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Tempting, very tempting.


My mum is telling me that seeing as the housing market in crashing it would be a good time to buy a house, but that seems very scary and adult though. I could rent it out to students I suppose and have a tidy wee monthly income. Or if I could come up with some form of fantastic business idea...........


if i ever came into money i'd buy half of selly oak and milk the student dry!


I gave in my notice on my flat today, so I now have to find a new place to live by 1st july. And to do that I have to somehow get enough money for a new deposit. No idea how I'm going to do that, but its too late now.

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So it's 4am and I'm not tired. At all. Was shattered when we were recording the podcast and actually fell asleep. Woke up at 1 and have been awake since... Some fanny phoned me at about 2 saying "who's this" and asked why I phoned him... Haven't phoned anyone today. He proceeded to call me every 2 seconds for the next few minutes..

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... Coolness Bears... it's not as if you're the only one with an exam, or are you in any position to be freaking out...


Went to bed after 2am last night due to the local teenage gang deciding to plant themselves directly below my window for their usual nightly meetings that drone on from 12am. The neighbours must've thought the noise was coming from our flat, as I kept hearing banging on the walls/ceiling, which just kept me even more awake...


So I had less than six hours sleep, got an exam in 73 minutes. I'm going to end up drinking a crapload of Relentless and needing the mother of all pisses roughly just when I get the revelation for the second question regarding the french revolution, and Byron. Or something.

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... Coolness Bears... it's not as if you're the only one with an exam, or are you in any position to be freaking out...


Went to bed after 2am last night due to the local teenage gang deciding to plant themselves directly below my window for their usual nightly meetings that drone on from 12am. The neighbours must've thought the noise was coming from our flat, as I kept hearing banging on the walls/ceiling, which just kept me even more awake...


So I had less than six hours sleep, got an exam in 73 minutes. I'm going to end up drinking a crapload of Relentless and needing the mother of all pisses roughly just when I get the revelation for the second question regarding the french revolution, and Byron. Or something.



Goodluck mate! exam at 9? so is mine! lets get this f******* done and dusted! GOGO!

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... Coolness Bears... it's not as if you're the only one with an exam, or are you in any position to be freaking out...


Went to bed after 2am last night due to the local teenage gang deciding to plant themselves directly below my window for their usual nightly meetings that drone on from 12am. The neighbours must've thought the noise was coming from our flat, as I kept hearing banging on the walls/ceiling, which just kept me even more awake...


So I had less than six hours sleep, got an exam in 73 minutes. I'm going to end up drinking a crapload of Relentless and needing the mother of all pisses roughly just when I get the revelation for the second question regarding the french revolution, and Byron. Or something.



I know Jayseven. :) I'm aware other people have exams to! most likely harder and more important.


For me I find A levels really hard and i've never been nervous for an exam before. Though as it gets closer I get more confident! :D


I just want to get a C or B in this. I'm not bothered about my other exams you won't here me go on about them really. :heh:


GOOD LUCK JAYSEVEN! :yay: I hope it goes well!



Goodluck mate! exam at 9? so is mine! lets get this f******* done and dusted! GOGO!



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Guest Jordan
Has some fucker stolen my pen?!


Yes. It was me.




*runs away into the sunset cackling with a pen in his hand*

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right Kids, i'm of for a glorious weekend of sun, sea and music!


3 cheers for All Tomorrows Parties. I think I'm going to try and

marry explosions in the sky. Mono too if they'll take me.


ps - regina spektor, if you're reading this, don't worry, my heart still belongs to you :)

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Yes. It was me.




*runs away into the sunset cackling with a pen in his hand*




Seriously, my pens gone. A colleague better say "Oh I borrowed your pen" soon, or the pains gonna start coming.


Update;/ No pain necessary, my friend borrowed it.

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Oooof, presentation is over!

Was quite an ordeal. Two of our classes got switched (well one got added and then switched with another), and our Sociology teacher apparently didn't know about this. We waited for ages before someone of school called him. In the end, he was an hour late. Result: only two groups got to do their presentation, us being the second group.


Things went pretty well, though I was really really nervous on the first part (I had to start). Got a comment on that from people but they said I did better on my other part. Basically though the teacher liked what we did, though some things could've been better (bit more scientific information), but we already knew that and mentioned it.


Glad that's over with! Now class till 5:30, then I might go to a huuuuuuge pillow fight they're holding here, if it hasn't already started by then. ='D

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Guest Jordan

I'm thankfully feeling less of a cock today :)


Good mood, getting alot of work done, all is well etc.

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Day has been ok so far, just been to Tesco where the person spreading crap about me works and she has been avoiding me all round the store. For example, i arrived and went to the salad/pasta serving area and she saw me there and ran off.


Work has been ok, just plodding along with the rest of the program i didn't finish yesterday. Got another 800 parts to do.

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Eurgh Im so pissed off. Stupid fucking teachers. Well only one today.


I went into college today at half 11 to try and get my website teacher to help me with the server thing I was doing last night, she said she'd be in her office from 11:30 til about 1..so I went in..sat around for half an hour...did she show? NO OF COURSE NOT BECAUSE THAT'D BE FUCKING HELPFUL..


so in the end I sent her a snotty email and asked her for hints, she sent me a small email when I checked just now...so I'll keep annoying her. Luckily I got my iva into euan but I'm not sure I'll get a merit, hopefully he'll read it and ask me if it needs changing *cries*


Luckily my dad came to picked me up and drove me to maccies, bless him.

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This just in also, this job is harder to do when only very slightly tipsy, than my previous job being a lil drunk and a lil stoned (operating sharp machinery)


Lol. I am finding this out currently. Funny.


Getting lotsd of good VEEB stuff done today!

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Goodluck mate! exam at 9? so is mine! lets get this f******* done and dusted! GOGO!

Yeah man! Well exam is OVER and it went pretty well. I was writing continuously, and as soon as I put my pen down the examinator-helper-person (forgotten the name) called for time. Unfortunately I hear that everyone thought it went well, so we'll see.


Now I've set myself a target of reading 150 pages of Middlemarch a day, plus a couple of essays and journals. Should mean I'll have enough ammo to kick-ass on one question on wednesday... Hoping the quote sheet I make for another two novels plus the critic-research I do will make up for not reading another two novels... Just can't be done. I'm rather tempted to just get some booze and sit and watch New adventures of Superman... but then that'll set me back 150 pages. Damnit. I can do this.

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Hooray for nosebleeds ¬_¬


Just got one while having a shower, I can't get some tissue because it'll go all gloopy and horrible mixed with water, can't get out the shower as we have white floor mats, and i don't wanna get my towel bloody.


Had to wait for it to stop which was like 15 minutes >_<

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