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Had two odd dreams. One I can't remember now but the other my dad rang me up and just said "Im leaving the house" (umm basically not going to sell it, just abandon it). I told him to stop drinking and get some sleep.


Ummm did a bit of photoshopping. Went to town. Got called into work. Worked 6-10.30.


And I was talking to someone from work on facebook and she suddenly text me saying "I believe you are flirting with me." Blatantly wants me.

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Say yes damnit!


Everyone else is gone!


Yes, but now Miss C's thing has fallen through, I'm hosting the only event at all until well after you come back from Spain...


I've said no, I have until tomorrow to change my mind...

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Yes, but now Miss C's thing has fallen through, I'm hosting the only event at all until well after you come back from Spain...


I've said no, I have until tomorrow to change my mind...


You know that was my fault? whoops =[


Anyways, why aren't you gonna go? you should =]


Oh jezz my day! Exchanged 167 pounds into 200 euros, and went to work, then went to see Funeral for a Friend at an SU, they are starting small now their bigass label dropped them futureheads style..



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My brain is being very uncooperative. I'd like it to shut down for a while so I might stand a chance of not being incredibly tired at work tomorrow, but it's seemingly having none of it.


Also, prepare to have your perceptions blown away! Look at this smiley: :shakehead


Now imagine its mouth is actually a moustache. You'll never be able to look at it the same way again¹.



¹Not a guarantee.

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Guest Jordan

I had nothing and was up since 6am (for no reason..)


Don't suppose anyone has any experience with buying online at PC world? If so, how long exactly will they keep my order from being dispatched? Its been more than 24 hours now.

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Had today off as i couldn't be arsed to go to school to get moaned at. Spent the morning playing some Guitar Hero III and Metal Gear and also my official driving license arrived in the post :D


Tonight is the year 13's leavers party, although year 12 are allowed to go.

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I had nothing and was up since 6am (for no reason..)


Don't suppose anyone has any experience with buying online at PC world? If so, how long exactly will they keep my order from being dispatched? Its been more than 24 hours now.


I bought my PC from them online...I think it was like about 3 days, and then they said I could pick it up instore. (I did request to pick it up in store)


Dunno if that helps.

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Guest Jordan
I bought my PC from them online...I think it was like about 3 days, and then they said I could pick it up instore. (I did request to pick it up in store)


Dunno if that helps.


Hmm.... Interesting but at the same time fucking annoying.


Its been a day already, plus two more meaning it'll be Saturday it wouldn't be dispatched till Monday and i'll get it two days later on the Wednesday or Thursday.



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Had an awful day so far. My mum caused massive damage to my bank account. That's £1810 I've lent her that I'm not going to get back, of money I really don't have. That's more money than I've earned at this job which basically means I've worked 6 months with no pay...in fact, there has been a negative net effect. :cry:


If this was MGS4, you'd be seeing my stress level dropping rapidly now.


To top that off I was f*cking late to work because the entire District Line was closed...


Today is a day of epically painful proportions...

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Guest Stefkov

This morning I got up the earliest I've gotten up at about half 10. Did the usual morning rituals. Went to the Primary school down the road to pry on young kids/cast my vote on some electoral thing. Somthing about do we want a mayor to decide our decisions. I should've said no...

Last.fm is funny. Some Polish girl just puts in my shoutbox 'Hi'. I mean wtf.

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Totally lame rainy day day.


Got to see the ending of How I Met Your Mother though! Damn, why are these season endings so damn exciting... And why do they only start again in October?


Off to partay in Utrecht tonight, should be awesome!

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Ugh today has been as boring as usual.


The only mildly interesting thing Ive been doing is pretending to be a Polish girl and writing various things in peoples shoutboxes on Last.FM.


Me and a friend at work have been having an epic joke fest. It started off from me saying something that actually happened and then escalated.



I heard someone going for a poopies in the loo....they were squeezing so hard that they let out an "Eughh"



Not good.


I just went to the toilet and I had quite an impressive poo, so much so I let out a "Eughh"


But anyway I find it rather disturbing that there appeared to be somebody with their ears pressed against the door listening to me, sick!


