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I'll definitely keep this in mind. I won't apply right now. I'll give it a while. Thanks, Daft! :grin:


No probs!


If you want, just shoot me a PM/e-mail when you want to apply and I'll try and give you a heads up on when projects start. At the moment I've got two weeks left until my project finishes and then I'm not back till the next one which should be Last Remnant...its kind of lame because I'm on holiday but I wanna work so I can make money. :heh:


The best bit of the day though is the lunch break 7 player Pro Evo!! :D

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No probs!


If you want, just shoot me a PM when you want to apply and I'll try and give you a heads up on when projects start. At the moment I've got two weeks left until my project finishes and then I'm not back till the next one which should be Last Remnant...its kind of lame because I'm on holiday but I wanna work so I can make money. :heh:


The best bit of the day though is the lunch break 7 player Pro Evo!! :D


That sounds awesome. I'll probably send you a PM within the next couple of weeks. :smile:

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That sounds awesome. I'll probably send you a PM within the next couple of weeks. :smile:




Also, not that I'm saying you won't, don't worry if you don't hear back from them. My friend who works there now only got the interview on his fifth attempt...but that was a REALLY extreme case! :heh:


Just make sure your CV looks the part and it'll be fine. Best to e-mail it in PDF form imo.

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Oh my, that does look like a mighty interesting job! With my degree drawing to a close in just a few months, and it being just up in london, I can't deny I am tempted to apply myself as a bit of an experience, I'd pose risking my currently...unpredictable? part time job though for the NHS though, as they expect me to work once every 12 weeks(i havent worked since december) otherwise they take me off their register and I have to reapply, and they're not taking people anymore :o. Still, testing and shiz would be a pretty cool jobby :D


As for my day, most of it has been spent sitting at my laptop, not getting work done, I have 1700 words currently left to write in line with my aim, discussion of my results and study, then a short conclusion of a few hundred words. Deadline is tomorrow, or friday(they gave us an extension due to a few issues with the building work, and a guy pushing hard for it) but I AM going to get this done TONIGHT. Then touch it up over the week, and hand it in next friday. I can't afford not to get done with Brawl(!!!!!) on the way and a heinous amount of drinking planned.

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Guest Stefkov
I only like clothes shopping if I go on my own, then I can get what I want to get. (e.g. Not clothes)

I'm the same. What's worse is when you suggest going to the shops for your own personal stuff then the other people want to sod off and go other places and look in shitty shops.

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My day(s) have been interesting... lots of drinking and celebrating. Friend's birthday over the weekend, then paddy's day last night (just drank indoors, but was good fun! Like the 'old times'. Got about 4 hours sleep then my cousin called me at 11:00 saying "so I'm in sheffield", and I said "I'll be there in 20 mins"... I threw myself outta bed, legged it down to the station and proceeded to introduce my lil' (taller) cousin to the steel city.


We've basically been playing xbox all day. I made him and I a fry-up for lunch and pasta for tea. It's been a good day so far, and we've basically started drinking so it's not over yet.


Also; run out completely of hearing aid batteries. Means I have approximately a week to find somewhere in sheffield where I can get my free NHS ones (who the fuck pays for them?!). Also discovered I have a blood blister on teh inside of my cheek -- thought it was frigging cancer or something to begin with. Basically bit the inside of my mouth in a bizarre way where it bled 'internally'.


Found out I have an 'extra' week to do this essay than I thought... which means I'm going to have a really ace easter. Way better than I thought it would be - cousin visiting for a few days, then off to huddersfield to visit a mate for his b'day, where another mate from brighton will also be there, then what will truly be epic; a certain pal on these here boards (no, not shorty) will be visiting for a few days for some film/games/drinkage - and another friend is having a house party for her birthday while he's here, so it's going to be fucking great :D


Man, I've suddenly been getting these... happy feelings. What... the... fuck.


EDIT: Oh shit! I almost forgot; Bluey; you are living your dream, and even though I don't know you, I'm proud of you and very pleased for you. I hope/am sure you'll have an ace time. The next drink shall be TOASTED to you!

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Haha! Thanks!


You Rock too Haggis! :D


It's true i'm on a constant natural high!


Happiness is my drug! :heh: Happy feelings for no reason are great!


Haha, thanks! They are, they really are. I've been so happy all afternoon/evening it's great.


There's usually something coming up that needs worrying about, but for once I can't think of a thing and it's brilliant! *Bear hugs for everyone!*:D

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Have a good trip, bluey¹! Try not to worry about the long-distance stuff; it's easier than you think, and it'll be December before you know it. That isn't a simple platitude, either: I speak from experience.


As for my day, well... [Yadda, yadda, yadda] ...which brings you all up to date.



¹Is that a natural enough blue?

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J7 has a hearing aid? Well, new things every day and all that. I think this happy feeling which you guys mention is rearing its head, I keep getting bouts of extreme...satisfaction? Happiness? I dunno what it is, maybe just potential relief at getting my dissertation out of the way and seeing mates, being a bit more free for a while before revision, maybe it's brawl, but...I'm kinda feeling it, you know? It's probably just summer creeping into our hearts.


