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Athens... Christ that was annoying back in the day.

How can Athens be annoying? All it was was a way of having your Uni network accounts automatically available for use to login to various institutions such as the invaluable JSTOR.


Uspace is better than blackboard. You don't have to sign in more than once to check your email/library record! That's pretty much my most time-consuming complaint about bb. That and lecturers refusing to upload anything besides HORRIBLY MODERN file formats that my poor backwards laptop can't recognise.


The problem with Uspace is that it reeks of a 'me too!' attitude. It apes Facebook in an attempt to create a social network where students can get in touch and share information. The problem being is that that's exactly what facebook is, and that's so ubiquitous now that signing up to Uspace is a faff and basically redundant on a conceptual level. It's obviously been built in some kind of vacuum.


That said, we really use Muse as our primary 'portal' system. Perhaps it just feels so useless because it's been so half heartedly implemented.


Wesley your fresh produce is onions and bananas; how will you get your 5 a day? *genuine concern*



Uspace is better than blackboard. You don't have to sign in more than once to check your email/library record! That's pretty much my most time-consuming complaint about bb. That and lecturers refusing to upload anything besides HORRIBLY MODERN file formats that my poor backwards laptop can't recognise.


You don't have to do this if your uni set up a single-sign on access. I can't believe my uni is actually head of another in any regard :p We just sign in on a main portal thing and then can choose to access blacboard, emails, library etc.


Aaaaanyway after panicking the last few weeks about my portfolio and doing lots (94 at present) life drawings I am now worried I won't have enough of the other things >_< Gotta do storyboards, character designs (in various poses), variety of facial expressions etc. So I have just under two weeks to do all that.


Oh and I can't hand it in on the Saturday (6th Feb, deadline is Mon 8th but I'm working) so I can either ask for Friday (5th) off or Monday 8th. Thinking maybe Monday as it gives me those extra days...one of which is my birthday so. Pah.


And I have this interview tomorrow which I know is a good thing but its a stupid long group interview (they said 1:30-2 hours) at 2pm so it eats up most of the middle of the day. Fuckers.


The whole 'five a day' thing is rather much an overblown/underknown thing. We should really be having 10 portions a day.


Plus those jars of sauce are probably at least 40% tomato, so that's another portion or two right there. Four cans of cider were dozens of apples once. That counts, right? If none of what I said counts then I probably have five portions a week. And - no joke - they're all onions.


Today has been way too dramatic for my liking.


For one of my modules - intergrated project, we get to choose who we wish to work with for the next couple of months, whioch is fine I got invited to the group I wanted to be in last night and all was well.


Unknown to half the group another friend who assured me they were setting up another group asked one of our lot to join, obviously they said yes (having no qualms to have this person in our group).


Apprently this then meant this morning that I was forced out, which would be fine given I could now go into another group, but this person said it with such malice that I'm not sure I particularly want to work with them.






Went to the doctors, waited for ages in the drop-in coughing my lungs up and ended up having to ask for a nurse that could help me, I feel like somebody is continously pushing against my forehead and it hurts like hell to remotely yawn, cough etc. Was going to have to wait til friday, pah. Must change doctors.


Because it annoyed me back then, as it's more than me updating my world but general lecturer ignorance. Like today the tutor couldn't find a file we were supposed to read that was on the uni servers and then said "I think you'll be able to access it from home" because she's an idiot and doesn't realise that that's not how the internet works.


It was a general hyperbolic thing. Tone misplaced.

The whole 'five a day' thing is rather much an overblown/underknown thing. We should really be having 10 portions a day.


Plus those jars of sauce are probably at least 40% tomato, so that's another portion or two right there. Four cans of cider were dozens of apples once. That counts, right? If none of what I said counts then I probably have five portions a week. And - no joke - they're all onions.


As far as I know, you only need to be having more than 5 if you have something wrong with you like atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol etc. Otherwise 5 is plenty and most people struggle with that.


But you're right, canned and frozen veg do count. Cider is on the optimistic side!

Group thing.


Surely you're not working with that person now anyway?


I'm confuzzeled.


Wesley your fresh produce is onions and bananas; how will you get your 5 a day? *genuine concern*


The bananas are for breakfast (with Weetabix), there's a melon there (should be able to get a few portions with that), I have lots of cans of carrots and I have looooads of frozen veg.


I know frozen isn't as good as fresh, but the amount I waste...


Also, I pick up fruit most mornings before class (as of now anyway...).


The person who came into our group and effectively kicked me is still working with us, luckily the limit to how many people was bumped to 6 instead of 5. So it sorted things out. She's still very angry with me apprently, but then I was invited first..


YEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! I just got the Connect Four (quadruple kill) medal I've been after forever in Uncharted! Mega happy.



And I'll be watching the Danny Dyer UFO thing on BBC later.


And Chair is (hopefully) sorting me out with something I really really want from him. Something I'm desperate for.


This is a good day.

I'm tempted to take the bait but it would be too easy.


Haha, even I was tempted, I admit. =P



I went to aquagym again tonight and it was exhausting, but it feels so good afterwards! But then I kinda stuffed my face with leftovers when I got home (as my dinner). X3

Back still hurts though, was hoping it would feel better with exercise, but apparently not, booh. Fail.


You people have a dirty mind.


Its this;




To repaint into this;




PS Blackest Night spoilers. Lololololololol.


Oh my god this day just turned so lame. My.....I can't really say friend...more "work friend" slash colleague invited me to her birthday going out thing. I said yes, as she asked me on the spot, and I can't lie. Anyway and I thought yeah fine. But literally no-one I know is going. This one person from work who I can actually talk to is going and I was clinging on that as a "Well at least she's going" and she's just changed her status to not attending. Asked two other people to come so I have someone to actually talk to...one (Spenno) flat out refused and the other is almost definitely not going.


I seriously am going to feel awkward going to this damn thing, but the chick who invited me...I can just see no-one turning up and I A) Don't want to let her down and B) Don't want to lie and make an excuse. Jessusssss. And she's made half jokey comments about me saying I'm going so verbal contract and can't get out of it.


Can't even describe how much I hate. Stress. Fail. Lame. Ugh.

Posted (edited)

Had two letters from SLC; they have re-assessed my maintenance grant for academic year 2008/2009 and decided I owe them £15 back. How stupid/petty. They also sent another letter alongside this saying now that my details have been finalised I will be getting x for this and that (anyone who is at uni you know the type; its a little table with different sections and amounts). I didn't think I'd be getting hassle about this aspect of my loan 8 months after finishing.


Also, comedy moment. Cat tried to jump up onto the kitchen counter but didn't get high enough but managed to pull down, and smash, a plate with him. Has yet to be seen again.


Oh and I procrastinated on Photoshop instead of doing work.


Speaking of, how I feel at present:


Broadcast Yourself
Edited by Ashley
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