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I wrote an essay today which I feel is unnecessarily long : /


Also played some Ikaruga/Eternal Sonata, and watched Jordan hook up a completely ancient 1.6GB Hard drive to my machine - I'd forgotten how loud those things were :D


Thats basically it for today.

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I went and got fairly DRUNK at my mates house. They couldn't be arsed to come to mine as they outnumber me. Watched some survival show - got a spoof in the works ourselves - and watched Hostel. Felt complete apathy for the situation they were in.


Walked home, bought chicken burger, bumped into pregnant ex-felon who wanted a fag and talked on teh street for 25 mins. She's cool. Watching x-files now. Jack Black is in this episode - so is Frank Abignale Jr from friends - I forget his name. Don't think I'm gonna go to uni tomorrow, but need to get out to buy sister's b'day present and train tickets and shit.


Am very impressed with my typing ability at this drunkeness. Will have a go at the next drunken member's awful typos because alcohol is no excuse.


Also I wish for many things. Good night.

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Jesus. This guy at work is ridiculously self obsessed. I heard the story that his gf bought him a car at the weekend about six times now. The thing is he like just shoves it into conversations, even ones with clients. Its crazy.


He even told me a second ago....IM SITTING NEXT TO HIM. Does he think Im deaf or something?




Edit/ Seven times.

Edit2/ This is ridiculous, eight times.

Edit3/ Like...ten times. (o'clock 15:14)

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Saw Jimmy Carr live last night. Was good, but not amazingly good. 90% of the audience seemed to consist of chavs, unmature youngsters and the unemployed folk from Rhyl, so the the shout out's and questions for Mr Carr were quite cringeworthy, and spoiled a bit of the show for me. Grrr!

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Saw Jimmy Carr live last night. Was good, but not amazingly good. 90% of the audience seemed to consist of chavs, unmature youngsters and the unemployed folk from Rhyl, so the the shout out's and questions for Mr Carr were quite cringeworthy, and spoiled a bit of the show for me. Grrr!


Damn thats a shame. What were some of the questions like?

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Guest bluey

my day is sucking pretty hard right now >___<


i was LATE for work this *afternoon* ...i took the wrong train, then took the wrong train to get back to where i thought i needed to be >__< i left an hour and a half before my shift and got there half an hour late :cry:


thankfully, the school director at the school i work at on mondays is just about the nicest person i've met since i came to japan... she was just happy i hadnt been kidnapped by yakuza or something ~ she made me a cup of tea and then my work started!!!


....nobody told me that my kid's class was for like, little genius kids ... i was teaching colours and they were like "...uhh... yeah we KNOW it's blue, you freaky english girl" (u____u) uuuuurgh. but i photocopied the lesson plan for next week so i'ma go prepared and TOTALLY "teach them a lesson" :heh: ...pah! deceptively cute little bastards!!


the rest of the day was free time lessons (adult classes)... the school director (her name is may) told me that all my students today said they really enjoyed my lessons... but i suspect that's 'cause i was so jumpy that they really didnt have to DO any actual work >____>


my day went ok-ish... but i feel homesick... tired... a little lonely... out of my depth... sad.... but thankfully tuesday and wednesday are now my weekend days~ so i get some time off...




oh! but the reason my day sucks so much right now? i got a quote back from STA travel about my flight home for the summer holidays... it seems the price has gone back up to about £1000 O______O so i asked for a quote with a different airline, i'll find out tomorrow if i can afford to visit home this year... :cry: *crosses fingers*

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That's annoying, my shift button's just stopped working. So no exclamation marks and brackets from me... :angry:


Anyway, I'm feeling tip-top, but the euphoria of a 6-0 win has been overtaken by anxiety as the local derby looms. I can actually feel the anxiousness of other people, Villa or Bluenose, as derby day draws closer. :blank:

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Well today was a waste again, I'll possibly get some work done tonight, to make myself feel alittle better, other than that I've decided on buying a palette of 80 eyeshadows for 5quid, yay for ebay.


Got tomorrow off, yay! Realised the stuff I need to take to new look might be one day out, but we'll see, driving lesson tomorrow and try and get my theory booked tonight, woo!

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That's annoying, my shift button's just stopped working. So no exclamation marks and brackets from me... :angry:



Does it have another shift button? (On the left (when looking at the keyboard upside down)...same row...)


By the way folks I saw on PhotoBucket the other day they were advertising Skittles Chocolate Mix flavour! Immediately I went to Ebay, and purchased (And they arrived on Sat) conclusion ; Mostly delicous. S'Mores flavour = great, Vanilla = medium, Choc Caramel = medium, Chocolate Pudding = uber nice, and finally....Brownie Batter = Uberly uber max super duper mega tasty.

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Got tomorrow off, yay! Realised the stuff I need to take to new look might be one day out, but we'll see, driving lesson tomorrow and try and get my theory booked tonight, woo!


I have my Theory Test tomorrow at 9am, got the DVD and stuff and i seem to be getting like 46/50 for the questions and 59/75 for the hazard rubbish. Although the hazard one could be unpredictable. Hopefully i'll pass :yay:


*Goes back to learning stuff*

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I have my Theory Test tomorrow at 9am, got the DVD and stuff and i seem to be getting like 46/50 for the questions and 59/75 for the hazard rubbish. Although the hazard one could be unpredictable. Hopefully i'll pass :yay:


*Goes back to learning stuff*


Good luck matey. As long as you've practised a lot then you will be fine! Its literally like identical (just more nerve racking...for me at least)


Why are people so stupid.


"Im afraid I cant search by account number..."

"Well can you try..."

"Okay...but it probably wont work"

"242324 blah"

"....Yeah Im afraid that hasnt worked, do you have a plan or policy number"

"Ill have a look"

*1 minute of ruffling papers*

*2 minutes of silence*

"Are you still there?"


"Whats happening?"




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