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A bugs are major bugs that will have Nintendo sending the master copy back to us faster than you can say "рентгеноэлектрокардиографического".


B bugs are obvious flaws.


C bugs are flaws that you might notice but aren't that big a deal.


I don't think I can even say it at all :heh: Interesting!


@nw: Auto tuning is so much cack, I had to do it several times over, and ended up needing assistance to get it right :(

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I still haven't got channel 1 because of it haha, I can't say it's much of an issue, as I'll be getting a freeview box soon which should sort it out. It's just annoying because the rest of the channels are fine and that ones cack.


I don't watch tv often enough to justify messing with it

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What's the project?


Can't say. I've googled it and there isn't even a rumor of it... :heh: although I accidently let it slip to someone here. :hmm:


I don't think I can even say it at all :heh: Interesting!


Well thats how bloody inefficient Nintendo is! :p

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Oh noes now you did it - you do realise this is a nintendo forum!! :heh:


With how Nintendo treat Europe I don't think anyone logical would disagree with me. :D


*The faint rumbling of rabid fanboys on the horizon*

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With how Nintendo treat Europe I don't think anyone logical would disagree with me. :D


*The faint rumbling of rabid fanboys on the horizon*


There are loads of fanboys around here, although most of them are against Nintendo.


It's the most Anti-Nintendo Nintendo forum on the web.

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There are loads of fanboys around here, although most of them are against Nintendo.


It's the most Anti-Nintendo Nintendo forum on the web.

Haha! Really? I haven't been on the Wii boards in yonks! Only hang out on the Other Console boards (lovely people hang out there) and General banter.

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There are loads of fanboys around here, although most of them are against Nintendo.


It's the most Anti-Nintendo Nintendo forum on the web.




I hate NoE for what they did to AA3 :shakehead (pheonix wright 3 :P)


Weirdly, my cat sprinted to the top of the garden from inside, sprayed, and then sprinted back in, like she'd been planning it for awhile, she scares me sometimes.

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Guest Stefkov
A bugs are major bugs that will have Nintendo sending the master copy back to us faster than you can say "рентгеноэлектрокардиографического".

Is that Greek? Is it even a word? It's massive and hard to say.

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Is that Greek? Is it even a word? It's massive and hard to say.


Russian, but I have no idea what it means. :D


I prefer "достопримечательностями" because I can actually pronounce it. Its what I was originally looking for. It means something like tourist information office. This is what comes from my sister speaking Russian.

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Guest Stefkov
Russian, but I have no idea what it means. :D


I prefer "достопримечательностями" because I can actually pronounce it. Its what I was originally looking for. It means something like tourist information office. This is what comes from my sister speaking Russian.

Aha, I thought it wouldn't have been Russian but it goes to show how much I know. It's just the э was that way round and in Ukrainian it's the other way round. Making the connection that Russia owned Ukraine, basically, in the past I thought they'd have the same alphabet to an extent.

I can only read and write the language. I can't understand it or hold any form of conversation.

Wierd when you put it in the perspective of English. It's like saying I can type these sentences in this language, but I can't understand anything I'm saying.

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Russian, but I have no idea what it means. :D


I prefer "достопримечательностями" because I can actually pronounce it. Its what I was originally looking for. It means something like tourist information office. This is what comes from my sister speaking Russian.


I love that word.

I did russian GCSE and it took me ages to learn how to say it! I always ended up saying something stupid like "dostapreemeyanotchywotchy". And it means literally a site, like for tourists to see/whatever. Why such a long word!

I also love the word for comprehensive school. Obshcheobrazavatelnoya shkoloo!

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Work was pretty dead and slow and I was stuck potwashing. Dull. Still not managed to get as far along with these beats as I had hoped. And my brother's trial has been set for 3 days beginning 28th July week. And im sleepy as heck so I should go to bed but anything before midnight seems like quitting.

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Aha, I thought it wouldn't have been Russian but it goes to show how much I know. It's just the э was that way round and in Ukrainian it's the other way round. Making the connection that Russia owned Ukraine, basically, in the past I thought they'd have the same alphabet to an extent.

I can only read and write the language. I can't understand it or hold any form of conversation.

Wierd when you put it in the perspective of English. It's like saying I can type these sentences in this language, but I can't understand anything I'm saying.


Yeah, I'm random like that. :heh:


I love that word.

I did russian GCSE and it took me ages to learn how to say it! I always ended up saying something stupid like "dostapreemeyanotchywotchy". And it means literally a site, like for tourists to see/whatever. Why such a long word!

I also love the word for comprehensive school. Obshcheobrazavatelnoya shkoloo!


There it is!! Love it. :D

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Had an amazing weekend, got honked by so many motorists in manchester, nearly caused a truck to crash when I bent over near Picadilly train station, and if I'd charged a quid a go to have my photo taken I'b be at least £100 better off. Then went clubing and with a little help from some friends discovered I have a dark side, and I like it. Didn't see my fellow N-E Tgirl there though, must have seen all the other beauty pageant entries with their names on their sashes, but didn't see our Jayde unfortunately.

