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My day in a nutshell consisted of reading epically old Icelandic stories for a test tomorrow and laughing at old names and word that mean something else right now.


For example, the word we use for "rape" meant something else back then.

Cue me being very confused.

Edited by Mundi
Totally not because someone corrected me
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Mundi; just to let you know, it's 'cue' in that context :) I hate the english language sometimes...


Well I've not really been posting about my own life in here that much. My 'ex' and I have been spending lots of time in each other's company. She bought a tortoise. I don't know what's going on between us but I don't think we can call it anything because we both know she's moving back south soon and I want to stay here.


I am now beyond the point of caring about my degree. Taint me now, else forever hold your silence, I say! I am anticipating awkward glimmers in the eyes of those who expected more from me, and slightly smug cheek twitching from those who always doubted me.



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EDIT 15: It's time for Jay and I to settle our differences, both our ringpieces have been traumatised during this terrible ordeal, my day went better because we slept together in perfect harmony:



[We both dyed our hair and shaved our pits for this image]


We had fun, don't lie Jay.


[i've saved the last encounter if you'd like to continue :kiss:]

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I did not much. Then had to make myself scarce for a few hours so housemate and her boyfriend could have indoor picnic. Went to uni library and watched as everyone PANICED! over their unfinished assignments. Glorious.


Just been to our friend's house for a meal. He's...okay. In small doses anyway. But we love his mother. Its like our university 'home'. So we had a meal, drank some wine, played dancemat.


Its finally feeling like an end. Tomorrow is our last full day here...three years over. Hmm.

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Arguably! On a new forum it's probably the best way to establish yourself. If you have a memorable signature and avatar people will remember you and you'll integrate better. I'd hate to have a signature I didn't like, it's tagged on to every one of your posts. I dunno. Feels important. Anyway; I didn't want to make a new thread about it as it would have seemed redundant, but then again was hesitant to post in here because it doesn't really fit.


*misses MPOTD*


I don't have another signature Gane, that's why I want to make up my mind first. Don't want to ask someone to make one for me only for me to decide I want to keep this one. And no, I can't make signatures for shit, have naff all knowledge of photoshop and the like :heh: Fresh did such a good job on this one and it fits so brilliantly that I don't want to get rid of it. I love it. But at the same time I've had it for ages now and it's getting a little boring seeing it all the time.

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Arguably! On a new forum it's probably the best way to establish yourself. If you have a memorable signature and avatar people will remember you and you'll integrate better. I'd hate to have a signature I didn't like, it's tagged on to every one of your posts. I dunno. Feels important. Anyway; I didn't want to make a new thread about it as it would have seemed redundant, but then again was hesitant to post in here because it doesn't really fit.


*misses MPOTD*


I don't have another signature Gane, that's why I want to make up my mind first. Don't want to ask someone to make one for me only for me to decide I want to keep this one. And no, I can't make signatures for shit, have naff all knowledge of photoshop and the like :heh: Fresh did such a good job on this one and it fits so brilliantly that I don't want to get rid of it. I love it. But at the same time I've had it for ages now and it's getting a little boring seeing it all the time.


Just get a new combo. Get a Charmander Avatar in the style of your current one, and then a Squirtle Sig, or whicever pokes.

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I'm sure the people who make them do it for fun and wouldn't really mind you refusing to use it because you prefer your old one. At least I wouldn't mind. It's not like they went out of their way to create the actual images used; as in drew the picture, scanned and coloured. Most, if not all signatures, are just pictures found by typing whatever it is you want in your favourite search bar.


My day. Received a weird email today (sorry to rub more salt in the wound, friend).

A piece of work I did, a 3D animation, has been 'nominated to go into the end of year 3D awards'. But it lacks audio, which I've been asked to add in for... I find out now, Tuesday. Bugger.

Funny thing is, we had about 4 months to do it. I stayed up for 4 days straight and did it. Those were the worst 4 days I've had in a very long time.... *cries*

The animation, in short, is a guy on a boat.... for background music you thinking what I'm thinking?

Hell yeah you are.

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This is true. But that's not really my worry; I'm just picky. Believe it or not my overly yellow profile had me tweaking it for some time to get it just right despite the fact very few people will actually see the thing :heh: It was the same with my blog. I like to think of myself as a selective perfectionist :heh:

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I don't even have a signature... no one's ever going to remember me.


EDIT: Wait! I do! MY gamercard, I just saw it now! :D



(sorry to rub more salt in the wound, friend).


It buuurns!

Edited by Wesley
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Some dipshit of a spider just decided to drop onto me ust after I finished revising how distraction causes memory loss...no joke. That was fucking scary. I literally ran from where I was sitting to the otherside of the room, and wouldn't go back because I could hear it. When I reacted and smacked it off my arm, I cut right down the forearm with my nail. Ask me again why I hate spiders.


Bitch is so getting stood on if I find it tomorrow.

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Genuinely miss my old Flat and its' inhabitants. For pretty much the first time since leaving university it's hit me tonight for no apparant reason how much I miss the lot of them, even Rosie who I didn't think I'd care too much about not seeing. God damn it. What I wouldn't give to live the past year again..


Wrote a blog post to summarize my feelings. Ended the post with possibly my favourite picture taken during university - and one of the first taken. It's the only one of all the flatmates together and everyone in the photo looks fantastic.




The first night of many. Unfortunately, and quite bizarrely, it was the only night we all went out together as a flat.

Edited by Dyson
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