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What the fuck is the "fun" factor of smoking?


"I R PAYING TO GET LUNG CANCER!" Its like getting shot in the face and paying for it well maybe on a slightly more extreme level.


I used to get £30 EMA, mostly because my parents were self employed, yay! What did i spend it on? Games. ALOT of games.

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What the fuck is the "fun" factor of smoking?


"I R PAYING TO GET LUNG CANCER!" Its like getting shot in the face and paying for it well maybe on a slightly more extreme level.


I used to get £30 EMA, mostly because my parents were self employed, yay! What did i spend it on? Games. ALOT of games.


You mean "slightly less extreme level", unless you really mean to say that lung cancer is more extreme than headshot, I dunno. Let's not turn this into another smoking debate, ey? Didn't the old one only just die down? And we smokers won, ahem..


JUST WOKE UP... er, ok been up an hour and been watching mewithoutYou vids on youtube all morning. Exam is now TOMORROW so Shorty and I will be freaking out like a pair of fog-horns on acid all day long, I'm sure.

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Today hasn't been very good, and the day is only half.



Went to bed at 1:30 after working on my stupid 3D model for ages. Don't even have the head finished yet. =(

Woke up couple of times at night, twice because of those horribly painful cramps you can get in your leg. Got them first in my right leg, then later in my left (which hurt like a bitch and wouldn't stop; still hurts now). So now I'm all tired.


We're also getting extra classes today and tomorrow, which sucks since we're already so busy and then to go and take away more of our time.

Still need to prepare our presentation for tomorrow, which is going to be a disaster. And I'm already completely stressing out over it.




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Today hasn't been very good, and the day is only half.



Went to bed at 1:30 after working on my stupid 3D model for ages. Don't even have the head finished yet. =(

Woke up couple of times at night, twice because of those horribly painful cramps you can get in your leg. Got them first in my right leg, then later in my left (which hurt like a bitch and wouldn't stop; still hurts now). So now I'm all tired.



Cramp sucks ass... i used to get it alot. I find the only way to get rid of it is to just stand up for a second and all the blood rushes back around.

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Hmm what is worse is if you wake up to a cramp on the bottom of your foot! OMFG does that hurt! :S I had a cramp once that was so bad, it still hurt like 5 days after!


Its going to be a hard day of revision today! Then a criminal law exam tomorrow and after that i am done!! weeee

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I have a Criminal Law exam on Wednesday T_T But then i've got 2 more exams to do after it.


Gotta love studying...

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Cramp sucks ass... i used to get it alot. I find the only way to get rid of it is to just stand up for a second and all the blood rushes back around.


I get them every few months it seems, though last night was the first time I had it in both legs in one night. I'm usually in too much pain to get up (like crying and going "aaaaah"); I usually grab my foot and "pull up" my toes so to speak. Didn't help last night though. =(


Class again, hooray.

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Good start to the day, I found a can of beer in the fridge that I didn't know was there.

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Well I have been revising since 5 this morning with an hours Mario Kart in between! :D


I've just had Lunch and I'm going to take another break then get back to some work! :)


I get them every few months it seems, though last night was the first time I had it in both legs in one night. I'm usually in too much pain to get up (like crying and going "aaaaah"); I usually grab my foot and "pull up" my toes so to speak. Didn't help last night though. =(


Class again, hooray.


Aww! :(



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I fucking despise traffic enforcement and anyone who chooses it as a career. After working a 12 hour shift, i decide i want to get home a lil faster and wound up getting a speeding ticket, which should equate to almost $300 worth of extortion.


I need to hit something :angry:

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Yikes Pit... that kinda sucks.


My day is personally going from bad to worse. I'm incredibly stressed out with work at the moment and i'm getting fed up. My personal life is going down the pan seeing as no one takes a blind bit of notice of what i say, my girlfriend in particular. Moneys getting tighter by the week (i've ended up having to cancel two games i've had pre ordered), i personally feel a like a turd today. Which isn't great.


Urgh, you really get those crappy days when you just wanna be left alone *sigh*.

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Yeah I totally get what you mean, its to me just random days where I just feel like I want to be alone! Though this is considering that I am an extremely social person. What is worse though when during one of those sort of those days you try and say something. One of the few things which actually has any relevance and they ignore you or not listen because you "want to be left alone". Great times.

