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What's happened to you Eenuh? It's like you've lost your innocent shy self in the past few months..you're all..rawr now o_o which is strange. Good for you :D


..Not that that's a bad thing! It all started in the Post your Room thread; I knew you were in trouble when you posted your drawers! :heh:


Haha, I'm still my innocent self really. I don't think I've changed much, apart from some silly comments from time to time. =P

Rawr makes me laugh. X3


And oi, I think it all started at the very beginning... me posting pics of me on our trampoline. =P



Anyway, drawing right now but nothing works, boooh.

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I've just been on the phone to the police for the past 15 minutes, waiting for them to come round and explaining to them why the need to come round ugently. My sister turned up, smashed the place, demanded money, demanded some drugs the doctor gave to my mum to keep for her and to only give her at certain times and then she almost kicked my dog. She threatened to kill me, chased me up the stairs with a fucking knife. I had to lock my self in my bathroom whilst calling the police.


Now the worst thing is, my mum just said "I'm not sure if I'm pressing charges."


Anyone want to scream with me?

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As much as I love being at home by myself (my family are down South until Wednesday evening, left Saturday morning) it pisses me off that there's no one here to answer the phone when it inevitably rings early in the morning and its some marketing company who are phoning us illegally.


I know exactly how you feel, i am in the exact situation.

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I've just been on the phone to the police for the past 15 minutes, waiting for them to come round and explaining to them why the need to come round ugently. My sister turned up, smashed the place, demanded money, demanded some drugs the doctor gave to my mum to keep for her and to only give her at certain times and then she almost kicked my dog. She threatened to kill me, chased me up the stairs with a fucking knife. I had to lock my self in my bathroom whilst calling the police.


Now the worst thing is, my mum just said "I'm not sure if I'm pressing charges."


Anyone want to scream with me?


You're fucking kidding me? Jesus christ, someone needs to give that girl a slap.

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Haggis, your sister just deserves to be locked up in some sort of mental home...


Well I hope thats the next step, I mean they've given a drug addict pills and told my mum to look after them. Did they not expect her to come looking for her and want them all? I mean, how dumb to you have to be seriously.


But I'm just so annoyed at my mum, If she doesn't press charges I will. I'm not having someone chase me with a frigging knife and get away with it, especially when it's in my own house. I can't stop shaking, it scared the frigging life out of me.


It's just so embarassing. There were 2 police cars and an anbulance parked outside. The ambulance has just taken her away (She'd taken 14 paracetamol and some tamazapan) and now my mums just giving a statement. There was about 15 people standing outside watching her being put in the ambulance, it's so emabrassing and I know understand why people seem to tar me with the same brush when they first meet me. Who wouldn't when they see one of the kids in a family is that messed up?



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You're fucking kidding me? Jesus christ, someone needs to give that girl a slap.


Preferably in the style of 'Airplane', having read Haggis' posts about her.


Fuck, man. Can't say I can relate or anything but that sounds seriously shitty. Can you press charges, independently of your parents? just a thought.

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Guest Stefkov

There was about 15 people standing outside watching her being put in the ambulance, it's so emabrassing and I now understand why people seem to tar me with the same brush when they first meet me. Who wouldn't when they see one of the kids in a family is that messed up?



That is seriously fucked up. It's unbelievable that people actually think both kids would turn out bad because one is. And the whole situation is fucked up. You should really push to get her locked away for a long time.

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Bah that's another wii game I want, I really can't afford to be buying all these wii games.


I'm still really tempted to sell all my xbox (not 360) games, but I don't know if anybody would have any interest in them, I only really play it for fable and I've nearly completed that anyway.


Bah, mum's given me a flyer for jobs at aldi. Normally I wouldn't even bother, but at £8.00 an hourfor 20-30hours a week I could make some serious cash in two months if I got the job and have some money for uni, just incase..

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Woke up at the usual time of 1.30 today, had breakfast, dossed about for a bit.


I went up to the place where I get my hair done, which is a fancy-schmancy place in town, to talk to my colourist lady about having my hair all red. She said It'd be easy with my hair (she said If the black hadn't faded out, it wouldn't have worked as well), but that'd it be expensive, at £140!


I might just DIY it.


Also bought an album, Knowle West Boy by Tricky, and a graphic novel, Arkham Asylum: Living Hell.

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Woke up at the usual time of 1.30 today, had breakfast, dossed about for a bit.


I went up to the place where I get my hair done, which is a fancy-schmancy place in town, to talk to my colourist lady about having my hair all red. She said It'd be easy with my hair (she said If the black hadn't faded out, it wouldn't have worked as well), but that'd it be expensive, at £140!


I might just DIY it.


DIY is better, alot better, but only if you want it bright.

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Oh, goody, Russia has announced it will use military means in the Czech parliament ratifies the US missile defence system treaty.


The end is nye, folks!


I think you mean 'nigh'. :heh: And upon reading the BBC article, the only way the US' plans will go through is if the Czech government agrees, with most of the opposition's party being strongly against it - a referendum has also been called for.

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