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Guest Stefkov

I got Mario Kart today so my day has been full of it. Played it until I had to go to work. Did work, I was gonna post a pic in that expressions thread, but then I thought I'd look dead. Found out that I don't have to work tommorow day, just the evening. Good stuff. Nice wage this week; tenner for thursday, 5 hours last night and 5 hours tonight. Aboot £50, that'll get me Wii Fit I think.

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No bbq yesterday. SADFACE. I heart bbqs. Ended up going to the union club thang, where I did manage to get pissed enough to dance thanks to several friendly shots. When everyone moved to the other, empty, crappy room I left, rocking out to eighteen visions, mewithoutyou and alexisonfire on the way home, wishing there was a decent club that played this nearby (there is one club but it ain't decent)...


Think I invited people over tonight for some wii and salvia. Not sure. Will have to check up on that.

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Guest Stefkov

Loaded some film into a camera last night. Gonna be taking photographs with it tommorow. Hopefully I loaded it right, otherwise I'm pretty screwed.

Gonna be working tonight from 7 till 11/12 ish. Boring Italian do or something, easy money. I'll play Animal Crossing or something.

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Sod's Law fails. Why, everytime you're about to go out to you begin to see a huge spot developing? It happens every bluddy time, and any other time I'm usually spot free.


edit: Lol. I've now had 6 people PM me about the pic of Avril in my sig. Awesome.

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Well, what a night last night was. When i chat to the females, i usually get a phone number or something like that. Instead, this week i end up with someones keys to their house, the only set of keys as well. With her forgetting she gave the keys to me, and me for having them.


So, all panic arises when i leave to go to Chepstow to meet mates and i check to see if i have everything, and i do including Linzi's keys to her house. According to Rob, she had gone home and was inside the house which is impossible without keys or breaking in. Me now laughing, head to hers to return keys. Long story short, she gets the keys back outside my house after asking to stay at mine. With her saying thanks in more ways than one.


And for tonight, i am off to a party with her and i am the only one going who is 100% sane except staff.

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Questioning whether it's worth the effort to go get booze from over the road to accompany my imminently arriving pizza. I'd have to get dressed, I'd have to decide what to drink, and I'd also have to arrange for the space for them to reside next to me within reaching distance.


It would be a lot simpler of take-away restaurants had a liquor licence and could deliver the booze too.

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Whoa six nil lol that's crazy man! go go aston villa!


Did I mention how I actually quite like aston villa, I think it's their colour schemne, it's so win! Seriously inventienve colour schemes are thew way to go :D


Claret & Blue, Villa were the first club to have it as kit colours. :smile:

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Questioning whether it's worth the effort to go get booze from over the road to accompany my imminently arriving pizza. I'd have to get dressed, I'd have to decide what to drink, and I'd also have to arrange for the space for them to reside next to me within reaching distance.


It would be a lot simpler of take-away restaurants had a liquor licence and could deliver the booze too.


You can SEE Costcutters from your house, lazy :p Besides, its all about going to the local looking rough. The amount of times I've gone to the Co-Op (nearest supermarket-ey thing) looking rough as houses.


I am knackered. Went to sleep about 5am which was a mistake. Been feeling lethargic all day. Done a bit of uni work though, and went to view a house. And now im going out and not really feeling it but said I would.

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Had some awfully scary dream last night, not fun. Made me all tired during the day too.


But spent my evening/night going to the "musical" thing from my sisters. Was quite entertaining and gave me some laughs. Plus the hotdog I ate (with yummy sauerkraut) was nice.

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Guest Stefkov

Played Mario Kart all day.

Realised, at 4:45, that I could have gotten some photos printed. 15 minutes until the shop closed was a bad time to realise.

Worked from 7 till now. Tired from doing nothing, going to play more mario kart now.

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Not much, need a text back otherwise I'm going to be killing someone.


Other than that not much, not really looking forward to college tomorrow either!


Why aren't you paticularly looking forward to college? Or is it just general "Eurgh, work" sort of thing?


I'm shattered, I've need to get my pysch coursework done, and finish my english resit work whilst revising biology for tuesday. Oh shiz, thats my social life out the window for the next few weeks.

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