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Hope everything went as best as can (given the circumstances) today Dante.


My day hasn't been too bad. Douche chill moment as my dad turned up here and it was the first time I had spoke to him since it happened.


Met a friend after she finished work and we went to Merry Hill (shopping centre) and just wondered around. All I bought were birthday cards and gifts. Then we went to a pub nearish here and had a nice meal and a chat about what we want to do with our lives. Been a good day.


And now im listening to Basement Jaxx and want to dance!

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My first one is on Thursday. It's good though. I can revise CP4 and then do the exam, then the next one if a week later so I have that time to revise CP5. I did some revision today aswell; hexadecimal, 2s compliment, etc. lol




CPT4 and 5 tomorrow! churning out exam papers like theres no tomorrow =]


I think it'll be ok..unless something like the dread 'turn Ascii 26 into BCD' comes up (thats ok actually, but theres alot worse that could happen)


But general studies A2 tomorrow too =] busy day! i just want to get it over and done with really...

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I'm feeling highly frustrated and kinda angry at the moment. All because of a mix of crappy internet, my literature notes making no sense, wanting sleep/games and certain people who just annoy me right now and make me want to go grah!



No idea how to get rid of this frustration either, but I feel like ripping out someone's heart or something (à la Temple of Doom).

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Lol, i've got my equivalent hand destroyer test tomorrow - Geography. I'll always seem to write too much for each question, just to ensure I can pick up the most possible marks. Still got one more English paper to do; I don't like english papers primarily because there's no wright or wrong, so you can't leave an exam knowing you did really well.


Went and found out my English Coursework mark today - 211 out of 215 across 5 pieces or something akin to that (can't remember) - needless to say i'm really chuffed. Prodigy, do you know how much of the final grade the coursework accounts for?


I'm pretty sure that all of English coursework counts for 25%. All I remember is that I wasn't great on the literature side of things on the coursework, but absolutely pwned all on the Media text - V fo Vendetta film review = A*;)

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I'm feeling highly frustrated and kinda angry at the moment. All because of a mix of crappy internet, my literature notes making no sense, wanting sleep/games and certain people who just annoy me right now and make me want to go grah!



No idea how to get rid of this frustration either, but I feel like ripping out someone's heart or something (à la Temple of Doom).


Have you tried screaming really hard? If you don't want anyone to hear you, block your mouth with a pillow.


So tired... must... keep... studying...

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Have you tried screaming really hard? If you don't want anyone to hear you, block your mouth with a pillow.


So tired... must... keep... studying...


I would try that but at the moment I really don't feel like screaming, despite all the frustration. Actually, I never feel like screaming.

I just got a couple of tears fall from my eyes though, so I guess my body is trying to find its own way of dealing with it all. ='3



And good luck! We can do this! We will study hard and pass our exams and then enjoy our summer!

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Guest Stefkov
A2 general studies!?!


Please say it's compulsory for you... and if so, why A2? We only had to do As.

Mmm it's compulsory. Got it tomorrow morning, which tbh I could do without. It's pointless and the stuff I have to write about won't concern me at all but it goes towards my Ucas points I think, so I'll have to do it.

Today- Woken early for no reason. Totally screwed me over. If I'd stayed in bed without disruptions until 9/10 I would have been fine but I felt nasty.

Played a game and revised a tiny little. Now I'm gonna revise some moar.

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I'm pretty sure that all of English coursework counts for 25%. All I remember is that I wasn't great on the literature side of things on the coursework, but absolutely pwned all on the Media text - V fo Vendetta film review = A*;)


Hmm wish it was more tbh :P. How did everyone's exam's go today? I had geography, and as predicted it was a hand destroyer.

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Hmm wish it was more tbh :P. How did everyone's exam's go today? I had geography, and as predicted it was a hand destroyer.


It most definitely was, I finished with precisely 0 seconds to spare. I crammed as much as I could into the hurricane defences question, that's definitely full marks. Actually most of the paper probably is, I do what you to and cram every question full of info to ensure I get all the marks for it.


And I got an A/A* on all my English coursework except for Romeo and Juliet, which was a B. English exams are also going pretty well. Anyone else have history yesterday?

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I actually know quite alot of people who have re-taken the first AS exam (January) in general studeis. I got an E and couldn't care less.


I (and everyone I know apart from one) got a U in both ther As exams, my pen ran out and I had to use a really small pencil, so I just wrote about that and how it annoyed me. It even have a lifesize diagram of the pencil so they could also feel my pain!


