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Just got back from my weekend in Manchester which was hella fun. Good times all around. Of course it made me wonder why I didn't go to a big city for uni (and having four hours alone on the journey back didn't help me to not think these thoughts either). Ah well eh?


But im knackered. Have to be up at 8.30 for a coffee with a friend (at 11 but its 20 miles away) and I need to find my new Nationwide card as they've stopped me from using my old one. Thought I knew where it was, and it isn't. Frak.

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Can anyone tell me what the name of this song is please? Heard it a few times now when I've been out. Can't remember anymore than something like "can't escape the irony". Might actually be totally differen than that, but 'irony' is definitely in it. It's a guy singing and sounds like it could be the Arctic Monkey's or something but I don't think it is....

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Jimbob making out with a girl who has been sick is yucky. This girl I was 'getting with' at a party was sick later on and came back to me and I was like, sort it out I'm not kissing you now. Thats horrid. Sounds like you had fun though.


Tonight I went for a close friend's bbq and there was a few of us and it turned epic. I ended up with scrapes all over my arm and I'm pretty sure I've pulled a muscle in my ankle somewhere because it is killing me. Oh well I'm glad because we made a human pyramid that went 5 4 3 2 1!!!!!! Hurt like hell being on the 4 level but was worth it. Bored now, no-one is online :(

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Shoulder, though the picture doesn't really show just how red it really is. XD



Schweet Jehova!! one of my friends said he wouldnt burn when we were doing d of e. End of the hike the back of his arms looked like a couple of raw sausages XD

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Yeah, they hand them out as you head into the main space.


It appears most people who have commented on the gigs have been over sensitive wimps though, I didn't use the earplugs and was fairly close to the stage but the ringing only lasted for half an hour tops. But my hearing has probably been damaged for years anyway.


Either way the most invasive thing is the vibration during 'You Made Me Realise'.

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.....Ben and Jerrys free scoop day? : peace:


Hardly, Ben and Jerrys is overpriced muck.


...annual masturbation thread?


Don't masturbate, not in the conventional sense anyway.


...horse porn apprication day is coming?


Don't do animals.


It's the worlds largest Transgender festival. Sparkle. Will be loads of fun, and I'll be meeting another forum member there too if they're not too busy with preparations for the beauty pageant.

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Guest Jordan
I'll be meeting another forum member there too if they're not too busy with preparations for the beauty pageant.




Who the hell could that be?

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