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Went to an art gallery today with Jordan, his sister and her boyfriend. There was this crazy section which was an array of dead stuffed animals which were painted with neon and glitter paint and stuff, eg:






It was excellent!

tomorrow we're going to Blackpool, anyone live there? :p


ps. lol@cat


I think that Garden_Pigeon lives in Blackpool.

Also ride the Pepsi Max Big One.

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Guest Stefkov

Went to college. Did a bit of work. Shouted a tad loud 'Oh wow they are actually lesbians' when I saw two girls kissing. I'd seen then before and their actions implied it but this was the evidence to seal it.

Stayed behind after college to work more. The teachers are pretty cool, they're like another person in your class. Like a workmate who knows more about the subject and you can ask for help.

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my day was a bit crap.

I was meant to be getting a salary review today, but it never happened. I'm also doing overtime at the moment, so worked 9-7:30. add in commuting and i was out fo the house for over 12 hours today...


I think i'm on the verge of a major depression. I do get depressed every now and then, but I'm feeling really bad at the moment. I just feel like I'm pretending to be a real person and just papering over the cracks. I think I should try to see a counsellor, but I'm not sure I can afford it.

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Fuck pretending anything, Tom. That's not the solution. If you're serious about seeing a counsellor then talk to your local citizen's advice beureau. There are free counselling options all over the place - if you're serious then talk to your doctor and he can refer you to an NHS one.


Paying would be madness :) If you want to talk about the cracks then go right ahead. No matter how shitty, tiny, perverse or scary they are to you, we can take it. If you're worried that these'll be the reaction of us then I'm sure you have some friends in high places in here who'll sort 'em out for ya!

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my day was a bit crap.

I was meant to be getting a salary review today, but it never happened. I'm also doing overtime at the moment, so worked 9-7:30. add in commuting and i was out fo the house for over 12 hours today...


I think i'm on the verge of a major depression. I do get depressed every now and then, but I'm feeling really bad at the moment. I just feel like I'm pretending to be a real person and just papering over the cracks. I think I should try to see a counsellor, but I'm not sure I can afford it.


Get time off work come to london and buy me a pint! I jest about the buying me pint unless you want to. But do you have any holiday time you can use? You should get away for a bit take a long weekend trip somewhere?


Me you and Ashley can have an arrested development party. I get dibs on GOB!

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Mr Haden! the prospect of getting you drunk sounds very entertaining, and one day I am sure it will happen. currently I cant afford to get myself drunk, so imbibing you is low priority at the moment i'm afraid.



ooh, that reminds me, half a bottle of wine in the fridge. back of the net

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Mr Haden! the prospect of getting you drunk sounds very entertaining, and one day I am sure it will happen. currently I cant afford to get myself drunk, so imbibing you is low priority at the moment i'm afraid.



ooh, that reminds me, half a bottle of wine in the fridge. back of the net


haha damn! Yes we must make it happen one day its a real shame your not a london lad. Ok this is really off topic now but get on live sometime! lol


Ive been wanting to play Halo 3 with you for ages! But I appreciate your a hard worker and not student scum like me :D


Anyway back on topic Ive had a good day doing essays taking photos has been fun!

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My boss got a complaint from a customer about my beard today.


I now have an ultimatum. Shave, or wear a beard net.


Anyone with legal knowhow know a way i can keep my bear while avoiding a net? Im desperate :p


Failing that: PUBLIC VOTE.


Shave or wear the net?


You have one hour to decide.

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er, clearly the option is


c) get a new job.




Smart arse :indeed:


After seeing what a beard net looks like screw the vote. Im NOT wearing that!


Should be in a new job now, been waiting to be transfered for 2 months now! The time they're taking to replace me i may aswell quit and get a new job (probably not in that order)

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I had depression for years now and I never had feel like killing myself or harming myself or anything like that.

I also have panic attacks as well.


I think Dante needs a forum hug!


I can sympathise with you too my meds fucked my head up and I had some seriously scary panic attacks =(

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I think Dante needs a forum hug!


I can sympathise with you too my meds fucked my head up and I had some seriously scary panic attacks =(


Oh thats bad Raining_again. :(

Eh forum hug to you Raining_again.

I dont take meds for it but i do get panic attacks as well but I dont get them very often and sometimes drinking diet coke helps me carm down.

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Oh thats bad Raining_again. :(

Eh forum hug to you Raining_again.

I dont take meds for it but i do get panic attacks as well but not often.


Well I don't take meds for depression or anything, just immune-suppressants have really scary side effects.


My panic attacks got so bad I was taking them every night. Luckily I got over that stage but I still have bad nights occasionally where I just have to sleep with the light on or whatever. Not sure why I just get very scared ;_;


I'm glad you don't suffer from them too much tho, and I hope the depression goes away =)

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