(P.S J7, did you ever happen to send me the prize for the BISH? I never recieved anything so i assumed you didn't, but I'm still curious what it was gonna be :D)




Finally finished up my dissertation, I reckon it could easily get a good mark, maybe even a 1st! Unlikely, but I can dream! And it only took me like....15 hours to finally get my arse into gear and get this shit down! WOOOOOOOOOOOO! Fuck yes world, fuck yes! I still gotta touch it up and stuff, clean up my references, but that's small stuff. Gotta give it a proof read and shit too, but again, easy stuff. I also have like 4 copies of my work saved now, just in case, and a billion versions along the way I feel so happy! I feel like...going to the toilet. After all this, and my feelings are of having a wee(i just spelt that with i's lol). I just gotta make sure I don't oversleep too much today, cos I still wanna go in and get some stuff done. I love you N-E, I love you all.

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Guest bluey
Have a good trip, bluey¹! Try not to worry about the long-distance stuff; it's easier than you think, and it'll be December before you know it. That isn't a simple platitude, either: I speak from experience.


As for my day, well... [Yadda, yadda, yadda] ...which brings you all up to date.



¹Is that a natural enough blue?


thanks aimless! "platitude" is like, my favourite word ever!!! it cheered me up to read it ^___^ just checking my mail and thought i'd check in and say "hey!" before i ...well, check in at the airport!! everyone *wish, wish, wish!* to see me tomorrow ~ i'm hoping that i'll be able to get internets straight away...


anyway! peace out!!! xx

*flies away*



p.s. OOH! i just understood the "natural enough blue" question!! haha! yes! yes it is. :grin:

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Guest Stefkov

You used a Eureka Seven picture. I hate seeing pictures of that show, it makes me cry inside.

Good luck Bluey.


Only two more days left before I finish college for two weeks. Well 1 day and an hour and a half left. YUS!

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No fucking way. NO FUCKING WAY. Can my day get better? I've done my work! So anyway, I'm off to uni to do some shiz, open the door and whats there? A big old envelope, with Brawl and a freeloader in it(presumably, i just ripped the evenlope and saw 'Smash'). Fucking cuntstyle, I'm bitching the mother out of this when I get back home. This is the best day I've had in a very long time. :yay::D:D :yay: Wooooooooo!

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My bloody game hasn't arrived yet again :( It best arrive tomorrow or i'll, errrm, i dunno. What do you do if someone you've traded with doesn't send the game? (It's not on here, it's on AVforums.)


In other news, had a driving lesson, t'was abit crappy as it was a market day, meaning lots of cars and pulling in to let people past etc. I also did afew emergency stops.

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Guest Jordan

Today was going to be my "catch up with internal bull shit" day. However i've been busy with clients this morning, a patch had to be re-released with corrected code after it fucked up a major part of our software, then i had a regular client call and say "my *insert cost management speak here* isn't working." So i had to drop everything to sort this.. so my sorting stuff out day isn't going well :D


Ah well, post 2pm should be quiet.

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My bloody game hasn't arrived yet again :( It best arrive tomorrow or i'll, errrm, i dunno. What do you do if someone you've traded with doesn't send the game? (It's not on here, it's on AVforums.)


First and foremost contact the AVForums admins/etc. If its a trade sanctioned on that site then some of the responsibility does fall on them and they will at least have to look into it/investigate. This may not get far but as its happening on their site they legally hold some responsibility (As I am aware, as HCRealms is trade heavy and Ive seen ins and outs) then you file for Mail Fraud, but exactly how you do that Im not sure. Wiki it or something, but it is most definitely mail fraud.

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First and foremost contact the AVForums admins/etc. If its a trade sanctioned on that site then some of the responsibility does fall on them and they will at least have to look into it/investigate. This may not get far but as its happening on their site they legally hold some responsibility (As I am aware, as HCRealms is trade heavy and Ive seen ins and outs) then you file for Mail Fraud, but exactly how you do that Im not sure. Wiki it or something, but it is most definitely mail fraud.


Ahh will do (If it doesn't turn up tomorrow/friday that is). It's been just over a week since mine was sent out/recieved.

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First and foremost contact the AVForums admins/etc. If its a trade sanctioned on that site then some of the responsibility does fall on them and they will at least have to look into it/investigate. This may not get far but as its happening on their site they legally hold some responsibility (As I am aware, as HCRealms is trade heavy and Ive seen ins and outs) then you file for Mail Fraud, but exactly how you do that Im not sure. Wiki it or something, but it is most definitely mail fraud.


If they state on their website, as we do, that they hold no responsibility for trades then they don't have to do anything at all. There's nothing they can do, even with someones address what can you do? Its your word against his. How did you pay for the item? If it's by PayPal you might have a chance of getting your money back, if cheque then there's really no chance.

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