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Lazy morning.


Got myself looking sharp (seriously, I looked hot today) and went to what will be work and checked my hours. 18ish next week and they shall train me on the bar. Don't want to work but needs money! Went to see my mom at her work. Had a very weak choc frappe from Nero, was not impressed. Read.


And im going to spend my evening looking into ISAs so will probably kill myself from dullness.


Trying to decide what to watch tonight; Howl's (for the comfort and magicalness), Grave of the Fireflies (for the comfort and awesomeness) or Akira (because I need to watch it again but last time it made me uncomfortable...). Or start on the next TV series I want to watch through. Which'll be either Jekyll or Big Love. This is how exciting my summer shall be :p

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Lazy morning.


Got myself looking sharp (seriously, I looked hot today) and went to what will be work and checked my hours. 18ish next week and they shall train me on the bar. Don't want to work but needs money! Went to see my mom at her work. Had a very weak choc frappe from Nero, was not impressed. Read.


And im going to spend my evening looking into ISAs so will probably kill myself from dullness.


Trying to decide what to watch tonight; Howl's (for the comfort and magicalness), Grave of the Fireflies (for the comfort and awesomeness) or Akira (because I need to watch it again but last time it made me uncomfortable...). Or start on the next TV series I want to watch through. Which'll be either Jekyll or Big Love. This is how exciting my summer shall be :p


Grave Of The FireFlies is incredibly sad! :( Excellent though.....

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It was really good actually..haven't been there for say 10 years...i didn't realise how much walking you had to do..i'm sure i walked about 2 miles (slight exaggeration there..lol).


Some of the monkeys were amazingly cute..and there was this one meercat sitting on it's arse like it was on a chair with it's tail between it's leg.which made me laugh.


Also saw the White Tiger..which is amazingly rare! None have been seen in the wild since 1951 or something apparently..


Sounds rather awesome. Meer cats rock beyond belief, they're just so utterly cute in every way possible. :yay:

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I actually had a good day today. Things might be about to stop being so awful!


I was finally able to speak to the bank and get a resolution sorted for my debt issue, which was getting seriously bad (the bank wanted £1200 by the 8th). Now all is sorted. And to fix it i've had to give up my flat and my car... :(

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I sat one of the hardest exams in my life today; AS Latin.


Then, I get home, and I find out the school has phoned, and they had just realised there was a mistake with the timetable blocking for subjects next year - and I can't do A-Level Latin because it clashes with A-Level maths.



So basically, the exam I sat today is totally pointless, because an AS is worth less than a higher.



I just feel so pissed off right now. I've said to the guy that manages the timetables for literally 2 years that I wanted to do Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry and Latin A-Levels. And just NOW he tells me he can't accomodate for that.



And then, it just gets worse. My favourite chemistry teacher, and the only decent science teacher in the school is leaving at the end of this year. I now no longer have any interest in doing A-Level chemistry, since I detest both of the other teachers that teach exam chemistry.



Now I have to make a descision before Friday about which subjects I'm taking next year - which basically means I have to choose to do a crash-course subject, or do A Level French which I'll struggle to get a B in.



I just hate shit.

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math exams day.

It seems Im the unluckiest person in the world. I was 100% ready and BY THE FUCKING TIME I ENTERED THE CLASS...a shit came.



I was like "gnnnnn 64 plus 3 equals to...AH!"

poor me.

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Urgh it rained all day! We had pure awesome weather for the past two days and now its pissing it down from the heavens.


I had a half day at work and went subway-ing with darksnowman.


Picross didn't come today and i was well pissed off :(


It pissed it down constantly here yesterday, it didn' stop once. Today's been really decent though, pretty bluddy warm infact.


I went to Subway for the first time ever last week. :o I need to go again, my taste buds are crying out for another.




This smiley thing is really annoying, some are still not showing up.

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Guest Stefkov
math exams day.

It seems Im the unluckiest person in the world. I was 100% ready and BY THE FUCKING TIME I ENTERED THE CLASS...a shit came.



I was like "gnnnnn 64 plus 3 equals to...AH!"

poor me.

