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Today i spent most of the afternoon looking for a car both online/ad-papers and garages. It's alot harder than i thought to find a car which looks half decent, has a small enough engine and cheap enough to run and insure. Although i'll most likely end up on my dads insurance as a named driver.


Other than that all i've done is play brawl and guitar hero III and watch TopGear.


Don't get one from a garage. You will pay twice the price for a car in your budget.

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Brawl hasn't turned up, gah and I thought it would, so it should be tomorrow otherwise I'll have a fit.


Went to college and even though my tutor said he'd be in he wasn't so had to leave the stuff on his desk, but at least everything should be done now. yay!


Off to play super mario galaxy.

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My girlfriend went out on thursday night and got absolutely wasted with her friend. They are so bloody stupid they took drugs off some random guy who ended up following them all the way home. So they come in the door and wake me up, begging me to get rid of some stoner. I call him a taxi and get rid of him. It's only th next day we realise the little fuck stole both of their mobile phones and my fucking DS!


Thankfully my gf feels very bad about the whole thing and says she has learnt her lesson. Best of all though she is buying me a brand new red DS so i cant stay mad at her for too long.

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Had an alright weekend, about 3 hours of both Saturday and Sunday were spent wiping out my mate online on GTA IV and listening to his complaining that he was getting wiped everytime. Out of 16 people, he ranked at 16 while i steadily rised up to 1st.


Work is ok at the moment, nice and busy plenty to do as well. Just deciding what to do when i get home, watch a movie and go on PC or play on GTA more or go out. Havn't decided yet and decision will be easier if someone calls and says what they are doing tonight as well.

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Guest Jordan

I went to town to go to a cash machine to see if i've been paid.


Nope. Why the hell does it take more than 4 fucking days for money to go into my account? I have literally £8 to my name right now.

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I went to town to go to a cash machine to see if i've been paid.


Nope. Why the hell does it take more than 4 fucking days for money to go into my account? I have literally £8 to my name right now.


Because banks are awfully slow and evil. =(

Also, can you not check your status online? I mean, it would save the trouble of having to go to town. All I have to do is insert my card into a little machine (sort of like a calculator), type in some codes and I have direct access to my bank accounts (easy to check if I got my money, as well as make transactions). Maybe worth checking out if something like this exists for you? =O


My day so far has been boring. I should start getting productive (as I'm finally getting better, just not 100% yet), but I really can't find the motivation to do anything. Even gaming doesn't seem too appealing right now... And I need to buy a sketchbook but I'm too lazy to bike all the way to the art store. Maybe tomorrow...

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Guest Stefkov

Speaking of getting paid, I got my wages for last weeks work just now. £155 for 4 days work. I'm quite happy right now, that I just got paid for watching Wimblydon on most of the days.

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Guest Jordan
Because banks are awfully slow and evil. =(

Also, can you not check your status online? I mean, it would save the trouble of having to go to town. All I have to do is insert my card into a little machine (sort of like a calculator), type in some codes and I have direct access to my bank accounts (easy to check if I got my money, as well as make transactions). Maybe worth checking out if something like this exists for you? =O


My day so far has been boring. I should start getting productive (as I'm finally getting better, just not 100% yet), but I really can't find the motivation to do anything. Even gaming doesn't seem too appealing right now... And I need to buy a sketchbook but I'm too lazy to bike all the way to the art store. Maybe tomorrow...



My bank has a tonne of Indian call centres. They're shit and pointless.


I've tried changing my address twice now, nothing has come of it at all. I've tried setting up online banking three times. It never works! HSBC are just utter shit and i can't change banks because i always miss the electoral register sign ups around here.

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Worked 12-3 and back there 6-finish (10.30 hopefully). Just meh. I will quit at some point, but not sure when. This was meant to be my summer of frivolity gorramit and I will have one of those next summer (going to China) but still...damn need for money.

