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Hmm I broke up yesterday because my college has a staff training day, if you ask me they need to go back to school they teach that badly..


Oh well, woke up with a headache about 20minutes ago, it makes me tempted to get back into bed.


I'd rather work to be honest Jordan, right now my job isn't too bothered about hours, so I'm not working til a week on saturday it's ridiculous, so I'm looking for another job haha ^.^

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Guest Jordan


I'd rather work to be honest Jordan, right now my job isn't too bothered about hours, so I'm not working til a week on saturday it's ridiculous, so I'm looking for another job haha ^.^


My job is extremely stressful... so you wouldn't like to be doing mine :p

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Guest Jordan
Good start to the morning, the game did arrive :D so i'm pleased.


Now to play Burnout Paradise all day.


I detest that game... ¬_¬

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I too, am broken up for easter(not like it'll make much difference given my previous attendance) and of course, my dissertation is 99% out of the way, so today I was gonna go do some aikido in a park, then go get drunk in the pub, but the weathers bad, so I'm only doing the getting drunk in a pub. Curry night!

Spent last night/afternoon playing SSBM, my mate come round about 9ish, and we played SSE for about 2 straight hours, then I told him to go home. Been nice. I can't wait til pubbing tonight, should be cool seeing faces again, and actually getting under the influence, been a while!

ReZ, why do you call the LONDON EYE the millenium wheel? It sees all ReZ, IT SEEEESSS ALLLLLLLL....

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Yesterday my day was a shocker. A job that I applied for and got told I would have been taken on, if a client didn't down size their order. So I had been applying for load of other jobs. Then I get a call back askin if I could start on Tuesday! So YAY! but I have to travel from Scunthorpe to Bradford everyday which aint cool.. But YAY! a job! Finally!!!!

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I have today at Uni, Tue,Thur Fri next week then I break up for a week.


Though the easter weekend needs to begin with a Maths test to do, assignement that counts for 20% of my final grade in Computing and some other maths assignement. Least easter will be good though.

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Guest Jordan
I break up on the 28th, then me and Jordan are going on a holiday to Yorkshire and London :D

Im really quite excited..


1, I've never been to London

2, You're gunna meet Dom... which is awesome.

3, Where in Yorkshire = Halifax, Leeds, Wakefield, Huddersfield.

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Guest bluey

it's raining in japan.

i bought the weather with me ^____^


i'm FINALLY here after a delayed flight, many many trains and lots of coffee O___o my apartment is tiny! but it has a wardrobe, bed, fridge, heater/cooler... all of my housemates are japanese, until tomorrow when a new english girl will move in...

the walls are made of paper... literally. i can hear EVERY movement... hopefully i'll get to meet my housemates properly tomorrow... i know how to say "sorry i dont speak japanese but i'm learning!" and i guess i'd better learn fast O__O tomorow i need to wait for my bags to be delivered to me...

i cant for the life of me work out how to use the heater in my room - so i'm wrapped in my new duvet ust hoping someone will be able to tell me tomorrow...

i finally feel like i've moved ~ and that feeling is "alone"

i feel really lonely... i guess it's a good thing that i'm finally feeling it... and i know i can get over it! everything will look better in the morning...

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Guest bluey
Awww, good to hear it Bluey. Sure you will be fine and it will get better hack saw etc.


So whats the time difference?

9 hours. it's 9.51pm here.

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Guest Stefkov

Great way to finish for Easter: Have a test on Algorithsm and see the college's database. :D

Finished at 10, went into Town to the Urbis for some Manga show thing on there. RapeMan. Yes. RapeMan.

Walked around town in the wind, glasses steaming up. Wondered how I could spend another 2 hours in the place, couldn't think of one. Came home.


Bluey you have to set up an ebay shop. Have to.

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Sure you guys don't fancy a quick trip to Sheffield? Haggis can come down too... :o


Noo! That would have been awesome! If I had the cash I'd be straight on a train, but I'm really skint at the moment, I've hardly got enough for the meal I'm going out for tonight. :(


Sheffield is such an awesome city though, I'll be applying for Uni there later this year when I need to, Leeds too.

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Guest bluey

it's scary... and my room is so empty and cold and unfamiliar that it's sent me n a total downer... but it'll be ok. i'll be ok. eeeeverything's going to be OK!



...my room needs STUFF O_o

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Noo! That would have been awesome! If I had the cash I'd be straight on a train, but I'm really skint at the moment, I've hardly got enough for the meal I'm going out for tonight. :(


Sheffield is such an awesome city though, I'll be applying for Uni there later this year when I need to, Leeds too.


I might be doing the same, just i don't know what to take as of yet :blank:

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