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Well, I got some stuff done for school, but I'm not sure it's any good. Guess I'll find out tomorrow. D:


2:23 am and the lovely creature in the attic is awake again. I always call it a mouse, but honestly, I'm starting to doubt that now. One reason is that we put poison up there and the thing is still alive. Plus it's kinda loud and... makes weird noises, like it's knocking on the wood or something. O.o


Hopefully the creature will allow me some sleep tonight.

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Mediocre as of now. Right in the midst of final examinations to which i'll be finished in 7 days time. 12 weeks of not a single bit of work for all units is having a toll on my performance. Night before extreme cramming has become a trend this time round... Should be able to pull off miracle passes though, never failed before and I don't think now is the time that I will...

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day yesterday?

was a bit crap like..

worked on my essay and had a cup o tea


then it kinda i think got better :S

the nando, the darksnowman and john came over - they were playin footie at the uni then they came back to mine when we had dominos (sausage + extra cheese) and they watched the liverpool match - then they proceeded to be very very LOUD :D


weird weird weird - the tiniest of things are annoying me recently - i dont like it!

so anyone that knows me = stay on my good side

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Went to school by bus today (never really do that) cause it was too windy for my bike and my parents aren't around to bring me. Found out in Composition that one of the sketches I did is good enough to work with, so I can probably start my painting soon (has to be handed in in two weeks). Skipped my Art Theory class and came home.


In school though, I got asked a very unexpected question by my Art History teacher and now I'm having a huge dilemma. Not sure I should post it in here or start a new thread (or just deal with it on my own)... D:

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Todays been a ish day.


Had my driving lesson which i messed up abit. I had to pull out of a junction at the top of steep lane and i kept forgetting stuff and stalled about 3 times, then the car started to smell, then another car came behind. I evenutally got out though. Then i ended up doing a 3 point turn (Which i actually did in 3 sections). Still not bad for the 3rd lesson.


Then i arrive home to see the gas van outside and strong smell of gas. So a guy comes in and checks the electrics and stuff. So at this moment all the pavement smack outside the drive is being dug up.

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There´s just been a shooting incident in a Finnish school.. :hmm: Some news say 3 are dead and others say even 7.


The sickest part is that the shooter told about the massacre beforehand on Youtube..



They´ve taken the videos down now though..



But yeah, I´m not feeling very happy.

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*sigh* day went fine, i trundle home early (free last) only to find ive forgotten my keys and there's no one next door for me to borrow the keys from either, so im here with an hour of battery left waiting for my sister to get home from school bah. But new mafia game is up looks like the fun (hope i get in).

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I've been stuck in my house all day being pretty scared basically. I was on my own in the house (I'm still not allowed at college) and the door was unlocked. I heard this group of people walk into the house and I just ran to the front room door and shut it/pushed a chair against it. The guys went round my house spraying stuff on mirrors, breaking stuff and throwing eggs.


The police aren't even bothering to come round untill tomorrow:nono: . I've got to go to the doctors tomorrow to get "looked at" because I'm being told all this "stress" can't be good for me etc etc. I'm just so pissed off, I feel like I'm going to just crack and go mental because of all this stuff thats going on.:(




Erm, something happy, erm, I managed to finish my college work I've been getting, 2 essays finished = Woo.:)

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I've been stuck in my house all day being pretty scared basically. I was on my own in the house (I'm still not allowed at college) and the door was unlocked. I heard this group of people walk into the house and I just ran to the front room door and shut it/pushed a chair against it. The guys went round my house spraying stuff on mirrors, breaking stuff and throwing eggs.




I'd be considering moving. Either that, or doing some home alone style traps.

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Guest Stefkov

I broke my glasses last night so all day I've been fiddling with them because they don't sit on my face right now.

Now I have a pretty big tub of melons to satisfy me for now.

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I've been stuck in my house all day being pretty scared basically. I was on my own in the house (I'm still not allowed at college) and the door was unlocked. I heard this group of people walk into the house and I just ran to the front room door and shut it/pushed a chair against it. The guys went round my house spraying stuff on mirrors, breaking stuff and throwing eggs.


The police aren't even bothering to come round untill tomorrow:nono: . I've got to go to the doctors tomorrow to get "looked at" because I'm being told all this "stress" can't be good for me etc etc. I'm just so pissed off, I feel like I'm going to just crack and go mental because of all this stuff thats going on.:(




Erm, something happy, erm, I managed to finish my college work I've been getting, 2 essays finished = Woo.:)


Jesus. You have it tough. You seem to handle it well though.:bowdown:

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Had an awesome day.

I love wednesdays.

One lesson then I spend the rest of the day with my best mate having lots of LOLs playing noughts and crosses, eating chocolate and poke fights!

We tried to get tickets to see Plain White Ts at Southampton Guildhall, but they were sold out :( We were unhappy so we went to Costa and sat there for like an hour on a comfy sofa drinking Mint Hot Chocolate and Gingerbread Latte while acting like a pair of children in big bodies. It was fun. The guy working in Costa was so happy, he was called Justin and had cool hair.


Thankfully though, Domjcg has found me some tickets for Plain White Ts on teh internets, so i am happy again now! Thanks Dom!

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Jesus. You have it tough. You seem to handle it well though.:bowdown:







The police actually turned up even though they said they wouldn't! I'm pretty pissed off right now, the police officer is accusing me of lying and that I've made this whole thing up because they've not managed to catch them yet. I never thought I'd end up having totell a police officer to get the fuck out of my house.


Why is the law so damn shitty in the UK? I mean they can't catch 2 teenagers so I'm obviously lying. I really want to hit something/someone right now.

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Ooh will do Dom.


Tis -


Set in modern day

Fantasy element...well it is fantasy

Not bull shit trolls goblins, uber magic and shit like that.


Example ; Guy has magicness that enables him to shoot bullets made from elements from a gun (with no ammo) and liek...this dude who on a full moon can turn into a massive bone breaker/beast.


Ive said too much, but Im hopeful for it.

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