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Same old, same old.


Went to my Mentor class (we're given a class to be like big helpers/friend in, I'm with 12 year olds) for the second time...been a few times in between but no one's ever there! It was kinda awkward just trying to strike up convo with random children. Dunno, maybe I'll get into it.


Did more work in D.T blah. Spent my double free period and half of lunch break finishing my Hamlet essay. Went to the common room, chatted, made people listen to my iPod on the speakers. (Yay for promoting Tori Amos to someone who was actually interested)


English di more Hamlet, love it. I hate when we have Poems and not Drama in English (it's split equally throughout the week), so yeah.


Did Badminton, half the group had mysteriously disappeared though.


Tomorrow I'm going to the meeting for Carmichael (my house) Division Drama. I love how my school has the same number of houses, and house colours as Harry Potter. I'd be in Slytherin, if I went to Hogwarts. :D

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Today has been fine, still on a high from Villa winning their match last night. Nothing much has happened except for learning a couple new songs on guitar. Easy songs, though. Nothing too skillful.


Tomorrow I'm going to the meeting for Carmichael (my house) Division Drama. I love how my school has the same number of houses, and house colours as Harry Potter. I'd be in Slytherin, if I went to Hogwarts. :D


Red, Yellow, Green, Blue. Almost every school has those house colours.


Mine didn't, though. Instead of a 'Green' house we had a 'Purple' house, but it was the best house ('cos I woz innit.).

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Today has been fine, still on a high from Villa winning their match last night. Nothing much has happened except for learning a couple new songs on guitar. Easy songs, though. Nothing too skillful.




Red, Yellow, Green, Blue. Almost every school has those house colours.


Mine didn't, though. Instead of a 'Green' house we had a 'Purple' house, but it was the best house ('cos I woz innit.).


My sister's old school (she now goes to mine), which used to be our sister school, has like 8 houses, all with random colours, like beige, mauve and baby blue. And all shitty names like Lindsay and Bucleugh.

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^ They must have thought they were being radical and original. :indeed:


Although, my old school's houses did have some decent, if slightly boring, names: Gloucester, Hereford (my house), Lincoln and York.


The school my brothers went to had houses named Cromwell, Cranmer, More and Wolsey. I'm not sure, but aren't they surnames of men, all named Thomas, who were associates of Henry VIII?

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Go into Natwest (you're not taking a gap year, so free railcard > free travel insurance) tomorrow, passport, UCAS letter, accommodation confirmation and address, and a bank statement, and ask to open a student account. It'll take about 30-45 minutes, depending on the person who serves you and their ability to use a computer.


Already done it =] took 10 mins at hsbc and i have a railcard anyways. The card and check book etc wouldn't arrive in time and so forth.


I went to thorpe park, it was awesome, left at 3 because we'd done everything, longest queue was 15 mins =D

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My houses are Kinross (Red), Carmichael (Green, my one), Cockburn (Blue) and Houses (Yellow).


I never understood Houses. It used to be called Dundas, which would fit in with the other named, but yeah. Houses was because all the boarders were shoved in it, and variosu foreigners and minorities (it seems, lol!).

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@ Paj Meen Ah - I know (well I think I do) exactly where you go to school just from you saying the house names. Would you happen to be attending the Edinburgh Academy? :P If so it was the houses that gave it away. Or to be more exact, Houses (stupid name. Don't understand why they didn't call it Dundas but never mind) gave it away. I went there a few years back. I was in Houses and I never boarded, was a foreigner, etc. We did very well athletically and with other stuff too.

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Holy crap pick me!!! :yay: that looks awesome ^_^


Pick meeeeee! :heh:


I recommend a Toyota Land Cruiser, on account of them being the car equivalent of a brick shit house. The Taliban use them for a reason, eh? :indeed:


I'm just about to have my last-but two driving lesson before I have my test/go to Uni, woo!


My day is that little bit better than it would be as I'm listening to Hot Chip, which always makes me very happy. :awesome:


lol, I can't wait. Not sure what car we are getting.


Is that the actual Mongol Rally, or just a similiar one, 'cos in the Mongol rally you're car, repairs and spare parts for the trip can't cost above £1000 or some awesome number like that. It's fucking awesome.


I don't think it is that Mongol Rally. It's all for charity and there is a £200 entrance fee per car (or two bikes).


My sister is taking the lead on this so she's going to pay for a lot of it. Mostly because she's pulled me off a holiday I've been planning for over a year... but don't tell her this is just as exciting. :heh:

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^ Lucky you. I'm at Uni 5 days a week. Not a single day off. And some of the days I'm only in for an hour. Completely pointless for me considering I'm travelling to and from the place everyday. But oh well... what can you do.


Pssh, I did that when I was in college, sometimes it was over two hours and some of it was two buses. :awesome:

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