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So you might remember i said about being made redundant at work... that was on the 10/6/08 and we had nothing official since then until today.




Dear Aaron Cooper


I am writing to ask you to attend a meeting on 02/07/08 at 4:15pm.


The reason for the meeting is to discuss your position within the business in view of the redundancy situation.


You are entitled to bring a companion with you to the meeting; this can be a working colleague. The companion may present you case, summarise and may also confer, but may not anwser questions of your behalf.


Should you require any further information prior to the meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me


Signed by my boss




Now thats fair enough. Its only a small business, there's me, the 2 owners, a driver, a packer and a storesman. Only 2 of us got the letter, me and the driver. Want to know why? Because the packer is the owners son and the storesman is the owners brother inlaw.


To me this just stinks, and im looking forward to hearing there excuses tommorrow. Not only that but we have been told not to mention our redundancy to customers or suppliers and that we will only recieve standard redundancy (1 month notice and 2 weeks wages ish).


2 years ago when i came to work here the place was a shit hole, they didnt even have a standard letter head or company logo. I made all this stuff for them, set up filing systems, installed the computer system and everything. I just feel that this is unfair and its really pisssing me off.


The only reason they need to get rid of people is because they take too much £££ for personal things from the business. Grrr so pissed off >.>

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Then I'd suggest making it part of your argument as you helped get them off the ground, sounds like you'd do a better job somewhere where it's appreciated ^_^


My day although it's not even 12 yet has been so much better than yesterday. I went to go to the post office only for the postman to come to my door and handed me one of my pendulum, so that was great. Finally got the goodies for my friend posted and realised how easy it was to send and how cheap recorded actually is (I posted something like 20odd items in one package and it was under 3quid!)


I also did a good deed, a guy was waiting at the old bus stops looking confused and I remembered how annoyed I was when nobody told me the routes had changed, luckily I manged to tell him and he seemed to thank me alot haha.


So now I'm at home, way too hot and going to play brawl in a minute <3

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Sorry to hear that Esequiel. Sounds like lameness of epic proportions.


My day, at work, but I've been given the task of proof-reading ALL the menu text in this game instead of playing it....ffs... :mad:


I look forward to my sandwich at lunch. Chicken and avocado, exciting.

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Yummm food, I haven't eaten anything yet. But then again I only woke up half an hour ago. >.>;

I stayed up until 5 am last night. First playing Brawl online with Coolness (fun!), then after that I watched an episode of X-Files, wheeee. Wasn't too scary either so that was good. Also had a cat sneak into my room (the one that I saved from the basement) for a bit, but she didn't stay around for long.

Went to sleep with the birds outside singing their beautiful songs. =)

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I'm stressed, again. So, this is my second shower today, and it's only half 12.


I dunno what to do, tbh. I've been everywhere looking for jobs, and it's just not funny anymore.


I'm constantly stressed and yes I do take a shower to try relieve it too.. I can't give any advice but if it's any consolation My job is shit they keep telling me i'm lazy and crap to squeeze every inch outta me. It's bullshit..


Hope you get one soon though.

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So you might remember i said about being made redundant at work... that was on the 10/6/08 and we had nothing official since then until today.




Dear Aaron Cooper


I am writing to ask you to attend a meeting on 02/07/08 at 4:15pm.


The reason for the meeting is to discuss your position within the business in view of the redundancy situation.


You are entitled to bring a companion with you to the meeting; this can be a working colleague. The companion may present you case, summarise and may also confer, but may not anwser questions of your behalf.


Should you require any further information prior to the meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me


Signed by my boss




Now thats fair enough. Its only a small business, there's me, the 2 owners, a driver, a packer and a storesman. Only 2 of us got the letter, me and the driver. Want to know why? Because the packer is the owners son and the storesman is the owners brother inlaw.


To me this just stinks, and im looking forward to hearing there excuses tommorrow. Not only that but we have been told not to mention our redundancy to customers or suppliers and that we will only recieve standard redundancy (1 month notice and 2 weeks wages ish).


2 years ago when i came to work here the place was a shit hole, they didnt even have a standard letter head or company logo. I made all this stuff for them, set up filing systems, installed the computer system and everything. I just feel that this is unfair and its really pisssing me off.


The only reason they need to get rid of people is because they take too much £££ for personal things from the business. Grrr so pissed off >.>


that's bullshit.

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Awww, cheer up Flinky and Esequiel. Hugs for you guys! *hugs*



I decided to be somewhat productive today and start cleaning out my room... I only have cleaned out two small compartments in my room filled with books, papers and drawings and I already regret having started. D:

It is taking ages to go through it all and file it away, plus my back is starting to hurt from all this work. And it's hottttttt in here. I'm sweating (ewwww).

At this rate it'll take me about two weeks to clean everything out I think. X3

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