I love them...). Other friends were engaged by the age of 14. Some girl at work was saying her sister used to be engaged to some guy (and her sis is apparently my age so still...young). It still confuses me though.


but theyve been going out less than a year:confused:

and they have no money

and they dont ahve jobs.

n they spk like dis. ugh

in other news:


i love "new tricks" on bbc1 one. that show is just awesome

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Oh god no, not round here at least. My friends got married when they were 18 (although they are a fantastic couple and I love them...). Other friends were engaged by the age of 14. Some girl at work was saying her sister used to be engaged to some guy (and her sis is apparently my age so still...young). It still confuses me though.

I'm not usually one for Smilies, but: :shakehead

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Well..this sucks, FFIV is supposed to be out today (22nd of July) and VGP still havent got it in stock, from previous experience, they usually got it in the day before (Then again, previous experience = Pokemon).


Bring on dispatch today so this day may become awesome.

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Been moving house over the last few days so everything's a little hectic. I like the new place, but it's true what they say - you don't miss it till it's gone. I suppose listening to Home by Michael Buble and Daughtry doesn't help.

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Another awful day. My mom still hasn't calmed down yet. Hopefully this doesn't last all week.


Mashup, whats going in dude?


just found out a guy in the year below me (he is 18) proposed to his girlfriend whos in my year. (shes 20)


aint that a bit young?

i mean i know greg n me will get engaged some day (i mean 3 years next month - woohoo)

but they are so young :(




i am also so so bored

so so bored


So why aren't you engaged now if your so sure? It's not like you have to get married straight after being engaged so what's stopping you?

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Mashup, whats going in dude?




So why aren't you engaged now if your so sure? It's not like you have to get married straight after being engaged so what's stopping you?


I think engagement brings expectations from others. "Oh you're engaged? When you getting married? Have you started looking at dresses? Wheres it going to be?" etc. My presumption anyway.

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Guest Jordan

With me and Letty being together for almost 2 years now (Aug 12th, zomg) i've been thinking about what the difference between being engaged now and in the past.


Some people are engaged for years and years without setting a date, i just see it as more of a full commitment than a zomg lets go wedding! I did think about it, but i think i'm going to wait for Letty to get a couple of years older before doing anything. Fuck, i'll be like 22... *faints*

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I'd run a mile if somebody even hinted at engagement and not because I'm only 18, it just scares me haha commitment issues..


My day's abit blah, I feel all horrible and yuck and I realised its because my hair has become really crap and effectively makes me feel like I'm male rather than a girly, oh well. So I've got an appointment tomorrow ^_^ yay!


Other than that I'm tempted to re-dye my hair because it's going grey (blue + lots of washes..) and watch more cardcaptors.

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