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Hmm, I find that worryingly preachy.


I found it more impressive as it's proof that you can indeed heard cats.


Oh, and the "Christian Voice" (the hardline homophobic royalist anti-Europe anti-abortion pro-capital punishment anti-contriception fools who tried to shut down Jerry Springer: the Opera) said that "humanists never give to any cause as they're famed for their altruism", so it kinda proved them wrong.


Not to mention that alturism is a key part of humanism...

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Today was a really bleh day. We went on a school trip to Breda (Netherlands) to visit a graphic design museum. Basically they drop us off there and that's it. The museum was really boring and disappointing and only really had three rooms or something. Bah.

It rained all day too and it was freezing cold, and of course I didn't have an umbrella. Joy.

Afternoon we were supposed to visit a photo exhibition thing, but since pretty much all of it was outside, me and my friends decided to just go to a small café place and drink a hot chocolate and eat "poffertjes" (small crêpe like thingies). Got home again at 6.


And now I wanted to do some art stuff, only to find my good tablet is missing its pen. Actually it's already missing the second pen for it (which was a spare one from my old tablet). Buying a new one is really expensive. Fuck. =(

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Days been good, half spent in work and half spent at home. Work in the morning was good enough, had enough to keep me busy all morning.


Afternoon was where the fun began as such. Started on Fable II today, and loving it. Downloaded Darth Vader for SCIV, much better than Yoda i might add. And watched the next in my Bond movies, On Her Majesties Secret Service review of which in the usual topic.

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pssh! I like them damnit woman, it's him that doesn't! :blank:


or man, I dread to think who is controlling letty at this moment in time..


John the baptist is. From my bowels.


Well basically, there's two laptops, and stef's on one. Theyre both on my account and madness is ensuing. Oh god.

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Thank you Dante. I will think of you when I'm in bed at night, all alone.


EDIT: I don't need to think of you ReZ, I have videos.


Eh righto. :eek::shakehead:blank:


John the baptist is. From my bowels.


Well basically, there's two laptops, and stef's on one. Theyre both on my account and madness is ensuing. Oh god.


eh I didnt know that you can have two people on the same account at the same time on two different computer systems. :confused:

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I hate beaurocracy.


Got to the station and they said, just buy your ticket on the train as it was packed and only one desk was open.


No ticket man came, so I talked to the people at the gates and they said I should have gone looking for him. Well thanks for telling me afterwards. So they made me pay twenty quid to let me through the gates.


Luckily I had money on my Oyster to get me to Liverpool Street. Bought another ticket there for £12.50.


A journey that should have been £30.30, cost £32.50 plus money out of my oyster. it's not much but it has put me in a right bad mood :/



EDIT: On top of that I woke up to find my heatsink had broken off my mobo. Not been my day !_!

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