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Coolness is a newsie too?

Why's his name not green yet?


There's so many of them, they are multiplying like rabbits!


I had the longest day ever!!


First I had a free where i made some politics notes and got sternly talked to for forgetting to sign out for games. Then i had a test on said notes in politics (i got 31.5/33 << highest in the class) it felt like lunch time to me :( third was porject work where i got little done having forgotten my laptop. 4th lesson was cancelled = snore X(

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I've decided that tommorow i'm gonna shampoo and condition my pubes, see if it makes them soft and fluffy.

And thoughts?


Use a straightener afterwards so you can give your sack an emo fringe.



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Thanks Dyson! :awesome:


It's not Green yet as there is no admin online or something. :D


huray for coolness and fish!!


i wanna be blue!! can i be blue? how do you be blue? who do i have to sleep with?

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huray for coolness and fish!!


i wanna be blue!! can i be blue? how do you be blue? who do i have to sleep with?


Blue is for mods only. I suggest sleeping with anyone with a red name, and a couple of the blue ones too. And me.


Oh, come on, it pretty much had to be said...

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ooh. OOH! i could be a mod. i'm a girl ~ i'm naturally horrifically bossy!! :yay:



fish! stop abusing your new-found green power and using it to sexually harass poor defenseless hot female members ! purple card !


.........eeh? eeh??? :grin:

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Guest Stefkov
Use a straightener afterwards so you can give your sack an emo fringe.



Bengay is so awesome. I saw it in Turkey, piled up in a shop window.

I giggled.


I've just got back from a 6 hour shift at work. One thing I hate. If you imports come to the country, how about learning to string at least 1 sentence together porperly.

"Please, want fosters 2 small" Is not a fucking sentence.

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Guest Stefkov

What's even funnier. He said something in his native language, not sure if it even was Ukrainian, I didn't catch any words.

So I just stared at him. Plain in the face and said 'What?'

Stared for another 2 minutes just making facial expressions saying what are you on about you knobhead.

Then a guy stood at the bar asks him in Ukrainian what he wants. Seems he wants 'A red vodka of glass and 2 beer fostas.' So I looked at him again and walked away to get his drinks.

First time I've ever felt like lunging across the counter and smacking him in the face.

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The worst thing for me is when people come to my checkout and talk in their own language, you say Hello because you have to and they don't even acknowledge you.


Oh I'm sorry, did I just double scan your fucking bottled water?


Don't bother asking them for clubcard or anything. It pisses me off.


Urghh, and to think I have to wake up in 5 and a half hours to go and deal with (some) people like this for 9 hours..

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Guest Stefkov

Actually you can just use that for your own pleasure.

Someone, who I just don't care who they are, if I know them then I'll serve them fine but, if someone came to me and started speaking Uki, I'd just look at them and go 'Huh?'.

They'll try to say it again cutting it down to the main points of the sentence and I'll just look at them like 'I'm trying to understand you but I'm too busy laughing to myself that I'm not serving you a drink because I don't like you'.

Then they'll attempt in broken English and I'll stroll off chuckling to myself. Maybe the odd time just waiting there asking if they wanted 2 or just 1 of whatever they ordered.

And I also I have to be up before 10 to work a 10-5 shift.

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ooh. OOH! i could be a mod. i'm a girl ~ i'm naturally horrifically bossy!! :yay:



fish! stop abusing your new-found green power and using it to sexually harass poor defenseless hot female members ! purple card !


.........eeh? eeh??? :grin:


I'll put it this way, Letty sleeps with me often and shes still not a mod.


But seriously? The best way to be a mod is to:


A, Not ask

B, Be a valuable member of the forum

C, Have a "forum personality".


Did well for me.

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Ugh. Parcel Force are EPIC joke. FFS. They should have left a note to say attempted delivery but didnt. Cant ring them cos' at work. Emailed them to resend today as an error on their part. Better fucking respond.


I've been waiting a week for Choices to dispatch Tingle DS, got a message yesterday and apparently it'll take 7 days. HOW?!

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Today has been kinda okay-ish so far. Work wasn't too bad but really boring as always. Good thing I took my notes with me to study a bit when I had the time.

Came home to find the house in a bit of a state cause there'll be a party for my sister's 18th birthday here tonight and so dad is preparing everything.


Right now I'm uploading some art to a nice site I found a couple of days ago (Redbubble) while I try not to fall asleep cause of tiredness. Will study again soon.

Sadly though, I seem to be missing my tablet stylus, which basically turns my tablet into a useless piece of plastic without it. I have no idea where it could be either. =(

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Gah, Major Nelson and 1upYours both decided to release their latest episodes today, and i've not finished listening to this week's GFW podcast. Frak.

EDIT: O thank god, MAjor Nleson is just the audio of Bill Gate's crappy CES kenyote, which i've already seen.

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So fucking depressed, I've just seen the friend who I was supposed to meet today, but canceled on me because of work, online in a chat room, as soon as I entered they logged out. It's taken me months to build up the confidence to meet one of the people I've been talking to, and then something like this happens. I don't know why I bother sometimes, with anything.

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So fucking depressed, I've just seen the friend who I was supposed to meet today, but canceled on me because of work, online in a chat room, as soon as I entered they logged out. It's taken me months to build up the confidence to meet one of the people I've been talking to, and then something like this happens. I don't know why I bother sometimes, with anything.


Damn, harsh. Although, is this someone you've not yet met in RL before? Maybe they were just nervous to meet you and didnt want to hurt your feelings?

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