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On the bright side, I've got free texts now!


jar o' pennies!! yay! i recently emptied my jar o' pennies into the machine at tesco that turns your jar o' pennies into a voucher you can use against your shopping. jeenius. O__o


Got a nice Valentines present, so I'm happy.



smellies! YAY! and how fitting! i can't see someone write "darling" or "dear" on here without thinking it's you... nightwolf's posts have been fairly confusing recently :heh:

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jar o' pennies!! yay! i recently emptied my jar o' pennies into the machine at tesco that turns your jar o' pennies into a voucher you can use against your shopping. jeenius. O__o




smellies! YAY! and how fitting! i can't see someone write "darling" or "dear" on here without thinking it's you... nightwolf's posts have been fairly confusing recently :heh:



haha sorry ^.^

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np. it's just like when my screen-name was "niftylite" and if people used the word "nifty" for anything i'd think they were talking about me for a couple of mili-seconds... :wtf:


*cough* on topic - i have a cough >_< *cough* boo.

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Guest Stefkov

The King of Fun strikes again!


Got 60 test plans done for my coursework. I need 80-100. Oh well. That got me tired so I've just played a bit of Electroplankton so I got a bit happier. Sure is a good relaxing game.

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My day was pretty good really, had one weird Italian lesson though. The teacher dedicated a whole lesson to showing us different Italian sites to go on and lots of different things with Italian culture. He also showed us all a site which showed how to perfectly apply make up, all written in Italian naturally. We were all a bit ....the fuck.....o_O

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smellies! YAY! and how fitting! i can't see someone write "darling" or "dear" on here without thinking it's you...




My mum just came into my room, laughing crazily. I turned round to find:






Ask her where she gets her bras from, I could do with that kind of uplift.

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I went to the Justice gig.


I bumped into Gaspard Augé before the gig started. I stood there and stared at him in silent awe. He gave me a weird look and then I asked him to sign my ticket!!


:yay: :yay: BEST DAY EVER!!!:yay: :yay:






Erm, todays been alright. Slept, watched some more Buffy (working my way through the episodes) and did bugger all else.

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Still awake when I really shouldn't be (have 6 hours of lectures tomorrow), but I can't really sleep yet.


Today was yet another boring day in school. The 3D class was kinda slow but still somewhat interesting I guess; just learning the tools in there right now. Art History class however was extremely boring. We spent almost two hours on two different paintings (both existing of Jesus Christ's and Maria's life stories). @___@;


Rest of my day was spent freezing while waiting for the bus, napping for an hour or two and drawing. Oh and commenting on RedBubble.


Also, my dad decided to start a fire in our garden at 2 am tonight. He's burning branches/twigs from our removed willow tree... Weirdo. >.>;

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I've still gotten no work done, looks like I won't be sleeping until late tonight/tomorrow. I'm procrastinating, watching dawn porter get naked, skins, trying to make paper cranes and sucking at it quite hugely. I keep trying to turn the internet off, but then just putting it back on, I'm such a wste :(


EDIT:Just noticed BBC Three's new logo, stolen much??



I thought it looked familiar!

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Yes, but how often does it rain chocolate sunshine and lesbians?


I'd say pretty much every other day in my crazy little world at the moment! :heh:


I do appreciate my good fortune.


That gives me an idea....I'm gonna have a go at the lottery!! Could be a laugh! :p

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aww poor bbc3~ that's kinda pathetic... afaik, if you change a certain amount of things, it's ok to have a very similar logo to another company... remember that dental surgery that won the lawsuit againts lacoste?


still... would kind of suck to be the bbc3 design dept right now. i bet their brief was: "something along the lines of the sky three logo. no deviation. sky three. do not use your creative powahs!" :grin:


my day got better yesterday after i downloaded the new version of skype for mac, and found it worked - not only that, but it worked WELL... video seems much better, and it actually shows me when people are online now, which is always a plus. *thumbs up!*


but now - kettle's boiled, so it's tea time before worky work.... *guh* hehe

ooh ~ also! excitement!! i got an email from ECC saying my certificate is on it's way by post - they've posted it with one of those tracking system thingies so i can enter a code and see where is it :yay: that's so cool! haha.

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I blantently can't be arsed to go into work after yesterday.


I was there till 5:40 attempting to fix an issue... that we couldn't fix >_>.


Today is going to be that and more. Can't wait ¬_¬.

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