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Thats really cool, Lettymonster. Well done to you. ;)


Ashley, did you nail her with your pogo stick? HWOAR!!!




Dude, three kisses is a good, good sign.


I have my own description about what it means when people put a certain number of kisses on the end of txts or messages:


"x" One Kiss


I am txting a man

I am txting a relative that I don't really feel that fond of.

I'm your girlfriend/boyfriend, and am a bit pissed off with you.

I am angry.

Don't call me again. This kiss is for politeness.



"x x" Two Kisses


I think you're a good friend

I'm quite fond of you and enjoy txting you, hence why I can be bothered to put the extra kiss.

We have a good working relationship.

Well done on doing that task for me, babes.

I like you.


"x x x" Three Kisses


I think you're hot

I enjoy txting you, and/or being flirty with you.

Newly started relationship, or well established friendship bordering on incestuous love.

You mean a lot to me.



"x x x x" Four Kisses


The same as the above, but with a bit more zoomph!

I really really like you, and not just flirting with you.

I will forever be your sex slave.


"x x x x xx x x x x x x xx x x xxxx x x x x x" Multiple kisses/Large number of kisses


Please don't leave me for somebody else.

I am having sex with your best friend.

Please don't leave me for somebody better.


Wow that's pretty dead on the mark. :heh:


Oh god he's found out our secretttss! Runnnn!

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Wow that's pretty dead on the mark. :heh:


Oh god he's found out our secretttss! Runnnn!


See, I know my stuff. :)


I also adhere to the code, as well. I give one "x" to a bloke when I txt or message them, two for a friend who is a girl, and three if they're special or if I really like them. If they're super extra special, four, but people rarely get four.


If you've fucked me off in some way, ZERO KISSES4U! This mainly applies to txt messages, but if you're super awesome, sometimes I apply this rule to private messages. Not often, though. :D

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See, I know my stuff. :)


I also adhere to the code, as well. I give one "x" to a bloke when I txt or message them, two for a friend who is a girl, and three if they're special or if I really like them. If they're super extra special, four, but people rarely get four.


If you've fucked me off in some way, ZERO KISSES4U! This mainly applies to txt messages, but if you're super awesome, sometimes I apply this rule to private messages. Not often, though. :D


So Eenuh gets 4 kisses then ;)


I rarely put kisses on the end of texts, maybe I'm odd. But I know a few girls that follow that rule XD

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So Eenuh gets 4 kisses then ;)


I rarely put kisses on the end of texts, maybe I'm odd. But I know a few girls that follow that rule XD


Now that would be tellyn. Har Har.


I try to stick by the rule. To this date, I've never given anyone the multiple "x x x x x xx x x x x x" kisses treatment. Never lower your guard!

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Now that would be tellyn. Har Har.


I try to stick by the rule. To this date, I've never given anyone the multiple "x x x x x xx x x x x x" kisses treatment. Never lower your guard!


hehe wow so men do it too!


Generally I follow by lead, if someone gives me a kiss at the end of a pm/text/email I would for courtesy, unless I HATED them. Special people get one or twooo :smile:



Today I plan to eat an entire box of toblerone minis. I'm feeling bad for myself and the cure is at the bottom of the box. =(



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See, I know my stuff. :)


I also adhere to the code, as well. I give one "x" to a bloke when I txt or message them, two for a friend who is a girl, and three if they're special or if I really like them. If they're super extra special, four, but people rarely get four.


If you've fucked me off in some way, ZERO KISSES4U! This mainly applies to txt messages, but if you're super awesome, sometimes I apply this rule to private messages. Not often, though. :D


Oh dear, I must be a right cock then..I only text one x to everybody :heart:.


Last night went for a really yummy meal at my favourite place with the parents.


Today went to manchester to see flo, had a meal at weatherspoons and a drink, got flirted with by some guy serving my in whsmith and I didn't know until Flo told me that he was actually interested...I fail, this is what happens when I'm single for so long. Oh well.


