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I went out to a party and got a little bit drunbk. I hate people who post drunk so I am typing very slowly t oget it all right. Made a couple of mistakes but I will go back and fix them after.


Pretty much didn't go to plan at all. Was supposed to be meeting a girl who I'm interested in at the party, but she never showed up. My planned move ruined completely, then. But then, don't know how, I ended up with another girl who's not bad at all. But she then says to me"no, we can't, because xxx will hate me", xxx being a girl who likes me but I have no interest in at all. So instead of getting together with 1 girl, she didn't show, and instead of getting with another, I'm sent packing because of some other fat bint who I don't like. ARgh.


To cider and all it creates!


Proof so you can't edit without people knowing. :blank:

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Againnnn managed to not get out of bed until noonnnn. I guess that's what happens when you watch stuf like the X-files until about 3 am or something. Oops. >.>;


But yeahhh, today was super hot! Apparently got up to about 25-26°C here, phew! And then Flinky/Jim and me went to the Japanese Garden here in Hasselt and it was lovely! Having tons of flower petals fall from the sky is just great! =D






So that's mostly been our day. Plus eating some ice creammm. Eat pasta and garlic bread. And watching a film. And watching some X-files now at 1:41 am, whooo! X3

Nice photos Eenuh! :)

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Woke up really early today, about 6.30, but it was sunny as hell out. That early awaken though has left me in a good mood. Went out and did a bit of shopping and I'm now sitting eating a fruit salad, made by myself and containing peaches, oranges, kiwis and strawberries with some yoghurt, and listening to some chill out music. I have a feeling today is going to be a good day. Hopefully. Need to go back out later to get stuff for dinner but I'm in no rush. :D

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Why oh why do people call me on the landline when they know too well that i got a mobile, seriously there have been 9 calls today and 8 were for me. Even my Dad called the landline, just to see if i was up or not. I got a mobile peeps, call me on that if you wish to talk to me. If not, i'll ignore the landline.


Other than that, i'm ok.

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Whoever said DIY was fun hasn't just spent an hour taking down a shelf. Still haven't used a drop of paint. My friend's coming over to help me in a bit and I'm sure he's expecting light hearted frollocking about with paint; he's gonna get me collapsing on the floor.

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Man, yesterday was a good day.


Drank bloody maries while playing backgammon and listening to 70's psychodelic music in the hours before the gig. Took some MDMA, and left! Got started on by 6 guys and was thinking "need to get to a populated area... fuuuck there's not one for ages..." but my mate was cool and we just kept walking. Hassle, annoying, and the first time that's happened to me for years!


Missed the first band and didn't care much for the second support, but met some cool people while smoking. Then Zeromancer... man I was right in the middle of the crowd. Dropped some more MDMA and spazzed out! They played maybe 4 or 5 songs I recognised (House of Cards, Neo Geisha, Need You Like A Drug, Send Me An Angel, maybe some others, and of course Dr. Online for encore)but no 'Something for the Pain' or Eurotrash -- but still a very good mix of old and new.


Afterwards, went to the merchendise stand and went 'meh' at the tees. Spoke to the girl working the stall and she gave me a CD to promote Blackfields festival, and my mate bought me a signed zeromancer poster (fuck yeah!). Back at my flat we took some more druuugs and listened to the CD and decided that we have to go to this blackfields festival-- it's in Germany but... VNV nation, suicide commando, Projekt Pitchfork? Dewd! Industrial, EBM, dub-step... gonna be zommgg!


Then took some ketamine for the first time, and it was hilarious fun. So damn wobbly, so damn funny and confusing and... yeah that was cool. Just lying on the kitchen floor laughing about 'Special Flakes' at 3am... damn it was fun.


I tried to write a poem with my mate, but all we got was "The dangly other orbits the glum, while the pleasant sitter..."


So today I'm just trying to not acknowledge my hangover. Nami's day of celebrations today so I might hair-of-the-dog my way through teh day, and we'll rock band through the night.



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Whoever said DIY was fun hasn't just spent an hour taking down a shelf. Still haven't used a drop of paint. My friend's coming over to help me in a bit and I'm sure he's expecting light hearted frollocking about with paint; he's gonna get me collapsing on the floor.


think thats bad, try block pathing. been back and forth to DIY stores to pick up sand, got 24 bag and it wasnt nearly anough. made worse by having to use the horrible heavy goods trollies, didt realise you were ment to pull not push them, hence my dad laughing as i struggled. speaking of his, he was a right twat, just walking as normal, not waiting for me to manouver the big trolly, going through gaps i couldnt get through, but worst off all, laughing while i struggled going downhill, imagine having a quater ton of sand to hold back i was fighting gravity, trying to avoid getting pinned in and not to let it hit any ones car. hes just there laughing and pissing me off.


then lifting blocks for 20 mins, just not the right way to spend a day.



still, memories of the £2 strip club kept me ammused. lol, £2 charge for a strip club just dosent bode well.

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CONCERN! I've had a few spells of FACESPLOSION-type allergy reactions to I know not what, and I'm getting some of the early signs right now. Popped an anti-histamine pill, really fucking hope it works because we're going for nami's birthday meal later, and people are coming over, and I can't just coop up all day.


EDIT: Found this and thought of FOUGHT OFF ReZ. Loller.

Edited by jayseven
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Guest Captain Falcon
Every single one of those were horribly cringey. Don't give ReZ ammo please :heh:


I know what you mean - it was probably Rez that wrote it.

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Just been having one of them days of pure chill, watched Red Dwarf earlier then one of my mates came over and we watched the Bret Hart vs Mr Perfect IC Title match during lunch then raced about on PGR4 and Smackdown vs RAW 09.


Its been a fun day to be far.

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It was crying out , tbh.

lmao, you've done well there :heh:


I'm wearing a dust mask that looks alot like a cup. I found it in the garage, I really hope it's a dust mask. So so tired, we're gonna give up soon and order some takeaway.


@ Chris the great, you win...your DIY experience sounds worse than mine, hope you have a relaxing evening :)

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Urgh 6.30am why do you mock me so?

Anyway today was my first of two (other being Monday) day as SCS' finaceer (sp?)/teabitch. Was okay except a bit slow at first but then customers descended, the finance system went down and mass panic! But it all got sorted and I made polite but uncarring conversation with customers, and mocking jokes with the staff. Although the first two customers were declined for credit. I was like "this is awkward..."


And what is with the Brits and their tea, really? Over 9 hours and four members of staff I must have made 50 cups of tea o_O. You don't need it to stay alive ya'know?

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Mcoy has been away for the last 4 months but Mcoy thought he'd pop in and see how everyone was doing.


Mcoy has been working very hard with his new company known as Mcoy Incorporated. Mcoy Incorporated currently produces and retails several brands of cooking equipment such as toasters, microwaves and other important appliances. Mcoy Incorporated will be launching it's first store in Ipswich in the next few months and Mcoy hopes to open many more venues around the UK depending on business.


Mcoy hopes you'll keep an eye out on his site http://www.Mcoyinc.co.uk which is currently being built.

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