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I had a good day. The first half was alright, but I have so much work do to I'm in a panic. I've got my geography AS exams in January, and I'm so screwed. If I don't get an A/B I'll have to retake it and then that would mean having even more exams in June. :( :(


I'm so far behind in my ICT I've basically failed already. I'm so screwed.:(


On a lighter note, the afternoon was awesome. The conversation involved a lepricorns, shamrocks, cannons, a girl firing these lepricorns from places they shouldn't, and then us doing an impression of what this might look like, and then the girl in question running round doing it. It was funnier that it sounds, believe me. My ribs hurt I was laughing so much.

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Guest Stefkov

Today I planned to go to college for half 12. Couldn't be bothered so I went in for my lesson at 2:05. Had that, came home, did some of my Photography essay.

Played on Halo 3 on Forge. Dossed on the internet and now I'm watching Prince of Tennis.


Jesus Letty. That was the most depressing 12 minutes of my life.

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I got an unconditional offer from Bradford to do Computer Animation!!!! :D


P.S. The fur video... some of the footage was from 1997... how much stuff has changed since then?


I dont know Wes but more laws and checks have been put in place.

China and Japan are still the worse with treating animals.

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My day HAS been interesting so far.


Got Claires presents done apart from some handmade chocolates that I will probably buy on Saturday. Maybe. Or next Saturday....god the queue is going to be so huge...Its a tiny tiny shop. They're choccies were used in that fucking shit Charlie Factory remake. Anyway I digress.


I also bought a few other presents and a hard drive for me...then I check my bank figuring it must be getting close to zero by now...In fact its £49 over drawn, bar what I bought today (Approx £150) interesting stuff. I guess January will be a hard up month! :) Also a good thing the bank decided to increase my OD to £750 (Didnt ask them for that, but I guess its a good thing) not that I ever plan to use it all. Debt = hax.


Ive babbled.

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Last night I went to see The Verve. They were awesome. Big shock when they walked out though, I didn't know about his hair.


Reverend and The Makers supported them and they were good as well.



On the way I got stalked at chesterfield train station. I went to the toilet and some guy went into the urinal next to me and just stared straight at me. So I walked out without going to the toilet and then he came out and just started lurking around me and staring at me. I walked to the end of the station to see if he was following me and he did and then again to the other side. Then when my girlfriend came out of the toilet we went inside the building and again he followed and stared. This continued for about 15 minutes until my brother arrived and when we walked out of the station I looked back and he was watching me through the window. Fuckin' psycho.

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Had a good day! Finally, the idiots at my school/EMA have paid me what they owed me. They have missed payments for weeks now. My bank balance just went up by £180. Woop. I'll have £300 to spend when I get to meadowhall on the 22nd.


I'm thinking of dropping ICT, seeing as I'm so far behind. My teacher told me it was all my fault this morning, even though when I've been off school (the whole police thing) I asked for my work to be sent down, and I didn't get a scrap from ICT. I just walked out the lesson and did some revision for Geography. Fun!




I want to chane my sig/av, but if I do it won't be christmasy any more! Time for a change?

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my day was full of nintendo.


...which isn't as fun as it sounds....


we got 58 DS lites and 27 Wiis in at work. they were all gone by 3pm. the queue went around the shop twice then out the door... i was on one of two tills... all. day. long.



i'm tired now.

a bit tired. yeah. pheeeeee.


but otherwise my day was OK! after all the DSs had gone it quietened down and we all drank sprite and ate the cookies i made yesterday ^__^

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Had an awesome day.

Went to town to buy Xmas presents, didn't get much done though as we ended up spending almost 3 hours in Costa. Was worth it though.



You're right, it has been FREEZING! There's so much ice around, people have been falling over at college all day.

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I was walking around town with Sarka, buying presents and the like, when we decided to go into my work to have hot chocolate. Then I walked in and everyone was like 'Letty, you're supposed to be working today!' And I was like and hour late, I hadn't realised I was supposed to be there :(

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I was walking around town with Sarka, buying presents and the like, when we decided to go into my work to have hot chocolate. Then I walked in and everyone was like 'Letty, you're supposed to be working today!' And I was like and hour late, I hadn't realised I was supposed to be there :(


That must have been so embarassing! I'd have just burst out laughing and run out the shop. :)

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