Haha. That sounds worse than the time I managed to get a nosebleed in a class test in R.E in high school. I think I used the paper we had to write on to stop the blood flow.

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It pissed it down constantly here yesterday, it didn' stop once. Today's been really decent though, pretty bluddy warm infact.


I went to Subway for the first time ever last week. :o I need to go again, my taste buds are crying out for another.




This smiley thing is really annoying, some are still not showing up.


We had a friggin' heatwave on Monday and Tuesday, it was like 23 degrees. The day I take time off its pissin down, just my luck.


Subway is awesome, try the steak and cheese, with peppered cheese! Delightfulll!

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I actually had a good day today. Things might be about to stop being so awful!


I was finally able to speak to the bank and get a resolution sorted for my debt issue, which was getting seriously bad (the bank wanted £1200 by the 8th). Now all is sorted. And to fix it i've had to give up my flat and my car... :(


Oh no! I'm sorry about your car and flat hun :(

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Oh no! I'm sorry about your car and flat hun :(



I'm going to miss them, but I think the lack of financial stress will balance that out. In 2 years I'll be financially sorted out. Yay!

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a friend of mine had pierced his arm just like this. It soon was infected.


probably because he didn't look after it or annoyed it in some way, what annoys me is that doctors tell you to remove piercing when infected, which is the exact opposite of what you should do because if it heals over whilst infected it traps the infection..


grr doctors :heh:




looks great letty ^_^ surface piercings always look nice

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Letty! what a lovely octopus!


how do you get them out?


Oh and for those that care, i am suffering from rage against the everything, that is/was my day, i got up at 9 am, drove into SCHOOL and sat there for 3 hours doing computing papers, then! i went to the local libarararay and did the same thing, but in a noisier place.


The rage post is to follow.

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probably because he didn't look after it or annoyed it in some way, what annoys me is that doctors tell you to remove piercing when infected, which is the exact opposite of what you should do because if it heals over whilst infected it traps the infection..



oh fuck...

*Im making a note here : kill your doctor the day after tomorrow [ ]*

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oh fuck...

*Im making a note here : kill your doctor the day after tomorrow [ ]*


haha I don't understand why doctors don't know but then most doctors (i say most there's a few that are actually very understanding) don't know jack about piercings, infections are easily treated if you ask them for antibiotics and there's no need to remove it ^_^.


anyway I need to stop my preachin'!

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haha I don't understand why doctors don't know but then most doctors (i say most there's a few that are actually very understanding) don't know jack about piercings, infections are easily treated if you ask them for antibiotics and there's no need to remove it ^_^.


anyway I need to stop my preachin'!



but this is the problem here! I HAVE removed it! sniff...I trusted him

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haha I don't understand why doctors don't know but then most doctors (i say most there's a few that are actually very understanding) don't know jack about piercings, infections are easily treated if you ask them for antibiotics and there's no need to remove it ^_^.


anyway I need to stop my preachin'!


Thing is wolfy you are more than right. A dr would tell you to take it out asap, when in fact the ring/stud acts as a drain and is vital for healing.


I took my ear piercings out when they were infected (due to the allergy to the studs - no choice really) and they took a good 8 months to heal properly. I had a bubble of infection in my ear >_>


On that note, I still have this fucker of a spot on my nose piercing. It keeps bleeding, but the piercing is past that first stage of healing, when you can move the ring around without much crap coming out. I'm scared that the blood will get in it and get infected. What a pain. Its getting to a point that its annoying the other hole beside it :(

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Yay, today I received my first ever payment from RedBubble! €21.76 to be precise. Nothing too big, but it's a nice start. ^____^

Lots of thanks to Coolness Bears and Aimless for buying a t-shirt!




Other than that, I'm a bit in panic mode (these pills against stress don't help!), as I really don't have enough time to study all the stuff I need to. So far I've only been able to finish reading through two of my subjects. That leaves three more subjects, plus the fact I haven't actually started remembering it all. D:


Back to work for me then. Psychology, here I come! :shakehead

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My day has been shit so far, you know when you wake up and your still tired and your eyes ache. I'm feeling that right now, got an exam at 9.. and I feel under prepared, hopefully the Lucozade I've just drank kicks in soon.

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