The one guy I mentioned got full UMS marks in it :/

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That's weird, I find geaography to be unnecessarily long. 105 minutes for an exam I finished in 65...


The map skills section - which SHOULD have been a piece of piss - was strangely tough(retarded).


Had a French Listening too. Tough as old boots. I phail.


And yes, I had history yesterday. That was alright, could have been a lot worse. Still gave me blisters as fingers though.

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Sooo... There's this mate that whenever she's invited over seems to refuse to leave and it's really, really annoying. She basically won't leave until it's like 4am and I'm all "... ok TIRED NOW." It makes me really, really uncomfortable. How can you nicely say 'fuck off outta my house?'


Anyway, I'll spend some more time revising Art History, until about 1 am probably. Then maybe watch some X-files (only real relaxation moment today) or go to sleep. ='3

So where you up to on that now? I got to episode 21 of season 3 and now it won't download anymore...

Ive moved out this week :) living in Chepstow now


only prob is that i dont own a pc/laptop of my own so wont be on here much now. Hardly use the net these days anyway.

So you've moved from where my grandparents live to where they used to live. Chepstow is a lovely little place.

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Sooo... There's this mate that whenever she's invited over seems to refuse to leave and it's really, really annoying. She basically won't leave until it's like 4am and I'm all "... ok TIRED NOW." It makes me really, really uncomfortable. How can you nicely say 'fuck off outta my house?'



So where you up to on that now? I got to episode 21 of season 3 and now it won't download anymore...


I sort of used to have a friend like that. She would stay over all night and play on my GC and eat my food. And then it got too late for her to walk home so she would sleep on my couch.

Honestly, the only thing you can do is say you have stuff to do, or want to sleep, or have somewhere to go or whatever. Or just say you need some alone time...


I didn't get to watch any X-files yesterday, and haven't in a while. Right now I'm up to season two, episode 8 (One Breath). Maybe tonight I'll finally watch another one, but I doubt it.


Just epilated (is this the right verb for epilation?) my legs, which feel like they are on fire now. That was my break from revision.

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I didn't do much today except, I finished Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II; it was excellent, perhaps better than the original. I was glad to discover you could level up past twenty, because I got to twenty around halfway through the first game.

At first I didn't like the work station, but it turned out to be an excellent part of the game. The characters were excellent, especially Kreia (perhaps one of the greatest characters of all time?). At first I thought I would play through the game as a complete asshole, following the dark side, but the game made me feel compelled to do the good thing, which is very rare for me.

A superb game.


So yeah, anybody able to recommend a game to play next? I have a 360 and a DS.

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Just epilated (is this the right verb for epilation?) my legs, which feel like they are on fire now. That was my break from revision.


Brave woman!


Went to college today because we are supposed to have classes all this week, when I got in none of the teachers could be bothered so me and matt went to town and grabbed a subway and I grabbed a new top to wear for saturday.


Also got my hair dyed and cut ^_^ so it's now a nice blue colour :) something nice to cheer me up.


edit: when fable 2 comes out triple_c grab that for now mario kart on ds, it's also fun to play online too.

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Guest Jordan

Not happy.

My phone screen came today with the wrong screw driver. I need a torx T5 and i was given a T6. Meaning i can't do anything still. Fuck!

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Went Colchester Zoo! Totally spur of the moment..just drove near it and went in...LOL


Hope your ok Dante!!! : peace:


Lol! Zoo's are so awesome, I've not been to one in years! Damn, I wish there was one near me.




Spent the day relaxing, it's so nice not having exams or anything else (for once) niggling in the back of my mind. I'm just feeling increasingly happy, and it's a great feeling. :D

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Lol! Zoo's are so awesome, I've not been to one in years! Damn, I wish there was one near me.




Spent the day relaxing, it's so nice not having exams or anything else (for once) niggling in the back of my mind. I'm just feeling increasingly happy, and it's a great feeling. :D


It was really good actually..haven't been there for say 10 years...i didn't realise how much walking you had to do..i'm sure i walked about 2 miles (slight exaggeration there..lol).


Some of the monkeys were amazingly cute..and there was this one meercat sitting on it's arse like it was on a chair with it's tail between it's leg.which made me laugh.


Also saw the White Tiger..which is amazingly rare! None have been seen in the wild since 1951 or something apparently..

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