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Had a decent day arting, though the annoying technician guy (brother of the annoying Design teacher at my old school..) said they were out of MDF, which threw off my plans to power through a big bit of my piece this weekend. Oh well.


Just back from getting my haircut. On the way there, I felt really...I don't know. Kinda exasperated and kinda tense. Very in my own thoughts and down. I do love winter a lot, I love Edinburgh in winter, and tonight had fireworks cause the Winter Wonterland opened, but this year I seem to be getting the inter blues or whatever people call it, a lot. A friend had a thanksgiving dinner/gathering tonight, really nice idea, but It was the last thing I felt like doing, and I have a headache. So just came home and had dinner here.


My head/mind is really annoying me atm.

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It's basically next to Sheffield Uni, and then about a 10 minute walk to Coll campus for the peeps that are going to Hallam. Trying to think of the name of the road...begins with B. I'm so not helping. It's just off Weststreet, but enough to be in a relatively quiet area. Happy happy happy.


Ooo, really?


Seperate contracts mean that if one of your friends leave you never pay their rent. Look into these things, you can get yourself covered insurance wise via your parents sometimes depending on what scheme they are on. Etc. Don't go for a house just for looks!

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I feel elated!


I just called my friend Dan who I haven't seen in AGES (for various reasons) and he still loves me and wants to be my friend. He was on his way back from a La Roux gig on his own because no one wanted to go; I would have gone, argh! Just hearing his voice made me so happy.


I also got my apps submitted tonight for tomorrow's deadline, yessss.





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My sleep pattern was almost fixed, but now I've just royally fucked it again. Shit.


I was so close to getting it back on track, but last night I managed to only sleep for about two hours, meaning that when I got in from lectures today at about 1pm (my shortest day), I felt so tired I hit the hey with the intention of having a couple of hours kip. I woke up again at shortly after 10. I'm now wide awake, and know I'll be fucked for Eddie Izzard tomorrow night. My best plan of action, I reckon is to make myself as tired as possible now, and try and get to sleep before having to be up at 7:30 for lectures - mixture of a shower (they make me tired, oddly) and a large meal seems like the most practical approach.

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That's cos all you do is go to Uni then go back to your flat. Never any opportunities for chance meetings in the centre of town.


I was out last night with your flat mate and ex-flat mate, a great opportunity for a chance meeting; which never happened.


Also, I walk past the job centre loads of times.

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Can't use spotify here. I only get error messages when trying to open those links.


Is Danger a band or a song by Justice?

Justice is awesome, by the way :bouncy: Ordering the album right now :)


Danger is a seperate act. (Not sure if they're a band or a person or whatever)

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I hate how the iPhone makes you text so much more than you usually would, just because it's so damn easy to. I'm so going to end up going over my limit again now I'm back using it. Eurgh.


Had one of the best nights out I've ever had last night. Went to Static and payed a tenner for entry which meant we got "free" drinks all night. Safe to say I was gone within half an hour. There's so many moments I wish I could live over and over, I've not laughed like that in weeks. In retrospect, getting my phone stolen and having to ride around in a police car for 10 minutes should have ruined the night...but in a strange way, it just made it all the more memorable.


We ended up at the usual takeaway at about 3am, and demanded a free portion of fries. The guy behind the counter promised them last time we were in. When he refused, I vaguely remember saying "I LOVE YOU MR TAKEAWAY MAN, BUT YOUR FRIENDS A DICKHEAD". What am I doing with my life. We got back to the flat and three of us ended up screaming along to various songs whilst taking what I can only imagine to be horrendous looking pictures. I looked at a couple when plastered and cringed, so god knows what I'll think once I see them sober.


My favourite moment has to be when I was trying to have a conversation with Nic over the music. "You're in!"...."Urine?!"...."You're in!"....."URRINEEE!".




Got told the creepiest story this morning too, which is now stopping me from sleeping. Some girl at Liverpool Uni realised she'd forgotten her ID on a night out and quickly ran back to get it from the flat. She knew where it was in her room, so literally just reached round the door to grab it off the bedside table and then left the flat again. They came back in the morning to find the place completely trashed with everything stolen. There was some writing on her mirror saying "You're lucky you didn't turn on the light".


I'm so creeped out now.

Edited by Slaggis
Automerged Doublepost
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Can't use spotify here. I only get error messages when trying to open those links.


Is Danger a band or a song by Justice?

Justice is awesome, by the way :bouncy: Ordering the album right now :)


Danger is a DJ. He's the guy in my avatar. If you like Stress I think you'll like Danger a bit more than Justice. Justice are great as well, though.










I love Danger only slightly less than Daft Punk.



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My sleep pattern was almost fixed, but now I've just royally fucked it again. Shit.

Getting mildly drunk works well.

I hate how the iPhone makes you text so much more than you usually would, just because it's so damn easy to. I'm so going to end up going over my limit again now I'm back using it. Eurgh.