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So far not much, just before I went up to revieve a parcel from the mail office place, I got a letter from the Sheriff Court saying i've been selected at random to be a potential juror :heh:


Could turn out to be interesting.

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Got told i was a obnoxous prick among other things last night from a mate who told a mate in secret and promised he wouldn't tell me, luckly he is an honest mate and tells me everything she tells him about me. She also said everyone says the same about me so have spent half the day calling everyone asking them what they really think of me honestly and currently have proved her wrong 5-1.

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Good start to the day, I found a can of beer in the fridge that I didn't know was there.


That has to be one of the best non-sexual feelings ever.

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I am so bored without my wii, finished my exams, but most of my friends are still busy. Finished shadow of the colossus again. Have no drive to finish kingdom hearts II or FFXII. So bored. :(

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That has to be one of the best non-sexual feelings ever.


you're not holding the can right.

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Yikes Pit... that kinda sucks.


My day is personally going from bad to worse. I'm incredibly stressed out with work at the moment and i'm getting fed up. My personal life is going down the pan seeing as no one takes a blind bit of notice of what i say, my girlfriend in particular. Moneys getting tighter by the week (i've ended up having to cancel two games i've had pre ordered), i personally feel a like a turd today. Which isn't great.


Urgh, you really get those crappy days when you just wanna be left alone *sigh*.


How can you be stressed at work when your posting on these forums all the time...


Sounds like you have a easy job to me.

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How can you be stressed at work when your posting on these forums all the time...


Sounds like you have a easy job to me.


I get free time in between doing things. Mostly because i have to restore databases which take a good 10 minutes or so.


Also, i can multi task like a bitch. Besides Caris... you don't even have a job :p

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I get them every few months it seems, though last night was the first time I had it in both legs in one night. I'm usually in too much pain to get up (like crying and going "aaaaah"); I usually grab my foot and "pull up" my toes so to speak. Didn't help last night though. =(


Class again, hooray.


I used to get them too but whenever i did, I would just massage the calf muscle hard and fast (:indeed: ) and if I had enough stamina, I would eventually beat the pain. Havent had cramp in absolutely ages though since I started working out though so you may want to try being a little more active if you think that could help. : peace:

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How can you be stressed at work when your posting on these forums all the time...


Sounds like you have a easy job to me.


Well hes not constantly posting on the forums. Say he makes 5-10 posts per day at work totalling 20 minutes.


Thats 7 hours, 40 minutes of work.

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I get free time in between doing things. Mostly because i have to restore databases which take a good 10 minutes or so.


Also, i can multi task like a bitch. Besides Caris... you don't even have a job :p


A - How do you know?


B - I actually start on the weekend at Halfords.

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Yikes Pit... that kinda sucks.


My day is personally going from bad to worse. I'm incredibly stressed out with work at the moment and i'm getting fed up. My personal life is going down the pan seeing as no one takes a blind bit of notice of what i say, my girlfriend in particular. Moneys getting tighter by the week (i've ended up having to cancel two games i've had pre ordered), i personally feel a like a turd today. Which isn't great.


Urgh, you really get those crappy days when you just wanna be left alone *sigh*.


Totally agree with you there.


My day started pretty good, the teacher who's been an absolute ass actually really helped me with my iva so I'm well on my way to getting 8points from that assignment and I've got it all printed ready for him to check and make sure I get the merit.


But then I gave up after that and went home, got to get some work done, stupidly told one of my teachers I've got part of her work done for her to check tomorrow and well I haven't so I'm off to do that now and email it over...hopefully. If I can figure out what to start writing.


I just keep getting really fed up and stressed out, normally I'm perfectly fine with having to do so much in so little time, but recently the littlest thing has been making me cry and angry all at the same time.


I can't wait for the 23rd to come around...if I get 68points..


edit: anybody know anything about web servers ='[

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My days been "bleh"-ish.


Woke up early because of my stupid stomach warning me i have a maths exam. Went to school and did the maths test (C2) which was harder than the past papers, although it wasn't not do-able.


After that i got kicked in the face by MoogleViper, consequently ripping that little bit of skin you have up infront of your front teeth... (Bastard! If you're reading it)


Then had a general studies exam which was piss easy.


Now i'm home and don't have an exam untill next week, so i can relax (for a while) and play GTA 4, weeeeeeeee! :)

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