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My day:


Had two biology tests (Unit 2: Genes and Genetics & Unit 3: Heart and stuff) Unit 2 was fairly easy, however unit 3 was a bit of a bugger. Overall i think i did ok, maybe a C, or even a B if my coursework makes much difference (i got 30/30).


Then i needed to catch the bus back as i could make it home before it started raining (again). The first bus went shooting by which i wasn't too pleased about. So decided to wait for the next one. 40 minutes later in the rain i decided that the bus wasn't coming. So i ended up ringing my mum for a lift.


Now i'm home (and wet), but on the good side, all my AS exams are over.... Hurray!!!

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No more exams! *High five to anyone*


Biology went better than expected and Philosophy and Ethics went...Meh, but still much better than expected considering how rubbish our teacher is. All in all I'm rather optamistic about it all.


Now I've got the rest of the week to do bugger all and just relax. We all bluddy deserve it too. :D

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Watching the news, I came across this speech my Robert Mugabe, and wanted to actually shoot the man, there and then. The fact he has kicked out the skilled white farmers and given the land to people who haven't the faintest clue how to farm on a large scale obviously has nothing to do with the food shortages in his country... :indeed:



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Did the Media and non-fiction paper in English today. Considering English is probably my forte, it was ok. Couple of stupid questions though (you know the type that are worded so dumbly that you don't know what to write?)


And nicely topped up with the old hand-destroyer - a history test. Again, pretty easy, but it's IMPERATIVE that you write as fast as you can for 105 minutes straight to stand a chance of writing everything you want to write. :(

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No more exams! *High five to anyone*


Biology went better than expected and Philosophy and Ethics went...Meh, but still much better than expected considering how rubbish our teacher is. All in all I'm rather optamistic about it all.


Now I've got the rest of the week to do bugger all and just relax. We all bluddy deserve it too. :D




Woooo! My exams are over too. :yay: Time to relax and get back to being my usual (lazy) self. :p

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Guest Stefkov
I hate Virgin Media.

Mine's been playing up today aswell. Just stopping working for long periods. Really annoying.


It seems Italians don't know the word volume. When they speak they shout.

Met some family members today, massive language barrier there.

Changed my pc locale to Japan so I can play some Japanese games, heh, so it has letters not a load of &s and shit. Don't understand it mind, it's all for fun anyway.

Some minor differences in other things aswell when it's changed, fonts smaller and such.

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And nicely topped up with the old hand-destroyer - a history test. Again, pretty easy, but it's IMPERATIVE that you write as fast as you can for 105 minutes straight to stand a chance of writing everything you want to write. :(


Lol, i've got my equivalent hand destroyer test tomorrow - Geography. I'll always seem to write too much for each question, just to ensure I can pick up the most possible marks. Still got one more English paper to do; I don't like english papers primarily because there's no wright or wrong, so you can't leave an exam knowing you did really well.


Went and found out my English Coursework mark today - 211 out of 215 across 5 pieces or something akin to that (can't remember) - needless to say i'm really chuffed. Prodigy, do you know how much of the final grade the coursework accounts for?

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Played football in the pouring rain. My back has been hurting all day, I think I slept in a weird position. :(


Its my math examination tomorrow so I had to read a lot today

damn it sucks even tho I love maths


Good luck!

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Guest Stefkov
Will you people stop talking about finishing your exams?! Mine start in a week!:(

My first one is on Thursday. It's good though. I can revise CP4 and then do the exam, then the next one if a week later so I have that time to revise CP5. I did some revision today aswell; hexadecimal, 2s compliment, etc. lol

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Will you people stop talking about finishing your exams?! Mine start in a week!:(


*feels your pain*


How many exams do you have by the way? And how long have you been revising already?

I'm totally not looking forward to mine; they're going to be difficult. D:



And my internet has been wonky tonight. Kept logging me off, and right now the connection in my room is terrible. Boooh.

Anyway, I'll spend some more time revising Art History, until about 1 am probably. Then maybe watch some X-files (only real relaxation moment today) or go to sleep. ='3

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