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Not yet, in real life the people I've opened up to have been very accepting, mind you they've all been women, I'm guessing most of my male friends wouldn't take it too well.

Men are bigger bitches than women could ever be.

Do you drop it into every conversation in real life like you do on here?

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I like making people laugh, but as you said I wouldnt do so at the expence of someone (who didnt deserve it)


Well yeah, taking the micky out of someone, as a joke, and knowing the person in question finds it funny is fine, but like you said, at the expense of someone else it's not.

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Guest dynastygal

Pretty cool....I volunteered at a farm sanctuary run by vegans (w00t) today and it's awesome. They never turn an animal away and are very nice bunch of people. Plus home made scones FTW!


Plus new dog that's a sweetie...only downside is I feel rough again due to being inside...the fresh air kept my cold away for most of the day.

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That's cool. I accept what I did and just need to move on now.


thats good for you i guess ^__^ no use in you beating yourself up about it when you know you did wrong and your uppance has evidently come...

sometimes i hate myself too... in fact there are times when the only thing that keeps me going is how brilliant and wonderful i am. :blank:


for all the many of you who seem to have had a bad day:


take a looksee



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I've had a great last day at school! :D Half term has begun. :yay:


I got an effort grade moved up from a 4 to a 2. :)


Then in the afternoon we watched Hilarious Youtube Videos in one of our lessons, then i got to play my ds while watching The Simpsons and then i watched friends. (what a productive afternoon...:heh:)


Then went a resturant and had a delicious Burger and i got Phantom Hourglass today. :grin:

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I've had a great last day at school! :D Half term has begun. :yay:


I got an effort grade moved up from a 4 to a 2. :)


Then in the afternoon we watched Hilarious Youtube Videos in one of our lessons, then i got to play my ds while watching The Simpsons and then i watched friends. (what a productive afternoon...:heh:)


Then went a resturant and had a delicious Burger and i got Phantom Hourglass today. :grin:


What an awesome day!!!


The holiday has begun! Finally a break after 6 and a half weeks of being at college.

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I cheated on her. I've been so stupid.


I know I deserve it before anyone says


Its good that you're sorry for what you did because at least then you can get to grips and move on. Sorry to hear about the longish relationship failing though.


I feel in a weird mood. :S Don't know if I'm happy or annoyed or sad or just feeling nothing :S

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Shit, so I feel great now its over. Tomorrow is my birthday AND the rugby world cup final, and me thinks I'll post a few pics up on here, as I'm getting my hair cut too. Short hair ftw.


Happy Birthday! (Early I know, but meh)


I'm not doing a thin tomorrow, meaning I'm going to sleep for as long as possible. I'm shattered.


(Oh and longish hair ftw)

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Alright. Went to Topman before work and got some stuff. Then when I got to work was loaded with jobs, told I am from now doing 9-6 on Sundays and having to do 7ams (and considering I live 20 miles away by train that is going to be awful) until mid-January. So I was not impressed. Manager managed to royally piss of everyone for different reasons. But im trying to remain optimistic and happy. Oh and checked my bank balance and there was way less in there than I thought. But when I factored in the other account and the money people owe me I eased off a bit.


Then I got home, ate, lay in bed with my housemate and watched Heroes. Not bad, I'd give it about a six.

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My day wasn't too bad. School was okay and I got quite a bit of shopping done (only went in two stores but I got tons of clothes and two games!). Only bad thing that happened was mom hitting another car when leaving a parking spot (driving in reverse and she didn't see the car coming). Luckily both cars were fine and the other people were friendly (we did give them our address and phone number though). Scared us, but glad nothing worse happened. ^__^;


And I wrote down on my to do list that I was going to work for school today (have 9 assignments to work on D: ), but I said screw it and watched tv (my sister was on tv!) and played some Phantom Hourglass. And now I'm tired. Goodnight!


for all the many of you who seem to have had a bad day:


take a looksee



And oh yeah, that cracked me up! Seriously, funny stuff! =D

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