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And I know a lot of you hate my internet arguments, but I just think this is amazing. I am not denying that I antagonised btw, I certainly did, but to be out done in an internet argument? I don't think so.


Edit: Working now.


I think it was the chubby chaser comment which pissed all over you to be honest. You won nothing ;)

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I loved Abigail. Coming in and tossing shuriken around the room, seemingly randomly, yet managing to knock out every lighbulb in the room.


And ReZ, I hate how pointless and shit that arguement was. The fact it was over nothing, and you seemed so pleased with yourself. Everyone involved displayed the intelligence of a 5 year old.

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Where? I keep scanning it and I can't see you mentioning your weight.


Oh....it might be on one of the click to see more bits. I forgot to open before copying. Here we go.




And watch this. Its my awesome new decoration. :D


If you watch till about 17 seconds something a tiny bit lol happens.





I loved Abigail. Coming in and tossing shuriken around the room, seemingly randomly, yet managing to knock out every lighbulb in the room.


And ReZ, I hate how pointless and shit that arguement was. The fact it was over nothing, and you seemed so pleased with yourself. Everyone involved displayed the intelligence of a 5 year old.


Come on, you know me. I shall never turn down the oppurtunity of an argument over the internet. I'm very pleased with myself, she received some hardcore ownage.

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ItS sNoWiNg ItS sNoWiNg ItS sNoWiNg ItS sNoWiNg ItS sNoWiNg ItS sNoWiNg ItS sNoWiNg ItS sNoWiNg ItS sNoWiNg ItS sNoWiNg ItS sNoWiNg ItS sNoWiNg ItS sNoWiNg ItS sNoWiNg ItS sNoWiNg!! ^____^


If Shaun screws with me one more time i swear i will tear his head off and mail it to his parents.

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So I did have to be at work today. And on the train to work some woman left me to look after her kid. He was nice enough but she actually left me to sit there talking to him and she turned her back and read the paper. Quality parenting.


Lectures were okay. The science one was too sciencey. The evening one the student skipped the seminar so got home at a decent(ish) time.


Got an email from my line manager person earlier saying my Friday student, who always scives, is now allowed to miss the lecture because of her disability (im pretty sure she's just partially visually sighted, and majorly lazy) so to type the notes up and send them off. So I said "that include last week?" and she said yes. Normally they put the notes up online and print them off as a handout. Have the handout which has some scribbles on but the ONE WEEK they don't put online...urgh. I think I'll email him, see if he can bung it online.


And my mother had some of my Jaffa Cakes. How dare she!?! :p

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Good day.


But a lot of work to do right now.


I shall post the work I am doing in the best thread on Knee (3D) tomorrow or tonight when I'm done.


It's the first thing I've done so far that I'm actually allowed to show and put in my portfolio for the studio that I'm doing helping out at.


Really cool being in the studio.


Feels like... a real game studio.


Which they'd argue that it is.


I'd say that it's a commercial studio studio that's ran within the uni and with guidance from senior uni staff. But not to their face.


Today my day was awesome by running into Stefkov.


Isn't he a swell guy?

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I had labs today, the practical side of which was not that taxing, but the calculations made my head hurt. Also, this unbelievably annoying lab director had a massive swearing rage at me and my lab partner, all because he can't use a PC. He commandeered our PC (for no reason, we were getting along fine) and then had a hissy fit when he couldn't move a graph in excel to a new document because apparently "That's the only way you can print it off." . At which point Jack politely (and I mean there was actually nothing rude or wrong with how he said it) recommended he just print preview and resize it from there. So Dr. Pissflaps decides to go into a massive rant about how "You should have done it fucking right in the first fucking place!" and how he "Can't be fucked to help you two any more, print it how you fucking like."


Firstly, we didn't need your help you filthy, cretinous bastard. Secondly you didn't specify your incredulous obsessive-compulsive printing habits when you explained to the class what to do and thirdly, get some fucking professionalism you ugly bitch!


Apart from his existence, today has been all right. I feel we got quite good results, and I managed to work on an essay that's due in before the holidays. Probably got just over another 3rd to do and I'll be done.

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We were contemplating it, but the thing is he's a senior lecturer and everything, and I can't see it going anywhere in our favour. We have course reviews this week though so I'm going to slate the fool down. The more I think about it the more it pisses me off. I didn't put myself in serious debt to be here so I could be shouted at like I've done something seriously wrong by some shit-breathed twat, all for not doing something in a certain, unimportant way.

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Who said anything about using his room? In fact its probably more dangerous as there will be security. Find an abandoned club or shop or something. I know for a fact theres one at the bottom of London Road you could use. And you only really need to have the sheeting cover enough of an area to account for splatter. Depending on how you do it there could be minimal splatter...then steal his wallet to cover the costs.


Geez, do they not teach murder where you're from?

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