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Tidied my room. Lightened my hair and put it in a new style...ish. Began to re-read 'They F*** You Up', which reminded me I needed to ring my mom. And now im going to start my uni work I've been putting off all morning, although chances are my friend will turn up looking for help with his. I hate the 'can't start' belief some people have and they just moan about it. You can, you just don't want to and using it as a mental block. Urgh.


Oh and I was thinking last night and I realised I have a sister, a younger brother and two nieces, none of which are biologically related to me. (Bro's ho/other bro's friend we've non-legally adopted, friend's children)

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Didn't know you knew /nando/.

you're like a little comedian arent you? ^__^


it's just dawning on me exactly how much i still have to do before my goodbye party :wtf: i think i'll go shopping today instead of tomorrow... just to get it out of the way... i've got so many people to pick up from the train station at so many different times @___@ haha! oh well...

and argh! mothers day!!!!!

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School was crap, blagged two maths lessons as i didn't get it. ICT was slightly more fun. Came home, washed hair, had my hair cut, arrived home to see i had been locked out. Waited about 40 minutes outside, playing with the cat. Then me mum and dad turned up. Now listening to music and about to play on the PS3.

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Got up, went to school, came home, made a joke on the forum, nobody got it, currently waiting for my dinner.

you mean the one about having sex with a mole?


Woke up at 4pm today to the realisation that I don't want today to exist, that I don't really want to do anything anymore. Think I'll just lose sobriety asap! Always the right thing to do, eh? ¬_¬

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Went to work, felt like utter shit and didn't talk to anyone, due to the "chat" I had with my friend resulting in me realising I just cannot be social with anyone any more, and how much I hate where my life is going =(


/emo tears





Erm, a usual day basically. I went round younger tutors with a couple of mates collecting cash/selling raffle tickets for fair trade week. Year 7's are so utterly awesome. One of the kept shouting "Gender Bender" at Miss, and then another was running round the room continuously for no apparent reason saying "Cheeeeeeesy!".

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Erm, a usual day basically. I went round younger tutors with a couple of mates collecting cash/selling raffle tickets for fair trade week. Year 7's are so utterly awesome. One of the kept shouting "Gender Bender" at Miss, and then another was running round the room continuously for no apparent reason saying "Cheeeeeeesy!".


The year 7's are right cheeky bastards now days. When i was in year 7 i wouldn't dare say anything to 6th formers, now days they swear at you and eveything.

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The year 7's are right cheeky bastards now days. When i was in year 7 i wouldn't dare say anything to 6th formers, now days they swear at you and eveything.


Today me and some other people in my tutor group cam up with the fantastic idea of year 7 wrestling. : peace:

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The year 7's are right cheeky bastards now days. When i was in year 7 i wouldn't dare say anything to 6th formers, now days they swear at you and eveything.


Lol, I know! It was completely different back when I was year 7. I wouldn't have dared speak to a 6th former let alone swear at them. It's wierd how things change. A quick kick in the shins combats this though.

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Damn. My friend is coming round but it is to avoid seeing people he'd rather touch because hes not in the mood. Gonna crash in my bed but we're not having sex. Ah well, hes a good friend anyway. Just a bit of a shame.


And I came up with the idea of getting my mom and nan a spa treatment thing for mothers day, now just to find which one on my limited budget. Urgh.

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what the hell is the difference between LEMONADE and CLOUDY LEMONADE...??! one was 47p - the other was 35p...


i bought cloudy lemonade, cherry coke, normal coke, vodka, chips, dips and party rings for my party :grin:


....and a christmas table cloth (/^__^)/ it was 20p! XD

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Day has been quite good today, i discovered today that figs and Jalopeno Chilli peppers don't mix well coming out.


Also work went well, learned how to do jigs (no, not a dance or attempted dance, but programming steel to be cut into an "L" shape to support the robot welding apparently). Came home and had my username changed and a new sig made, played on Assassins Creed and now browsing the net and watching Rocky.

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Today has been pretty mind-numbingly uneventful. Turned up for lesson having sped in because the teacher has a go at me when I'm late as though I always am, which I hardly ever am =/ turns out he's off sick. So I came in just to spend another 3 hours doing nothing. Bad times.


Bring on the weekend!!!

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I just watched Ep.3 of Skins, and, as anyone who has a heart who has seen it will understand, I need a hug... :(


*Big Hug*




Woo, I'm halfway through my story (in a long line of other stories) involving me and some mates. They keep asking me for the next part, but I've got other work to do! Argh.

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