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(BTW Im not a financial advisor, but I work for Halifax, so I know a bit) the current savings plan that Halifax are advertising on TV has been the fastest selling product that we've had and its actually really good, I think its the 10% saver or something. Should be on Halifax.co.uk


Other than that I can recommend a CoFunds ISA plan, this company lets you invest in LOADS of different funds, and my dad (who is a financial advisor) gave me a good portfolio to go into (it made £300 in 4 weeks) of course now its down due to everything being down, but that means it could be a good time to go into it. (Im not sure what minimum is to invest,..no clue) but if you do want something a bit non standard then Id recommend that. My portfolio is


JPM New Europe A Fund Acc

M&G Recovery A Fund Acc

Neptune Asia Pacific Opportunities A Fund Acc


And you can check it online, which is good.

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(BTW Im not a financial advisor, but I work for Halifax, so I know a bit) the current savings plan that Halifax are advertising on TV has been the fastest selling product that we've had and its actually really good, I think its the 10% saver or something. Should be on Halifax.co.uk


Other than that I can recommend a CoFunds ISA plan, this company lets you invest in LOADS of different funds, and my dad (who is a financial advisor) gave me a good portfolio to go into (it made £300 in 4 weeks) of course now its down due to everything being down, but that means it could be a good time to go into it. (Im not sure what minimum is to invest,..no clue) but if you do want something a bit non standard then Id recommend that. My portfolio is


JPM New Europe A Fund Acc

M&G Recovery A Fund Acc

Neptune Asia Pacific Opportunities A Fund Acc


And you can check it online, which is good.


aye - i was lookin at that halifax thing - and i think my dad saves with them too

prob look i nto that one :)

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My only issue with Halifax is that they constantly are giving me extra. I'm on paper-free, stop sending me stuff!


Today's been rather productive, by my standards at least:


I got a new job, although I won't get an official offer letter for another day or two as the PA that deals with such things has been at Glastonbury. It's not the greatest job in the world but it's only 15 minutes away and the hours are very flexible; I can take up something else during my off days, assuming I find something suitable.


I actually managed to get through to Dell's customer services. Normally this takes days. Anyway, I need a replacement monitor as the backlight in my current one has died, something of an annoyance if you intend to see what you're doing. Hopefully they'll send me a new one as opposed to making me wait on the repair, but I shan't hold me breath.


More customer service tomfoolery, this time with RedBubble. I bought one of Eenuh's t-shirts but unfortunately I got sent the wrong style. It was for my sister, but I received a man-size shirt that she could use as a dressing gown. Hopefully that'll get sorted soon.


That was all pretty boring. I'd like to say I've got something to reward those that read this far, but that would be a lie. And lying is wrong.

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My only issue with Halifax is that they constantly are giving me extra. I'm on paper-free, stop sending me stuff!


Today's been rather productive, by my standards at least:


I got a new job, although I won't get an official offer letter for another day or two as the PA that deals with such things has been at Glastonbury. It's not the greatest job in the world but it's only 15 minutes away and the hours are very flexible; I can take up something else during my off days, assuming I find something suitable.


I actually managed to get through to Dell's customer services. Normally this takes days. Anyway, I need a replacement monitor as the backlight in my current one has died, something of an annoyance if you intend to see what you're doing. Hopefully they'll send me a new one as opposed to making me wait on the repair, but I shan't hold me breath.


More customer service tomfoolery, this time with RedBubble. I bought one of Eenuh's t-shirts but unfortunately I got sent the wrong style. It was for my sister, but I received a man-size shirt that she could use as a dressing gown. Hopefully that'll get sorted soon.


That was all pretty boring. I'd like to say I've got something to reward those that read this far, but that would be a lie. And lying is wrong.


Yay for getting a job! What kind of job is it, if I may ask?


And booh at getting the wrong shirt! I really hope that gets sorted soon! =(

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Yay for getting a job! What kind of job is it, if I may ask?

Nothing exciting, just packing produce for a start-up company; they haven't started trading yet.


I'm not entirely sure what kind of 'produce' will be involved at the moment, all I know is that it will be imported from overseas. Although my interviewer did mention I'd have to sign an NDA, so perhaps I've unwittingly become part of a drug syndicate. At least that would be interesting, I suppose.


And booh at getting the wrong shirt! I really hope that gets sorted soon! =(

If it's any consolation the shirt itself looks great. And from the sounds of things the reprint won't cost me anything.


I suggested to my sister that she gives the current shirt to her boyfriend, then they can have matching attire. Otherwise I'll pilfer it for my own nefarious ends¹.



¹My ends may or may not be nefarious.

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