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Nice idea rokhed00, if it was me that got GTA IV delivered to my house instead of someone elses then i would most likely sell it on ebay or give it to them depending on my mood as i already got myself a copy, went to the sorting house yesterday afternoon and picked it up as i knew they had it. Havn't had a chance to play it yet, that is for tonight when i get home (which is in 2hrs, 45 mins)

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Fuck that, the games nothing special, and the post office and GAME will cover them for a replacement if it hasn't turned up in two weeks.

Free is free.


Is keeping it not illegal when it's obviously not meant for you? It's pretty much the same as the bank making a mistake and putting money into your account by mistake and you spending it.


Give it back.

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Is keeping it not illegal when it's obviously not meant for you? It's pretty much the same as the bank making a mistake and putting money into your account by mistake and you spending it.


I heard about that. The funny thing is banks normally give you a reward of some sort for bringing it to there attention.

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Last night I went to the Nelson pub and corp club; rock places. I wore stupid clothes that made the pretentious people more pretentious. Didn't bring enough money to get drunk enough, but met a couple of people off of my course who were sound enough. Also met the band that were playing in the club, and they encouraged me to download their stuff! Now if only I can remember their name...


Shorty's got GTA4 going, so I'm gonna go watch him play, then maybe go for some outdoor drinkies if the weather's alright enough for my friend.


Oh yeah, and somethingaboutessaythatigottadomumblemumble...

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Glad to see Rokhed hasn't changed. i love reading your posts (most of the time)


Some things about me will never change.


I think it's clear to everyone you only care about yourself.


I could say the same about you waving around your positive pregnancy tests at the first opportunity without thought that people seeing it may have lost their unborn child or are unable to have children. Most people like to keep their pregnancies quiet for a while, just in case anything goes wrong, you on the other hand can't wait to brag about it.


I'm a good person, and I care about a lot of people, I don't care about faceless corporations though, and in this instance they are the only ones who will lose out. So someone doesn't get a game on release, they'll get it sooner or later, they have lost nothing, and they certainly wouldn't be the first, or last person to have it happen to them.


I heard about that. The funny thing is banks normally give you a reward of some sort for bringing it to there attention.


That's banks, financial responsibility is their business, the post office on the other hand are only interested in pushing their credit cards, phone, internet, insurance services and god knows what else on you.

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... but odwin cares more about other people in this situation :P delving into other matters makes it personal, which does nothing but prove that you're getting wound up by this.


Does he, because he certainly doesn't seem to care that it has happened to me on more than one occasion. Perhaps his holier than thou attitude doesn't stretch as far as all that.

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That's banks, financial responsibility is their business, the post office on the other hand are only interested in pushing their credit cards, phone, internet, insurance services and god knows what else on you.


Oh hey dont get me wrong, i already said imho i dont know what i would do in your situation.


I just think its funny they got locked up when they could have had a small reward.

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I do care that it has happened to you - it makes what you are doing worse because you know it's a pain.

Bragging about pregnancy? Is there any real point in keeping it quiet - if it goes wrong then it goes wrong, and then you tell people anyway - might as well just get it out in the open to start with. Sharing pregnancy good news is so different to what you are doing that the comparison is mind boggling.

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Does he, because he certainly doesn't seem to care that it has happened to me on more than one occasion. Perhaps his holier than thou attitude doesn't stretch as far as all that.


does he? Yes, he does. He cares for the other person who ordered the game, who will probably not even start trying to get his money/game back for a few days thinking it's the post.


The other occassions aren't part of this equation. We all have our attitudes, Rokhed. As for how he feels towards you, if it bothers you then say something to him rather than using it to undertone what you say.

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I do care that it has happened to you - it makes what you are doing worse because you know it's a pain.


It's not a pain, it's a minor inconvenience, it is no big deal. It's not like it's a matter of life and death.


Bragging about pregnancy? Is there any real point in keeping it quiet - if it goes wrong then it goes wrong, and then you tell people anyway - might as well just get it out in the open to start with. Sharing pregnancy good news is so different to what you are doing that the comparison is mind boggling.


Really, do you have any idea what it feels like to lose a child? If you did you'd know why it's not a good idea to shout it from the rooftops, you'd also have an idea how painful it can be to others giving out what you consider good news. Good for you that you can get your wife pregnant, and that she has had no problems carrying to full term, but spare a thought for the less fortunate. Most people on that kind of occasion keep it within family and close friends, not advertise it on an internet forum. I certainly wouldn't, not that I'll ever get the chance to father a child again.




Id better never mention my best mate so's not to offend anyone whos lost their friends....or any of my family members so's not to offend anyone whos lost a family member.




Probably be better if you never mentioned anything ever again.


does he? Yes, he does. He cares for the other person who ordered the game, who will probably not even start trying to get his money/game back for a few days thinking it's the post.


The other occassions aren't part of this equation. We all have our attitudes, Rokhed. As for how he feels towards you, if it bothers you then say something to him rather than using it to undertone what you say.


I'm sorry, but I have enough on my plate without having to consider people I don't know. I don't have the luxury of being able to live my life by religious platitudes, I'm sure you can understand that. Anyway, as they say 'the lord giveth, and the lord taketh away' happens to everyone at some point, I'm just playing my part in his master plan.

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You're giving advice on what should and shouldn't be posted on an internet forum? Wow.


No, just saying what I'd do in that situation, I don't give advice unless asked, and would expect the same in turn.


Anyway, I've wasted enough of my time with this, I've had some good luck for a change and I don't need anyone telling me I'm not due it.

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Really, do you have any idea what it feels like to lose a child?


Yes. Do you? Is this yet another part of the rokhed00 sob story?


I'm sorry, but I have enough on my plate without having to consider people I don't know. I don't have the luxury of being able to live my life by religious platitudes, I'm sure you can understand that. Anyway, as they say 'the lord giveth, and the lord taketh away' happens to everyone at some point, I'm just playing my part in his master plan.



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