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Eenuh, that dogs fur looks so... glossy.


I want a dog, or even a cat, or even some new guinea pigs. Pets are great.




My day must have been sub par, I have forgotten most of it. I remember a latex glove, a broken broom, a hosepipe and a whole lot of hilarity.


Wait, that sounds far from sub par actually. Most of my days end up like this. I remember doing good stuff, but not what exactly and why it was so enjoyable in the first place. The ability to enjoy the inane immensely is a ability I am so glad I have.


That sounded more profound than I intended. Or not, I don't do profound, I do frivolous.


Oh man, I sound like a ****.

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Lecture was average. Did a bit of uni work but not as much as I wished to. Sainsburys was okay. Wii Fit-ed myself to tiredness. Going to watch Desperate Housewives then sleep.


Oh but I have a hair appointment for Wednesday which is yay.

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Aww I love your dog! what is his name? I had a german shepard named jerry when i was young but we moved around too much and we couldnt keep it :(


Going to totally get a dog later on, what bred is that btw? (maybe a cat toooo caus they hilarious)!

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Aww I love your dog! what is his name? I had a german shepard named jerry when i was young but we moved around too much and we couldnt keep it :(


Going to totally get a dog later on, what bred is that btw? (maybe a cat toooo caus they hilarious)!


Her name is Fabel (dutch for fable =P ) and she's a Bernese Mountain dog. My favourite breed, such beautiful dogs. And she's such a great companion too, always wants hugs and affection. X3


*loves her, even though she was a little devil still a year ago*

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Had a weird thing happen to me today on Ebay, I've listed several items for sale, but when I search for them (I like to compare how my listings are doing compared to other similar listings) they don't show up, unless I give the exact wording of my listings title, and then just my listing only shows. I think they've buggered up Ebays search.

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Eenuh your dog looks great! :yay:


My day yesterday was a bit odd and by the end of it i was exhausted and didn't really want to talk with anyone so i watched some Heroes and went to bed! :)


Today should be good i have athletics! which is usually a good laugh because i suck atevery event so much! :D

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Oof, last night was horrible. I couldn't fall asleep till 2 am, while having to get up again at 6:30. What makes things even worse was that I kept waking up during the night, thinking it was time to get up. Plus I had nightmares about school/my presentation tomorrow. D:


School so far is boring. Had 4 hours of model drawing and my feet and back hurt from standing up so long and having to draw/paint on the huge paper (it's too big for me to reach it all without standing on my toes). Now three hours of Illustration... but I just feel so tired I want to sleep. >.<;

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Someone isn't getting their copy of GTA4 today, postie delivered it to me instead, same house number, but the next street along. Oh what a pity.


Usually if that was me Id probably keep it however, as its GTAIV like the most anticipated game in a while and the person waiting for it has clearly pre-ordered thus majorly looking forward to it, I would go and drop it off to them.

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Usually if that was me Id probably keep it however, as its GTAIV like the most anticipated game in a while and the person waiting for it has clearly pre-ordered thus majorly looking forward to it, I would go and drop it off to them.


Fuck that, the games nothing special, and the post office and GAME will cover them for a replacement if it hasn't turned up in two weeks.

Free is free.

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See, thats what you think, but then the person that ordered it is probably shitting themselves with excitement...and well now fury.


Tough luck, postmans fault, not mine.


I would give it back. Free is free, but nice is nicer.

(Regardless of how many times something or other has screwed you over in the past.)


I prefer to see it as karma paying me back for all the stuff I've had gone missing in the post.

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Tough luck, postmans fault, not mine.




I prefer to see it as karma paying me back for all the stuff I've had gone missing in the post.


Whose gonna pay back the person who wanted to play GTA today and is probably crying online tears in some forum as we speak!

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Whose gonna pay back the person who wanted to play GTA today and is probably crying online tears in some forum as we speak!


I'm sure he'll get plenty of sympathy from his fellow forumites, either that or they'll laugh at him for net getting it on release.


I dont know what id do.... If yougive it back theres no guarentee you will even get a thankyou but if you keep it you could feel guilty.


From the address on the package and the type of people living there I doubt I'd get any sort of gratitude.


Doesn't look like thats happening.


No, the games in my console, and that's where it's staying, some chavvy kid doesn't get it why should I feel bad?

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WTF, this is crazy right. One of my friends found an error on a letter that we regularly send out saying the opening hours are 8am-8pm which were our old opening hours.


Now this was hilighted to the correct team, but they have now come back saying it cant be fixed until Q2 2009.....



....Epic WTF.

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