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Not bad. Had a quick run around birmingham (not literally, but a two hour shopping trip) and got the new Dexter book and some hoodies. Then got home and a bit later a friend came round and we've been watching Once Upon A Time In America (3.40! can you believe it?) got twenty mins left but hes been called to work. I said I'd leave it for a while if he wants to come back.


And im a wee bit drunk. Wine :)

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Yeah Dexter in the Dark. Came out some point this month. Only hardback so far, although it does look good would have liked the paperback one with the black cover to match my other two.


Finished Dearly Devoted on the train earlier so felt it was time to buy the third.

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I thought a Scottish dude was American....but it kind of leaned towards an international American accent...if that makes sense!


Interestingly enough, a lot of Scottish people tell me I sound very American.


Anyway. Tired. Sorted out bills, chased up student loan, hopefully I'll have that by the end of the week. Ate a big bag of revels earlier. Snacking on some carrots to give it some extra company before bed. I think it's a sign of the winter closing in.

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Guest Stefkov

Today's off to a flying start, already it's my fault for not telling my mum something that I don't know.

Yes, it's my fault that I don't know if my dad is taking me to work, it's my fault that my mums never told anything. I know my brother might leave and I wish I could do the same.

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Got a couple of days off so have spent the morning sorting some stuff out. Been into town to open up a savings account and buy my mums birthday pressie/other stuff. Put a load of washing on and am about to pout a second load on and then do some hoovering. Fun, fun, fun!

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Woke up, ran to the toilet. Promptly shitted till around 11am (fun eh?).


Apparently a small piece of under cooked chicken caused it, 'cooked' by my lovely Letty. I swear shes out to kill me.


Rang work earlier in the morning, told them i'd be in around mid day. So now i'm at work, feeling better but starving.

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Was having a good morning. Got odd jobs done, lay about for a bit and watched some TV (finally finished off Death Note) and then my new DVD player arrived and I excitedly set it up and the fucking remote doesnt work -_- So I cant do anything with it.

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Off to get a halloween costume today. Not sure what to go for. Hell I'd be fine going as myself, I'm scary enough.


Not once in my life have I celebrated Halloween, and I honestly don't feel too bad about that. Back in the day it didn't even exist over here; it's only now people start doing it. *shrugs*


Gonna get ready for bowling soonnn. I hope my friends will show up in time... =/

And I still didn't do anything for school. Darn me and my procrastinating powers. D:

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Currently sitting in the library plowing me way through an essay due for Friday. Have another one due for tommorow that I must get started all right - busy day in the library for me!


Well that one's finished!


Now, I REALLY REALLY don't want to do the other one - but it's due for tomorrow so I may get started!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Day is picking up a little. Ate. Watching Veronica Mars DVD extras and just checked ebay. Wiis are going for an average of £250, so I imagine with the remote and nunchuck I have on top thats about £300. Getting bored of sitting on it thought. But if I wait another eight weeks (ish) it should double.


(Oh and yeah, maybe I should do some essay work later)

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