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My day has been a pain, as has the last few days. I'm trying to play Mercenaries 2 at work and we only have preview code which keeps frickin freezing! I've played through the first 30 per cent or so about 5 times now thinking i could avoid it breaking down on me, but no, it always crashes somehow.


Deadline next wednesday :( EA suck balls. If i dont get review code tomorrow i'm going to be so pissed off.

  ReZourceman said:
Pics. Right now.


Righto, here they be. For some reason the gloss varnish doesn't seem to go well with the flash, so the texture seems weird. They look better in the physical form.


The Tactical Squad. Dubbed the Marvel Massive.




I know there's a bit on Vision which is unpainted. But I don't really like him enough to fix it.







We all know Wolverine was made to use a missile launcher.

  Noodleman said:
This is quite possibly the geekiest post I have ever made. But shouldnt Wolverine have you know lightning claws.

I did think of it. But I simply don't have any.

  Dan Dare said:
You just broke the space/nerd continuum guys.

Rather that than endorse weed my young companion.


Today has been pretty cool so far - I'm posting this from my shiny new psp which makes typing painfully slow :p Nice feature that I had completely forgotten about though, would have come in handy for pigeon / stunt maps for GTAIV:smile: Might have to go back and do that at some point...


It'd make more sense not having those 3 really evil villains there, but yeah.


They're very cool, and it's strangely amazing how they actually remind me of the original characters a lot. 9Except Wolvey and Carnage)

  Paj Meen Ah said:
It'd make more sense not having those 3 really evil villains there, but yeah.

Couldn't think of m/any other heroes I could be bothered to paint. Plus the one with the robe was begging for a Doom makeover.

  Dan Dare said:
I know you get a buzz off paint and glue fumes. Don't play coy...

These paints don't seem to have fumes. Glue on the other hand, I don't sniff the fumes [don't try getting me in the same boat as you, you strange substance engoring reprobate O_O] However, I do like sticking my fingers together, ripping them apart, and biting the dry shizzle off my fingers.


Capt. America, Dr Doom and Iron man look awesome. Venom looks more like Darth Vader on steroids though.


However, I do like sticking my fingers together, ripping them apart, and biting the dry shizzle off my fingers.


Works with substances other than glue.

  MoogleViper said:
Venom looks more like Darth Vader on steroids though.

Even before starting Venom I knew he wouldn't turn out as well as the others. Mainly because I can't highlight properly on black. I was looking through my "Ultimate Guides" to X-Men and Spiderman, for some inspiration. I did consider doing Doc Ock and the Scorpion, but I'd have to make the extra appendages, which I could do, but wasn't that bothered. I could make a Sinister Six in future. Making a Mysterio would be sexy.

Even before starting Venom I knew he wouldn't turn out as well as the others. Mainly because I can't highlight properly on black. I was looking through my "Ultimate Guides" to X-Men and Spiderman, for some inspiration. I did consider doing Doc Ock and the Scorpion, but I'd have to make the extra appendages, which I could do, but wasn't that bothered. I could make a Sinister Six in future. Making a Mysterio would be sexy.


I wasn't criticising by the way. It was nigh on impossible to make that figure look like Venom. You did a good job on the paintwork. It's just never going to look like Venom.


I could've done "better" per se. Four of them [Captain America, Vision, Iron Man, Spiderman] had been attempted before. But instead of following the armour as it was on the model, I did it as the character looked. Weird lines everywhere. Didn't look as good as they do now. But in theory I could add a bigger mouth on it.


Oh my god diemetrix that rules ^_^!


Getting my car back was interesting..my sister has always had problems with buying cars and ever since she's hated car dealerships like the one I got mine from, she also works at welcomefinance so she knows abit xD. She kept trying to get them to give me free petrol as apprently they had given me a busted bulb. Nice


Went to northwich and got myself measured at la senza, again. Originally my back size was apprently 34 (it's worked out by your waist where your boobs, or for the guys man boobs are, then you add 2!) and it was getting uncomfortable, so I kept trying a 36, thinking the uncomfortableness was because I'd gained abit of weight. Got myself measured...I was measured wrong in the first place, I'm actually 30" round so it makes me a 32, which is bloody small.


It made my day somewhat and I now feel more comfortable! I also bought the now 70 cd and found I'm turning into my sister more and more..eeep!

  nightwolf said:
Oh my god diemetrix that rules ^_^!


Getting my car back was interesting..my sister has always had problems with buying cars and ever since she's hated car dealerships like the one I got mine from, she also works at welcomefinance so she knows abit xD. She kept trying to get them to give me free petrol as apprently they had given me a busted bulb. Nice


Went to northwich and got myself measured at la senza, again. Originally my back size was apprently 34 (it's worked out by your waist where your boobs, or for the guys man boobs are, then you add 2!) and it was getting uncomfortable, so I kept trying a 36, thinking the uncomfortableness was because I'd gained abit of weight. Got myself measured...I was measured wrong in the first place, I'm actually 30" round so it makes me a 32, which is bloody small.


It made my day somewhat and I now feel more comfortable! I also bought the now 70 cd and found I'm turning into my sister more and more..eeep!


That's very small for your height. Especially considering that you are a (DD was it?). I'm surprised you can stand up.

Guest Jordan

32DD is actually pretty small for some one of Nightwolf's height i'd agree.


All this talk of boobs... Makes me want boobs... Hmm... *goes and finds Shorty*


I was technically an E, but now because I'm smaller I'm an 32F. Unfortunetly it's not really a proper guide because as the other girls will tell you la senzas bras are smaller than you think. So everywhere else I will be about D/DD.


I have to say guys I'm pretty impressed you understand!


/boob talk




Exam over, yes, but now i got to fix-up my essay for tomorrow -- discovered I seemingly didn't even save it on my 'pooter, so I gotta write it all up again. All 11 pages. I just want to get pissed and play rock band and gears of war while I still can, but nooooooooo.


Other news; I miss bewbs :( I hate you all.

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