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Had a fall on my motorbike today, now snow here but roads were damned icey.


I should have known better but i figured that the road at the top of the hill is usually gritted/salted when it's this cold and had no reason to think it wasn't last night so figured I'd take the bike.


Got to the top of the hill outside my house and to my surprise no grit or salt was put down, the place was still covered in ice.


I then figured, well if I can make it to the main the road even if there's no grit put down the traffic passing it in the morning should have cleared up most of the ice. To get to the main road I had to first take a right turn, went well, took it slowly, then 2 speed bumps, 1st was fine get to the second, just going over it then all of a sudden I'm on the ground.




Stood up, lifted the bike back to it's wheels, "slid" (not rolled) it to the side of the road to check on it. Only gave it a quick look over, no major damage that caught my eye, expect I think the foot brake is bent our of place a bit but I should be able to fix that myself. It started up fine and I figured I'd best turn round and bring it home and took me dads car instead (took me 10mins to de-ice it though).


Will likely take the car again tomorrow and wednesday (god I hate paying for parking) off on Thursday so that's the earilest I'll get to actually look at it properly and fix the foot brake (and see it there's any other issues), damnit

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Was this practice for your skiing?




But yeah I've been out with the girlfriend in the car a few times with this snow and it's been interesting.


A bit of skidding, etc.


But fun for me: just sitting in the passenger seat giggling away while my girlfriend is stressed out.

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I'll admit, that (bad) joke was a risk seeing I didn't check that thread since it was first posted.


I also forgot to mention that I slipped and nearly fell backwards on some very steep steps outside my flat.


I thought I was going to go arse over tit and whack my back.


I kept my cool though.

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I'm hurt. Physically.


For fucks sake, stop whinging, I already apologised several times.




My version of the man-date:


Drove out to pick ReZ up. Hear of a game on the radio where you take the last 3 digits of the car in fronts licence plate, then make up what it stands for. ATF became "Amourous Toilet Fornicators". I got bored after that.


Picked ReZ up from his house. His street was deadly with snow. Drove to Milton Keynes. One dual carriageway was mental. Hadn't been gritted at all. As we went under every bridge, we hit the patch of ice that hadn't thawed due to the shadow of the bridge. The car kept crabbing to the side. It was both ace and terrifying.


Got to MK. Went to the Lego shop. ReZ's Lego wasn't there. Saw some awesome Star Wars Lego that I now want. ReZ and I talked about the attractive ladies that worked there and how they could give you some loving and Lego, ideally at the same time.


Went back to the car as I had left the Satnav on display, groped a statue (and apparently pulled a god awful face. I blame me trying to stick my tongue out mid shot) on the way.


Went to the Snowdome/cinema bit of the shopping centre. Was shocked to discover that there is a bad ass arcade there. Got our movie tickets and played some games. Lost my 3D glasses and went back to buy some more. A guy who looked exactly like Jesus gave me a free pair.


Watched Avatar, which was awesome. Especially the simultanious snigger from Me and ReZ at "It's a trap!".


Dropped ReZ off, went home. All the while listening to the comedy gold that is the Sunday night surgery. "It bleeds when I have sex" "My junk smells" "Lady areas aren't supposed to smell like soap". All gold.

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Claire just threw a snowball at me. Inside the house. Cold shocker.


Watched Avatar, which was awesome. Especially the simultanious snigger from Me and ReZ at "It's a trap!".


That was amazing. I think we were the only two in the whole cinema to "get it"


It sounds like you're a helper and you help ReZ's girlfriend/carer by taking the little freak out for a day trip.


How I envy you.


I think I may have said that to ReZ during the course of the day.


Brilliant. (True too)


My Dad's still not home and now not picking up his mobile *worried*


Don't worry! (great helping words there)


He's probably just taking it slow due to the snow/ice. He wouldn't pick up his phone whilst driving (or would he?). Try not to worry.




Thanks :) He has one of those hands-free-symbiotic-car-moblie things.



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Someone replied to my post on a group dedicated (about? for?) the people doing the course I want to do and said to me I should probably do about 150 pages of drawings for my portfolio. Which is about the number I was anticipating, but part of me was hoping someone would say less and I was just panicking too much. Going to have to get my butt in gear. Only really got 35 at present although that life drawing class that I went to, and will be going to in the new year, I managed to do about 6 drawings so that's 30 just from that alone. I need models goddamit, who wants to be naked for me?


Decided to challenge myself to my own '12 days of Christmas'...although can only think of 9 different things so far. But essentially I am going to try and do these before xmas;


9 Preston Blair lessons (context)

8 Pages of storyboards

7 facial drawings

6 human life drawings (from photographs)

5 animal life drawings

4 human life drawings

3 structural drawings

2 character designs

1 maya model


May simply change the numbers of those (currently 45) to make it so what it would be for 12 days (78). Although I presume the 9 Preston Blair lessons would be more than 9 pages.

Edited by Ashley
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Getting all nervous about this Eurostar stuff. They seem to be having trains riding again tomorrow, but their entire schedule is messed up for the next few days. Hope it's back to normal on Saturday. =(


I figured today that the tv stations here are probably not gonna show season two of Dexter and Pushing Daisies (and if they are, they're making us wait an awful long time!). So now I'm itching to buy them but I'm not sure I should what with Christmas and my birthday coming soon... I could ask them for my birthday I guess but my family aren't good at buying stuff online heh.


*resists temptation to buy them*

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You should definitely buy them.


Just signed up for organ donation.




A little confused as to how easy it all actually is.


Just needed to give my name, address and date of birth.


I could actually sign someone else up.


*signs up a religious nut who thinks they'd be in Heaven without a pair of eyes if they're taken*

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Went to orthodontist. They removed my wires and told me that they had to take impressions. Then when they were finding the right size mould it turns out that the largest on is only just large enough for my top teeth. Which means that they're going to take photos of me to train dental nurses with. So after a lot of pulling, pushing and photo taking of my jaw and mouth I had the impressions. Anybody that has had these will know how unpleasant they are. Couple this with the fact that I can't breathe through my nose and am struggling to breathe and gagging while I wait for it to set is not a pleasant experience. Then they fit the new wires (with these wierd spring things on the bottom) and tell me I'll need a side x-ray. So I wait in the waiting room. Get called in and it turns out that the machine won't go high enough. (I'm only 6 foot ffs, damn Derbyshire midgets.) So I have to stoop and stand in this uncomfortable position whilst I'm x-rayed. Then when it's done the plastic cap is still stuck in my ear, yet more embarrassment. Then I have to wait some more just so that they can check the x-ray is fine.

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