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Money shot?


Again, not "academic". I can't remember what she settled on, nor is it of any significant relevence for this discussion to continue.


*has found Spotify again!* What's the knee playlist called anyone?


(although you need to not have it open to use that one)

Or if you do have it open




I hate bibliographing, its such a faff. However I have currently used 42 sources in my dissertation which I presume is good.

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What she chose isn't significant? I thought that was amazingly relevant.


I don't think he fully understands the relevance of pornography. We should get ReZ in here. I'm sure he knows a thing or two about it.


The discussion of what my housemate chose is of no relevence because a) its not any of us and b) its been and done. Its a moot point. Porn is relevent, thats her dissertation (more or less), im aware of that. But not right now :p


Thank you sweetness :D


No worries, thanks for calling me sweetness ;)

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Went for a BRIEF jog (for those in teh know; from my flat to sainsbury's), and survived another night of sobriety. Tomorrow is Teapots (juggling at rival uni), which I might go to. If I do then there's pub afterwards - cola for me plz!


Trying a different eating pattern; piece of fruit/large snack every hour or two. I've got some pizzas in the fridge that I may well chop in half before I cook them for tea. I've only had four (maybe five!) cigarettes today, too.


Got to remember to get down the main post office before 12 tomorrow! Pick up dem dere games wot McPhee sent me :)


Now, let's see if I have any self-control over how many eps of Friday Night Lights I watch before I go to bed!

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Guest Captain Falcon
Went for a BRIEF jog (for those in teh know; from my flat to sainsbury's), and survived another night of sobriety. Tomorrow is Teapots (juggling at rival uni), which I might go to. If I do then there's pub afterwards - cola for me plz!


Trying a different eating pattern; piece of fruit/large snack every hour or two. I've got some pizzas in the fridge that I may well chop in half before I cook them for tea. I've only had four (maybe five!) cigarettes today, too.


Good going there Jay - every journey and all that. You'll be whipped into shape in no time.


What's prompted the change in ways though?

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The discussion of what my housemate chose is of no relevence because a) its not any of us and b) its been and done. Its a moot point. Porn is relevent, thats her dissertation (more or less), im aware of that. But not right now :p

a] It involves you [not one of us? :(]. It was the highlight of your day apparently.

b] I would like to know what academic term you/her chose please :smile:


Interestings, what is she doing for her dissertation?

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I've decided to actually do something about my desire to loads of weight. I can't be arsed to go to/don't like the idea of gyms, so I'm gonna diet and whatnot. I just want to lose weight anyway.


I'm gonna try and cut out diet coke entirely. *cries* And have like...half-portions of stuff. And less snacks.


[/should be in the Weight Loss thread, but has been thinking about it all day]

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Good going there Jay - every journey and all that. You'll be whipped into shape in no time.


What's prompted the change in ways though?

Sad but true: Talking to my ex did. Just gave me some much-needed perspective about a hell of a lot of stuff. Of course the sacrifice is my sanity.

I've decided to actually do something about my desire to loads of weight. I can't be arsed to go to/don't like the idea of gyms, so I'm gonna diet and whatnot. I just want to lose weight anyway.


I'm gonna try and cut out diet coke entirely. *cries* And have like...half-portions of stuff. And less snacks.


[/should be in the Weight Loss thread, but has been thinking about it all day]

Yeah, I hear that. I don't really eat crisps, and I binge on coke every month or so (like, 20 cans in a day n' shit) but my main poison is the fact that there are a gazillion take-outs on my street. Blessing in disguise; having a phantom allergy means I don't trust half of it.


Yes, weight-loss thread is more apt, but to me it's more just about feeling fitter and healthier.

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I've decided to actually do something about my desire to loads of weight. I can't be arsed to go to/don't like the idea of gyms, so I'm gonna diet and whatnot. I just want to lose weight anyway.


I'm gonna try and cut out diet coke entirely. *cries* And have like...half-portions of stuff. And less snacks.


[/should be in the Weight Loss thread, but has been thinking about it all day]

I feel the buggered up dieting shit. For the past three DAYS I had a kebab after a night on a piss. Holding in some extreme farts for the days after. Especially during a 3 hour car ride.

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I feel the buggered up dieting shit. For the past three DAYS I had a kebab after a night on a piss. Holding in some extreme farts for the days after. Especially during a 3 hour car ride.


Oh man Eevil I love you, that post tickled me in many a way!

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I've decided to actually do something about my desire to loads of weight. I can't be arsed to go to/don't like the idea of gyms, so I'm gonna diet and whatnot. I just want to lose weight anyway.


I'm gonna try and cut out diet coke entirely. *cries* And have like...half-portions of stuff. And less snacks.


[/should be in the Weight Loss thread, but has been thinking about it all day]


I've been doing something similar for about 6 months now. The only thing I cut out completely was chocolate, and that was more of a challenge thing than a diet thing. For the rest of the food I eat it's just a case of taking what I'd normally have and eat less. I've lost about 2 stone now (about 14 and a half down to 12 and a half). I call it the "eat less food you fat bastard" diet. Things are slowing down at the minute. I haven't lost much recently so I've taken up biking again. One trip and I get a flat tyre. Typical.


We have a weight loss thread? Might have to search for that...

Edited by Goafer
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Guest Captain Falcon
Sad but true: Talking to my ex did. Just gave me some much-needed perspective about a hell of a lot of stuff. Of course the sacrifice is my sanity.


But once your sanity goes, you can reason anything however absurd it seems now - so that won't matter in the end.

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Trust me, my anal winds aren't normally that bad, but the accumulated power of three kebab and chips with hot/chilli sauce created a monster that could even stand up to the winds of Blackpool pier for a moment.


Don't come near me after a Madras then, or my mate(s). We can clear a pub in 3 minutes flat with all the gas produced. Fact.

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I think we must combine forces. It would be a fart Megazord.


Just have to catch me after a Madras or hotter, we could probably clear much of Britain and be front page of the news


Britain gripped with deadly gas - Cause: Unknown but features chillies

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I worked from 12:30 till 9 today. Actually quite fun, because most of the day is spent sitting around and having jokes. I love everyone I work with. They all (bar one really shy girl that irritates me) have so many stories to tell.


I'm kinda worried that a manager is coming onto me.


He sometimes hovers about, smiling at patrons welcoming them etc etc. And he's like "John here will show you to your seat" touching the small of my back in such an inappropriate way that makes me feel so uncomfortable.

And then I was cleaning a screen, and there's this really awkward row of seats that you have to lean right in with the hoover to get all the popcorn. I was hoovering in said way, and he came up and said "You're doing a good job", and I swear that if he had been watching me the only thing he would have seen was my ass.

And then later on he asked me to make him a Latte, which I did. I took it up to the office, and when I went in, he had his shirt half buttoned open. He knew I was going to come up - why the fuck did he have his shirt open spraying chest hair everywhere?

Slightly perturbed, I gave him the latte, and looking at it, he said - and I quote - "Hmmm... you've got a good head there". He literally could not have said a more inappropriate thing while still talking about a cup of coffee.


The worst thing is that he's 30-something, married and has kids. And has overpowering chest hair.

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