Please elaborate.

Danger is a DJ. He's the guy in my avatar.

I feel cheated now. I thought that avatar was something sexy of your design.

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Got told the creepiest story this morning too, which is now stopping me from sleeping. Some girl at Liverpool Uni realised she'd forgotten her ID on a night out and quickly ran back to get it from the flat. She knew where it was in her room, so literally just reached round the door to grab it off the bedside table and then left the flat again. They came back in the morning to find the place completely trashed with everything stolen. There was some writing on her mirror saying "You're lucky you didn't turn on the light".


I'm so creeped out now.


These things happen, being around so many people your bound to pick up the odd creepy thing happening, long as you keep things locked and unseen your alright. Just make sure you get insurance. :grin:

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I'm confused. No matter how much or little I sleep, I keep being tired. Weird.


I'm in a bit of singing mood today. Too bad my singing isn't the greatest so I'll have to stop as soon as I'm no longer home alone heh.

Should get started on work but mehhh, I'd rather do other things. Like game, or eat, or just laze about doing nothing. =P

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I'm confused. No matter how much or little I sleep, I keep being tired. Weird.

I get that. I blame my medication. Insomnia and drowsiness! Best side effects ever.



EDIT: Just wrapped up some presents for Christmas, need a little box or something for the missus, or have to use one of those card bag thingies. Normally I have to buy all the presents from my brother and I, which he pays me half later. This year however, he's saying he's going to spend a fair bit of money getting some himself, meaning I might have to pay him some monies. Neither Mother and I believe he'll be bothered to use so much energy doing something so selfless, as it seems he likes to spend his time riding to Stapleford [40 mins] to go see a friend and eye up his package. This is the chap who he moved in with for about a week [after practically spending all his time there anyway] then moved out because of his "temper" [because this wasn't apparent all the other times he spent with him].


I am seriously starting to believe those two are gay.

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So I'm probably getting a job delvering Pizza's. Figured it would be a good job for me, keeps the weekends free since I'll be doing it in the evenings mostly, good excuse to drive the car, and less awkward work-small talk that I hated at my last job. Just be me in my car with some tunes going. Only problem is, I'll need to learn my way around :laughing: Hopefully they give me a sat nav or something, else I'll have to nick my sisters.

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^ That's actually a good idea for a job. I've been thinking about getting one (I kinda need to, if only to get my foot in the door, the money isn't needed YET cause I'm at home until next year).




Went to meet my mum and the rest of the family after her graduation in some sort of therapy/whatever she's been doing the last 3 years. She's done so many different psychotherapy things and graduated from them I don't know all the names. Met some of her friends from that I'd never met, then went home before just having another driving lesson. I like how at the end of each one, you feel way better than you did before (presumably because you are :p ).


Come on right turns! I'm great at you.

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Had one of those FML days. Woke up a tad earlier than necessary to watch the new 30 Rock...which wasn't on. Damn turkey day. Thought I would be late for my train so dashed but it was late. And then of course, after getting up at 6:30am, the student didn't turn up. Then I had arranged to go for coffee with someone who then couldn't make it. But alas, life goes on. Think I'll watch Jungle Book later, that'll make me feel better. Plus Lazy Oaf just sent an email titled "I'm New and Waiting for You." How sweet.


Watching Buzzcocks at the moment and loved this exchange.


David Walliams: Did you ever ban anything on the Mighty Boosh tour Noel?

Noel: Catchphrases.


Excellent, as Little Britain sucks.


Oh and a triple pack of Jaffa Cakes is £1 at Tescos. Score :D

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I'd love to deliver pizzas... agh, the amount of complaints from people saying they only got half of a pizza would be ridiculous though.


I had my second swine flu jab today.


Which, if like the first, will mean I will start to feel ill tonight, be ill all-day tomorrow and then start to feel better on Sunday.


This is not wanted.


Today is the first time since Monday I've felt well enough to do work, etc, too.


So if I'm ill now that means a whole week wasted on MW2.

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Oo I'd love to deliver pizza's for a while too actually. Sounds like a pretty groovy job to do for a bit.


My day:


GOOD TIMES! I get a call from the UPS guy wondering where the hell my house is (we live in the middle of nowhere). It MUST be my 360 coming back about 2-3 weeks earlier than I thought. He delivers the package and... WHOOOP new 360. Yesss!


BAD TIMES! I eagerly set it up, put MW2 in hoping to get some multiplayer action and... "Disc is unreadable" *CLEANS DISC FURIOUSLY* "Disc is unreadable" *POWERS OFF THEN ON* "Disc is unreadable" GAH!


There are only a couple of very minor scratches on it, it sounds like the disc isn't spinning properly or something... Annoyingly MW2 is the game I had in when my 360 red ringed in the first place so if that's what's scratched it then I R Ragin'.

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