Come home to find the plug I ordered is two sizes too small, so I'll use it when I get my other ear pierced.


Day's been good, was nice to celebrate the past week with somebody ^_^

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ilike dysos avator, it hypnotc


Drunk Franklin is almost as good as drunk Fierce_LiNk. ;) Speaking of which...


Now that would be tellyn. Har Har.


Not once have I received four 'X's from you. :nono: We need to talk.

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Heh wow, I didn't know there were unwritten rules for the 'x' stuff. But then again I pretty much never put those at the end of my messages, not even to people I really like. They should know I like them without some "code" at the end. =P


Day was kinda meh. Work was boring. Had a huge tuna sandwich thing when I got home. Then napped for hours (since my parents were taking a nap as well). Spent the evening sitting outside, reading magazines and playing with the dog. Too bad it was so windy and not always warm enough to sit in a t-shirt. Oh well. =)

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Today went to manchester to see flo, had a meal at weatherspoons and a drink, got flirted with by some guy serving my in whsmith and I didn't know until Flo told me that he was actually interested...I fail, this is what happens when I'm single for so long. Oh well.

I'm not trying to lower your self-esteem here, but maybe you didn't recognise it because the guy wasn't actually flirting. Obviously I don't know this Flo person, but I've noticed that some people have a tendency to see flirtatious undercurrents in any non-hostile exchange between the different genders. Hell, I was accused of flirting with someone because I smiled and said, "Hello" when I was buying something, but to me that's just being polite.


Oh, and I don't really get the whole symbolic code thing. Seems a bit... lazy, I suppose. I think subtlety is better. "Meaning is not in things but in between; in the iridescence, the interplay: in the interconnections; at the intersections, at the crossroads."


Anyway I'm off to have a shower. You might think that isn't very noteworthy, but given the competition it still stands a chance of being the highlight of my day so far.

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The whole 'x' thing has always been a mystery to me.. I've never used 'em, and actually my ex never did either :/ I just find it weird and/or creepy when people do. Ho hum. I did once get 17 x's from someone, and all teh rest of the message said was "HI!!! I miss you :(". i rock.


Anyway; today I got up at THREE, walked to town, bought two pairs of shoes, walked home. THE END.

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The whole 'x' thing has always been a mystery to me.. I've never used 'em, and actually my ex never did either :/ I just find it weird and/or creepy when people do. Ho hum. I did once get 17 x's from someone, and all teh rest of the message said was "HI!!! I miss you :(". i rock.


Anyway; today I got up at THREE, walked to town, bought two pairs of shoes, walked home. THE END.


Yeah the obsessive "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" is quite scary. Especially being subjected to it when you don't actually like the person... o_o

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I just use one. Always. Because it still gets the message across.


Anywho. Today was alright. Early rise. Although I rose to Act III of Dr. Horrible.


House & Holiday hunting. Both were a bit of a bust. Booked a viewing for Wedsneday. May not go on this holiday. Found Rome for a week; flights and accom. (4*) for £230 which is a good deal but that is worth two weeks worth of work, and missing another to actually go (as I won't get holiday pay yet)...I will gladly just visit friends across the country. We'll see anywho.

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Well I always end a text with a full stop. So than I have no choice but to leave one "X" because then it automatically changes into lower case after that first one. I can't be bothered switching into CONSTANT CAPS just for the kisses, and I don't want to send a text that ends with "Xxx". I'm strange with this kind of thing.

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Well, it's ended up being shite, as a trip I was planning on making with 3 other friends to go and see some old friends is no longer going on, and now I feel like shite.


Well I always end a text with a full stop. So than I have no choice but to leave one "X" because then it automatically changes into lower case after that first one. I can't be bothered switching into CONSTANT CAPS just for the kisses, and I don't want to send a text that ends with "Xxx". I'm strange with this kind of thing.

Actually for me it's somewhat different - I always put Xxx, then delete the capital X. Dunno why, I don't think they suit it.

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