When I heard this person make this "Eughh" noise, Ill admit I was rather worried. I heard his feet tapping and moving about rappidly and and saw the shadows fluster underneath the cubicle, then the noises stopped, and all I heard was a...groaning noise. I had finished my business at this point, so I did my flies up and was about to leave when I looked up...the fella was looking over the top of the cubicle watching me. I could only see his eyes and forehead, but he had brown hair, and as soon as I looked at him the groaning/moaning stopped and he stuck his head down!


Very worrying so I left straight away.


So anyway I went about my business and to be honest with you it was quite a relief to dispose of this escrement which must have weighed half a stone, having peered my head over the barrier I saw a brown haired chap wearing glasses and carrying cans of strongbow, bizzarley he appeared to be making an effort to inhale the smells i was producing, this would then be followed with a pleasured sounding groan.


Strange goings on indeed.....


Oh yeah I almost forgot one of the most important things that happened. So just before I realised I was being watched a waft of horrible stinkin' sh*t came under the cubicle and it was horrible, made me feel really sick I didnt understand how it was coming through and being so potent but then I noticed underneath the cubicle a hand as if it was cupping air and then letting it go underneath my cubicle! It was disgcusting!


I discovered something else about this chap who was quite clearly making some sort of sensual groan out of the perfectly natural flatulance that I let out in the toilet, in my effort to continue unnoticed I decided to simply listen under the toilet door, I could hear what sounded like "oh Vanden, calmly take me through D.O.B, thats it right there, oh it smells so good"


naturally I was very disturbed by the chain of events and just dont know where to go from here....


In my hasty exit from the toilet I kept checking behind me. Unfortunately I stumbled on the way back to the contact centre....(I actually dont know how I can continue this BTW...but Ill try) anyway so I fell over, and realised my shoe laces were un done. So I started to do them up when I felt the presence of someone watching me. I glanced behind my shoulder and all I could see was a hand flicking out behind the corner, rhymically every second or so at about waist height. I did my laces up as fast as I could and proceeded back.


Upon leaving the toilet I realised the strange chap who was gaining pleasure from my poo directly in front of me, in my desperate struggle to keep this story going I saw the guy doing his shoelaces up, but that's not all! I mean, who does their shoelaces up with their trousers down? He was muttering something about "releasing his funds" and "completing a full surrender". Bizzare terminology and I can't help but think he was trying to suggest something else....


Whilst I was doing my laces up I was in quite a fluster, wanting to get away from my terrible ordeal in the toilet asap. I must have forgotten to do my button up, as I noticed my trousers had fallen down. This certainly explained what I had seen behind the corner. As soon as I noticed I pulled them up, but as I pulled them up I saw the mystery stalker behind me, clearly there with his back to me. He was fully clothed, but had a dirty piece of toilet paper in his hand, and was rubbing himself in a clockwise motion on the wall. I was absolutely stunned.


As I walked past the spot where the guy was "tying his laces" I noticed 1 solid turd just sitting there in the middle of the corridoor, this would obviousy explain why his trousers were down but it doesn't answer what he actually did in toilet initially. Was he there to enjoy the smells I was making, was this arousing him? and Did he find it necessary to mark his territory on the floor?


I had just reached the contact centre when I looked down, only to realise I had left my cider cans in the toilet hung up in the cubicle. I tutted and made my way back to the toilet to retrieve my purchases. On the way there I stopped in my tracks. On the floor was the strange man, he seemed to be kneeling down and stroking a hamster. I slowed down to a steady stroll instead of a brisk jog, and as I got closer it became clear that this was no hamster, but infact a single turd, that he was stroking. I was very shocked and suprised to see this, and I slowly moved forward hoping he wouldnt spot me.


I give up


that's exactly how it happened


you've been a great audience


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Guest Stefkov
Ugh today has been as boring as usual.


The only mildly interesting thing Ive been doing is pretending to be a Polish girl and writing various things in peoples shoutboxes on Last.FM.

I would've believed that if not for the fact that I apparently have a 'Super' match in taste.

And everything else on her page which would suggest she's genuinely Polish. Good try though:wink:

Totally bland day for me, no sunshine, no rain.

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