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So what actually happend?


I was sitting in my chair lolling along, and like gradually I felt heavier, like this has happened before but its just my arse going numb and I move about and Im fine, but it was quite...strong, I looked around, moved my head around and saw my colleague reacting in a similar way so they said "Do you feel weird" I said "Yeah....???!?!!!" and then it went, I stood up and a few other folk were like "WTF"


Huge WTF moment.


That is so fucking weird.


Edit;/ Seriously any scientists in the house?

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Thats a dilema?


Anywho. 900/1500 words down. Finished off one of my reports for another assignment. Going to go to town. Gotta buy two sets of mother's day cards, presents and dad's birthday cards and presents as my little brother has no money. No idea what to get so it should be fun. Then get out books on Baudrillard and work on my assignments when I get back.


And still not heard anything from work, other than the assistant manager texting me saying "I need a new job" so I searched for some and facebooked him.

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Impressive day so far. Just been on the phone with 3 employers, and I have two interviews lined up for tomorrow, and another application form in the post, for me to fill-in, yay! Also, telephoned Play.com, for the 5th time in the past 2 weeks, about a printer I ordered from them in Januray. Managed to get £15 of vouchers off them, after asking to be put through to their supervisor. :yay:

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For a minute, a whole sixty seconds I believed that there was a God.


It felt oddly surreal, pleasant and invigourating in a mellow sort of way. I think it means I'm going to die.


And now I believe that going to hell is more likely than God existing! Bless the Postal Service.

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My mind was just BLOWN.


Anyone ever heard 'Boten Anna' by Basshunter? Turns out he totally sold out :o


His new song "Now You're gone" is a propper song! Its not about Warcraft 3 or Vent or bots! :(


It hit number 1 in the UK charts too, crazy. I wonder if people actually know the roots of the song :p

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Guest Stefkov
Tomorrow, Chuck Norris will die, then we'll know the world has had it.

I heard the earthquake was Chuck Norris having sex.

It's all been predicted my Nostradamus. Chuck Norris will cause an earthquake. The next day he will die of being too damn fucking awesome.


Yeah. Good day.

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The price of a decent wig you need to be sure before spending that kind of money.




Not that strange really.


I'd say its more of a choice, or at a stretch an important/serious choice. But enough of semantics...


Couldn't find anything for mother's day. I am clueless as what to get her, yet alone what to get for her from Beaver. Got cards at least, so its a start. And got books for uni so im going to spend the night reading and writing. Exciting life I lead and all that.

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Bought bleach to redo my hair again as roots are coming through. Next stop, blue hair. Yay. ^_^



I used to love changing my hair colour every month, I can't be arsed with it now though, so much easier to use wigs to change your hair colour. Once my hairs long enough to do something with though I'll just have to pick a colour, the rate my hair is going grey though just chuck a dye on top and it's instant highlights.

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I used to love changing my hair colour every month, I can't be arsed with it now though, so much easier to use wigs to change your hair colour. Once my hairs long enough to do something with though I'll just have to pick a colour, the rate my hair is going grey though just chuck a dye on top and it's instant highlights.


Aye its an ordeal and a half.... I've gotten into a cycle of bleaching it white, leaving it like that for a week, and then using the colour. It would take the majority of a day to do it all in one go.


I've got my hair at neck/chin length, layered, yet it still takes two bloody packs of bleach to do...RAWR!


I'm very tempted to get my hair cut short (like Nightwolf's length ^_^) just for the pure simplicity of the colouring.

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Words cannot releate the extent ofmy drunken stupor. It's wednesday. Please, someone, put me out of my perpetual misery.

Stop drinking so much? Alcohol is a depressant, after all: in moderation it can lower inhibitions and make you feel like you're having a better time, but if you drink too much then naturally you aren't going to feel so great.


I'm not trying to lecture you or turn you into a teetotaler like me, I just honestly think you'd be happier — and richer — if you drank a few less units each time you went out. I can't really see any downsides to the idea.

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Aye its an ordeal and a half.... I've gotten into a cycle of bleaching it white, leaving it like that for a week, and then using the colour. It would take the majority of a day to do it all in one go.


I've got my hair at neck/chin length, layered, yet it still takes two bloody packs of bleach to do...RAWR!


I'm very tempted to get my hair cut short (like Nightwolf's length ^_^) just for the pure simplicity of the colouring.


do it!!! ^.^ you'd look nice with short hair.


Leaving your hair white for a week helps it anyway, I'm quite tempted to do that for download so I do look abit funkier!


I'm so tempted to grow it, but everytime my hair gets a certain length (which isn't much) I get irratated.


My day yesterday was horrible, didn't really do any work...really should do some animation or website work now. Which I will. My nets down at home and it just got me down because I actually wanted to do work on my portfolio and couldn't


Not only that but I'm getting really sick of college, I'm not learning anything interesting nor do the tutors care about my portfolio. Sigh what a week..


now I'm not even sure about download...argh >.<

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Not only that but I'm getting really sick of college, I'm not learning anything interesting nor do the tutors care about my portfolio. Sigh what a week..



Just wait till you start working, it gets even more boring... and to think i have 40+ years of this is soul shattering T_T

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My day went from meh to hmph yesterday.


Played Heroclix round a friend/accqaintances house, and they raped the rules a bit, and it was at that slightly awkward stage in early friendship so I corrected on the first few things they got wrong, but I just would of been correcting them all night and come off as a jack ass but my god they fucking raped the rules. No courtest lube either.




Then my friend whos going round the world told me I cant text her cos' T-Mobile will charge her moneys! Nooo! Damn.


Oh well. Hardcore bbqlolwtf hax tonight for the NE Halo Tourney first match! Wheeee!


Just wait till you start working, it gets even more boring... and to think i have 40+ years of this is soul shattering T_T


Ugh, I hear that. Seriously I wish I could go back to college and work harder. It was a fucking breeze (including the 1 and a half hour journey there and back)

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